2023-11-15 10:03隐藏最后一个面包屑,复制加到设置-外观-代码片段中
.protyle-breadcrumb__bar>span:last-child { opacity: 0; } .protyle-breadcrumb__bar>span:last-child:hover { opacity: 1; }
2023-11-11 11:33可以用 query 挂件配合这个大佬分享的语法,查找每月你新建文档的名字,然后挨个删
SELECT "[" || content|| "](siyuan://blocks/" || id || ")" as __02____pre__page, --created as __01____date__创建日期, case lag(substr(created,5,2),1,0) over(order by created desc) when substr(created,5,2) then '' else substr(created,5,2) end as __01____raw__月份, (select count(1) from refs as r where r.def_block_id = b.id ) as 被引数, (select count(1) from refs as r where r.root_id = b.id ) as 正引数 --updated as __03____date__更新日期, FROM blocks as b WHERE type = 'd' and content not regexp '^(\d+[\.-]?)+$' and box = '20220429084845-0hm4w9v' -- and content not in ('todo') -- 排除的笔记 ;
2023-11-08 11:48这是放在 onedrive 里的 xlsx 文件,修改后保存同步,然后 WPS 在同步时打开显示的锁定。并不是不存在,只是你没遇到罢了。