从零开始的算法题生活 (二)

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Little Hi is playing a video game. Each time he accomplishes a quest in the game, Little Hi has a chance to get a legendary item.

At the beginning the probability is P%. Each time Little Hi accomplishes a quest without getting a legendary item, the probability will go up Q%. Since the probability is getting higher he will get a legendary item eventually.

After getting a legendary item the probability will be reset to ⌊P/(2I)⌋% (⌊x⌋ represents the largest integer no more than x) where I is the number of legendary items he already has. The probability will also go up Q% each time Little Hi accomplishes a quest until he gets another legendary item.

Now Little Hi wants to know the expected number of quests he has to accomplish to get N legendary items.

Assume P = 50, Q = 75 and N = 2, as the below figure shows the expected number of quests is

2*50%25% + 350%*75%100% + 350%*100%25% + 450%*100%*75%*100% = 3.25


The first line contains three integers P, Q and N.

1 ≤ N ≤ 106, 0 ≤ P ≤ 100, 1 ≤ Q ≤ 100


Output the expected number of quests rounded to 2 decimal places.


50 75 2




小嗨玩电子游戏。 每当他在游戏中完成任务时,小嗨都有机会获得一个传奇的物品。

一开始概率为 P%。 每次 Little Hi 完成任务而没有获得传奇物品,概率将上升 Q%。 由于概率越来越高,他最终会得到一个传奇物品。

获得传奇物品后,概率将重置为⌊P/(2I)⌋%(⌊x⌋表示最大整数,不超过 x),其中我是其已有的传奇物品的数量。 每当 Little Hi 完成任务时,概率也将上升 Q%,直到他获得另一个传奇物品。

现在,小嗨想知道他要完成的 N 个传奇物品的预期数量。

假设 P = 50,Q = 75,N = 2,如下图所示,预期的任务数是

2 * 50%* 25%+ 3 * 50%* 75%* 100%+ 3 * 50%* 100%* 25%+ 4 * 50%* 100%* 75%* 100%= 3.25


分析题可知,此题目实际上是让求获得 N 个物品所需进行任务的数学期望,很容易看出获得每个物品的概率是独立事件,故每个物品的期望叠加即为 N 个物品所需进行任务的数学期望
代码如下:(gcc 6.3.1)

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdbool.h> double getNextLegend(int p,double q); double getNextLegend(int p,double q){ double ration_p=1.0*p/100; double needQuest=1; double another=1; while(true){ another*=(1-ration_p); needQuest+=another; ration_p+=q; if(ration_p>=1.0) break; } return needQuest; } int main(void){ int P,Q,N; int i; scanf("%d %d %d",&P,&Q,&N); double result=0.0; double ration_Q=1.0*Q/100; for(i=0;i<N;i++){ double getLegend=getNextLegend(P,ration_Q); result+=getLegend; P/=2; } printf("%.2f",result); return 0; }



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  • yiranblade

    标题随便起了下,从零开始意在开始练习的意思 ^_^