按说本地测试的时候不用修改配置文件,通过使用说明运行本地测试,结果显示 staticServePath 配置错误,不知什么原因,求解答。
jdk 7
sdk 1.8.6
B3blog 0.6.1 通过百度网盘下载。
B3blog 本地测试显示 staticServePath 配置错误
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cdmaam •
#### Server #### # Configures the followings before deploy serverScheme=http serverHost= serverPort=8080 staticServerScheme=http staticServerHost= staticServerPort=8080 # Note: The context path and static path should be "" if deploy app on ROOT. For other cases, starts with '/' # and not ends with '/', for example, /blog contextPath=/blog staticPath=/blog
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