Java 里的阻塞队列之 DelayQueue

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DelayQueue 是一个支持延时获取元素的无界阻塞队列。队列使用 PriorityQueue 来实现。队列中的元素必须实现 Delayed 接口,在创建元素时可以指定多久才能从队列中获取当前元素。只有在延迟期满时才能从队列中提取元素。我们可以将 DelayQueue 运用在以下应用场景:

  • 缓存系统的设计:可以用 DelayQueue 保存缓存元素的有效期,使用一个线程循环查询 DelayQueue,一旦能从 DelayQueue 中获取元素时,表示缓存有效期到了。
  • 定时任务调度。使用 DelayQueue 保存当天将会执行的任务和执行时间,一旦从 DelayQueue 中获取到任务就开始执行,比如 TimerQueue 就是使用 DelayQueue 实现的。
  • 其中 DelayQueue 的 take 方法,该方法获取并移除此队列的头部,在可从此队列获得延迟到期的元素之前会一直等待(即阻塞)

  • poll():获取并移除此队列的头,如果此队列不包含具有已到期延迟时间的元素,则返回 null。(非阻塞)

  • peek():获取但不移除此队列的头部;如果此队列为空,则返回 null。与 poll 不同,如果队列中没有到期元素可用,则此方法返回下一个将到期的元素(如果存在一个这样的元素)。

  • getDelay(),它可以用来告知延迟到期还有多长时间,或者延迟在多长时间之前已经到期;

  • compareTo 来指定元素的顺序, 比如让延时时间最长的放在队列的末尾;

	public int compareTo(Delayed other) {
           if (other == this) // compare zero ONLY if same object
                return 0;
            if (other instanceof ScheduledFutureTask) {
                ScheduledFutureTask x = (ScheduledFutureTask)other;
                long diff = time - x.time;
                if (diff < 0)
                    return -1;
                else if (diff > 0)
                    return 1;
	   else if (sequenceNumber < x.sequenceNumber)
                    return -1;
                    return 1;
            long d = (getDelay(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) -
            return (d == 0) ? 0 : ((d < 0) ? -1 : 1);


  • DelayedTask Code
class DelayedTask implements Runnable, Delayed {

    private static int counter = 0;
    private final int id = counter++;
    private final int delayTime;
    private final long triggerTime;
    public DelayedTask(int delayInMillis) {
        delayTime = delayInMillis;
        triggerTime = System.nanoTime() + NANOSECONDS.convert(delayTime, MILLISECONDS);

	public int compareTo(Delayed o) {
        DelayedTask that = (DelayedTask)o;
        if (triggerTime < that.triggerTime) return -1;
        if (triggerTime > that.triggerTime) return 1;
        return 0;

	 * 剩余的延迟时间 */  @Override
	public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(triggerTime - System.nanoTime(), NANOSECONDS);

	public void run() {
        System.out.println(this + " ");

	public String toString() {
        return String.format("[%1$-4d]", delayTime) + " Task " + id;

    public static class EndSentinel extends DelayedTask {
        private ExecutorService exec;
        public EndSentinel(int delay, ExecutorService exec) {
            this.exec = exec;
		public void run() {
            System.out.println(this + " calling shutDownNow()");
  • DelayedTaskConsumer Code
class DelayedTaskConsumer implements Runnable {
    private DelayQueue tasks;
    public DelayedTaskConsumer(DelayQueue tasks) {
        this.tasks = tasks;
	public void run() {
        try {
            while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
                tasks.take().run();//run tasks with current thread.
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // TODO: handle exception
        System.out.println("Finished DelaytedTaskConsumer.");
  • Main code
public class DelayQueueDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int maxDelayTime = 5000;//milliseconds
		Random random = new Random(47);
        ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
        DelayQueue<DelayedTask> queue = new DelayQueue<DelayedTask>();
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            queue.put(new DelayedTask(random.nextInt(maxDelayTime)));
		queue.add(new DelayedTask.EndSentinel(maxDelayTime, exec));
        exec.execute(new DelayedTaskConsumer(queue));


[200 ] Task 7 
[429 ] Task 5 
[555 ] Task 1 
[961 ] Task 4 
[1207] Task 9 
[1693] Task 2 
[1861] Task 3 
[4258] Task 0 
[4522] Task 8 
[4868] Task 6 
[5000] Task 10 calling shutDownNow()

Example2 :模拟一个考试的日子,考试时间为 120 分钟,30 分钟后才可交卷,当时间到了,或学生都交完卷了考试结束。

  • 这个场景中几个点需要注意:
  1. 考试时间为 120 分钟,30 分钟后才可交卷,初始化考生完成试卷时间最小应为 30 分钟
  2. 对于能够在 120 分钟内交卷的考生,如何实现这些考生交卷
  3. 对于 120 分钟内没有完成考试的考生,在 120 分钟考试时间到后需要让他们强制交卷
  4. 在所有的考生都交完卷后,需要将控制线程关闭
  • 实现思想:用 DelayQueue 存储考生(Student 类),每一个考生都有自己的名字和完成试卷的时间,Teacher 线程对 DelayQueue 进行监控,收取完成试卷小于 120 分钟的学生的试卷。当考试时间 120 分钟到时,先关闭 Teacher 线程,然后强制 DelayQueue 中还存在的考生交卷。每一个考生交卷都会进行一次 countDownLatch.countDown(),当 countDownLatch.await()不再阻塞说明所有考生都交完卷了,而后结束考试。
  • Student code
class Student implements Runnable,Delayed {

    private String name;
    private long workTime;
    private long submitTime;
    private boolean isForce = false;
    private CountDownLatch countDownLatch;

    public Student(){}

    public Student(String name,long workTime,CountDownLatch countDownLatch){ = name;
        this.workTime = workTime;
        this.submitTime = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(workTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)+System.nanoTime();
        this.countDownLatch = countDownLatch;

	public int compareTo(Delayed o) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
	  if(o == null || ! (o instanceof Student)) return 1;
        if(o == this) return 0;
        Student s = (Student)o;
        if (this.workTime > s.workTime) {
            return 1;
        }else if (this.workTime == s.workTime) {
            return 0;
        }else {
            return -1;

	public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
	  return unit.convert(submitTime - System.nanoTime(),  TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

	public void run() {
	  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
	  if (isForce) {
            System.out.println(name + " 交卷, 希望用时" + workTime + "分钟"+" ,实际用时 120分钟" );
        }else {
            System.out.println(name + " 交卷, 希望用时" + workTime + "分钟"+" ,实际用时 "+workTime +" 分钟");

    public boolean isForce() {
        return isForce;

    public void setForce(boolean isForce) {
        this.isForce = isForce;

  • Teacher Code
class Teacher implements Runnable{

    private DelayQueue students;
    public Teacher(DelayQueue students){
        this.students = students;

	public void run() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
		try {
            System.out.println(" test start");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

  • EndExam Code
class EndExam extends Student{

    private DelayQueue<Student> students;
    private CountDownLatch countDownLatch;
    private Thread teacherThread;

    public EndExam(DelayQueue<Student> students, long workTime, CountDownLatch countDownLatch,Thread teacherThread) {
        super("强制收卷", workTime,countDownLatch);
        this.students = students;
        this.countDownLatch = countDownLatch;
        this.teacherThread = teacherThread;

	public void run() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        Student tmpStudent;
        for (Iterator<Student> iterator2 = students.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
            tmpStudent =;

  • Main Code
public class Exam {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
		int studentNumber = 20;
        CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(studentNumber+1);
        DelayQueue< Student> students = new DelayQueue();
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < studentNumber; i++) {
            students.put(new Student("student"+(i+1), 30+random.nextInt(120),countDownLatch));
        Thread teacherThread =new Thread(new Teacher(students));
        students.put(new EndExam(students, 120,countDownLatch,teacherThread));
        System.out.println(" 考试时间到,全部交卷!");

  • 输出结果
 test start
student16 交卷, 希望用时37分钟 ,实际用时 37 分钟
student2 交卷, 希望用时39分钟 ,实际用时 39 分钟
student12 交卷, 希望用时40分钟 ,实际用时 40 分钟
student11 交卷, 希望用时47分钟 ,实际用时 47 分钟
student4 交卷, 希望用时53分钟 ,实际用时 53 分钟
student6 交卷, 希望用时55分钟 ,实际用时 55 分钟
student20 交卷, 希望用时74分钟 ,实际用时 74 分钟
student19 交卷, 希望用时85分钟 ,实际用时 85 分钟
student15 交卷, 希望用时85分钟 ,实际用时 85 分钟
student3 交卷, 希望用时88分钟 ,实际用时 88 分钟
student9 交卷, 希望用时93分钟 ,实际用时 93 分钟
student14 交卷, 希望用时114分钟 ,实际用时 114 分钟
student18 交卷, 希望用时117分钟 ,实际用时 117 分钟
student5 交卷, 希望用时121分钟 ,实际用时 120分钟
student1 交卷, 希望用时122分钟 ,实际用时 120分钟
student13 交卷, 希望用时123分钟 ,实际用时 120分钟
student10 交卷, 希望用时133分钟 ,实际用时 120分钟
student17 交卷, 希望用时148分钟 ,实际用时 120分钟
student8 交卷, 希望用时135分钟 ,实际用时 120分钟
student7 交卷, 希望用时138分钟 ,实际用时 120分钟

Example 3: 清理过期时间的缓存:向缓存添加内容时,给每一个 key 设定过期时间,系统自动将超过过期时间的 key 清除。

  • 这个场景中几个点需要注意:
  1. 当向缓存中添加 key-value 对时,如果这个 key 在缓存中存在并且还没有过期,需要用这个 key 对应的新过期时间
  2. 为了能够让 DelayQueue 将其已保存的 key 删除,需要重写实现 Delayed 接口添加到 DelayQueue 的 DelayedItem 的 hashCode 函数和 equals 函数
  3. 当缓存关闭,监控程序也应关闭,因而监控线程应当用守护线程
  • 具体实现如下:
class DelayedItem<T> implements Delayed {

    private******** T t;
    private long liveTime ;
    private long removeTime;

    public DelayedItem(T t,long liveTime){
        this.liveTime = liveTime;
        this.removeTime = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(liveTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) + System.nanoTime();

	public int compareTo(Delayed o) {
        if (o == null) return 1;
        if (o == this) return 0;
        if (o instanceof DelayedItem){
            DelayedItem<T> tmpDelayedItem = (DelayedItem<T>)o;
            if (liveTime > tmpDelayedItem.liveTime ) {
                return 1;
            }else if (liveTime == tmpDelayedItem.liveTime) {
                return 0;
            }else {
                return -1;
        long diff = getDelay(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) - o.getDelay(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        return diff > 0 ? 1:diff == 0? 0:-1;

	public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(removeTime - System.nanoTime(), unit);

    public T getT() {
        return t;

    public void setT(T t) {
        this.t = t;
	public int hashCode(){
        return t.hashCode();

	public boolean equals(Object object){
        if (object instanceof DelayedItem) {
            return object.hashCode() == hashCode() ?true:false;
        return false;


public class Cache<K, V> {

    public ConcurrentHashMap<K, V> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<K, V>();
    public DelayQueueK>> queue = new DelayQueueK>>();

    public void put(K k,V v,long liveTime){
        V v2 = map.put(k, v);
        DelayedItem<K> tmpItem = new DelayedItem<K>(k, liveTime);
        if (v2 != null) {

    public Cache(){
        Thread t = new Thread(){
			public void run(){

    public void dameonCheckOverdueKey(){
        while (true) {
            DelayedItem<K> delayedItem = queue.poll();
            if (delayedItem != null) {
                System.out.println(System.nanoTime()+" remove "+delayedItem.getT() +" from cache");
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: handle exception

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        Random random = new Random();
        int cacheNumber = 10;
        int liveTime = 0;
        Cache cache = new Cache();

        for (int i = 0; i < cacheNumber; i++) {
            liveTime = random.nextInt(3000);
            System.out.println(i+"  "+liveTime);
            cache.put(i+"", i, random.nextInt(liveTime));
            if (random.nextInt(cacheNumber) > 7) {
                liveTime = random.nextInt(3000);
                System.out.println(i+"  "+liveTime);
                cache.put(i+"", i, random.nextInt(liveTime));



  • 输出结果:
0  1427
0  2382
1  1520
2  990
3  2109
3  2726
4  306
5  2166
5  2473
6  231
7  672
8  485
9  2127
1362291709176994 remove 1 from cache
1362292012899275 remove 4 from cache
1362292314446757 remove 6 from cache
1362292619465248 remove 7 from cache
1362292924508940 remove 8 from cache
1362293229379108 remove 9 from cache
1362293533474043 remove 3 from cache
1362293836015945 remove 2 from cache
1362294140880042 remove 0 from cache



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