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The purpose of this plugin is to extend the capabilities of the plugin to the global scope, making it easier for users to develop "micro-plugins" within SiYuan to enhance its functionality.

1. Run a Code Block

Basic Usage

  1. Create a JavaScript code block.
  2. Click on "Block Menu -> Run JS -> Run Code".
  3. The plugin will automatically execute the code within the code block.

In addition, you can also run JS code blocks using keyboard shortcuts. Simply place the cursor inside the code block and press alt + F5 to run the current code block.

Here is a sample test case:

async function main() {
    const response = await client.pushMsg({
      msg: "This is a notification message",
      timeout: 7000,
plugin.saveAction(, "Test Code");

In the plugin code block environment, several accessible objects are available:

  • siyuan: The siyuan module of the plugin.
  • plugin: The this object of the RunJs plugin.
  • thisBlock: The block object of the current code block.
  • client: An instance of client from @siyuan-community/siyuan-sdk.
  • api: An object that encapsulates some core API functions, see plugin-sample-vite.
  • args: The list of parameters passed when calling, which is an empty list [] during normal execution of the code block.

External APIs

The following APIs can be called directly through the plugin object.

  • runCodeBlock

    public runCodeBlock(id: BlockId)

    Run a JavaScript block with the given ID.

  • runJsCode

    public async runJsCode(code: string): Promise<any>

    Run code asynchronously.

  • runJsCodeAsync

    Same as runJsCode.

  • runJsCodeSync

    public runJsCodeSync(code: string): any

    Run code synchronously.

2. Registering Code Blocks to the Top Bar

To add the current block to the top bar for quick access, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Block Menu" -> "Run JS" -> "Add to Top Bar".
  2. Before adding it to the top bar, make sure to set the name of the code block.

The following APIs can be called directly through the plugin object.

  • saveAction

    public saveAction(blockId: BlockId, title?: string, sort?: number)

    Save the code block with the specified blockId. The saved action can be triggered quickly through the top bar menu button.

    • blockId: The ID of the specified code block.
    • title: The title of the action. If left empty, the block name will be used. If the name is empty, the block ID will be used.
    • sort: Sorting order.
  • removeAction

    public removeAction(blockId: BlockId)

    Remove the action.

3. Registering Code Blocks as Callable Methods

Sometimes, users may want their code blocks to be callable methods that can be used by other code blocks. In the plugin, you can use the<name>) syntax to call other code blocks as functions."Func", "args1", "args2");

To register a code block as a callable "function", follow these steps:

  1. Create a new code block:

    siyuan.showMessage(`${args[0]} say ${args[1]}`);
    return 'ok!';

    Note the use of args, which will be an array of parameters passed when calling the function.

  2. Set the name of the code block as Func.

  3. Save it as a callable method.

  4. Call the Func function using the following format:

    const main = async () => {
        let ans = await'Func', 'I', 'hello');
        siyuan.showMessage("Return" + ans, 5000);

The following API can be called directly through the plugin object:

public async call(callableId: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>

4. globalThis.runJs

For greater flexibility, this plugin exposes a runJs object in the global scope. You can directly access the runJs object in the console, which contains all the objects exposed to code blocks (except args and thisBlock).

With the runJs object, you can even use it in SiYuan's built-in code snippets to automatically execute certain functionalities when SiYuan starts. Here's an example that you can try by placing it in SiYuan's settings under "Appearance" -> "Code Snippets" -> "JS":

runJs.siyuan.showMessage('Hello from code snippet!', 3000);

This will display a message in SiYuan for 3 seconds when SiYuan starts.

Note: The runJs object is not available for use within code blocks. It is meant for use in SiYuan's built-in code snippets and the console.

const waitForRunJs = async (maxAttempts) => {
  let attempts = 0;

  while (attempts < maxAttempts) {
    if (globalThis?.runJs !== undefined) {
      console.debug("Detect runJS!");
      return true;
    await new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(resolve, 5000);

  return false;

waitForRunJs(5).then((flag) => {
    if (flag === false) return;
    //Your code here...

5. Binding to SiYuan's Event Bus

The plugin object of RunJs provides two methods for binding and unbinding event handlers to/from SiYuan's event bus:

  • onEvent

    public onEvent(event: any, func: (event: CustomEvent<any>) => any)
  • offEvent

    public offEvent(event: any)

These two methods work similarly to the plugin.eventBus.on and off methods but provide a safer and more convenient way to use them. When calling the onEvent method repeatedly, the plugin will automatically unregister the previous event handlers. Additionally, when the plugin is unloaded (onunload), it will automatically unregister all event handlers bound using this interface.

Other APIs


public addProtyleSlash(slash: {
    filter: string[],
    html: string,
    id: string,
    callback(protyle: Protyle): void,

public removeProtyleSlash(id: string)

This API allows you to add a / menu item to your plugin. The addProtyleSlash method automatically checks if the id is already used.


public async createRunButton(id: BlockId, title?: string)

Pass the ID of the JavaScript block (id) and an optional title for the button (title).
