InfiniCLOUD account registration is complete!

Your InfiniCLOUD account has been created. Let's use the InfiniCLOUD from the following menu.

File browser

Easy upload by dragging and dropping the data. The purpose of the data in the icon display is also easier to find.

A high-performance
Image viewer

Display with optimal image size for the device. Draw quickly and cleanly.

Anytime and anywhere
Connect with your data

Smartphone, PC, smartphone tablet. In all the places that connect to the Internet.

Use your favorite apps

Select the best app from among many applications that lead to InfiniCLOUD

Upload (backup) your data

Step. 1

Click the folder icon to access the File browser.

Step. 2

Log in with a user ID and password of InfiniCLOUD.

Step. 3

To upload the data to a file browser, drag and drop the data.

Step. 4

In the case of smartphone and select the file from the upload icon.

»How to use

Confirm image with Image viewer.

Step. 1

Image viewer will start when you double-click the image file.

Step. 2

How to use image viewer is here

Check your account information

Step. 1

To access the My Page, click on the My Page button.

Step. 2

In my page you can check or change your usage. For a detailed description of my page is here.

Upload without worrying about the remaining capacity

InfiniCLOUD is upgradeable to 300GB ~ maximum 10TB.