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  1. 做数据准备,对排重值做hash,由计算原值改为计算hash后的值. 
  2. 使用基数估计(cardinality counting),来做近似计算


1. 解读Cardinality Estimation算法(第一部分:基本概念)


  • murmurhash32
  • murmurhash64








  • Linear Counting
  • LogLog Counting
  • Adaptive Counting
  • HyperLogLog Counting
  • HyerLogLog++ Counting

Linear Counting



误差:令t=n/m,则 Bias(E(n)/n)=E(E(n)/n)=(e^t-t-1)/(2n)

即:n越大, m与n接近时,误差才小。


原理:详见 解读Cardinality Estimation算法(第二部分:Linear Counting)




LogLog Counting

LogLog Counting(LLC)与LC相比,能够指数级的节省内存,即空间复杂度为O(log2(log2(Nmax)))。比如,基数的上限为1亿时,bitmap需要12.5M内存,LC只需要不到1K(640字节)的内存,同时标准误差不超过4%。




缺点:n不是特别大时,误差过大。改善方法为HyperLogLog Counting和Adaptive Counting算法。

原理:详见解读Cardinality Estimation算法(第三部分:LogLog Counting)

HyperLogLog Counting

(HLL在线DEMO) Sketch of the Day: HyperLogLog


Counter Bytes Used Count Error
HashSet 10447016 67801 0%
Linear 3384 67080 1%
HyperLogLog 512 70002 3%

优点:内存占用 loglog(Nmax)+O(1) bits


原理:详见[转]高压缩空间占用的 Hyper LogLog 算法

Adaptive Counting

原理:详见解读Cardinality Estimation算法(第四部分:HyperLogLog Counting及Adaptive Counting)


1. 五种常用基数估计算法效果实验及实践建议

2. HLL++算法:14年3个Google工程师做的,论文在:http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/fr//pubs/archive/40671.pdf

3. New cardinality estimation algorithms for HyperLogLog sketches论文,17年另一个Google工程师 Otmar Ertl做的。

4. 听TalkingData张宁讲海量数据OLAP分析实践

5. 神奇的HyperLogLog算法



Linear Counting with Murmurhash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 50062, error: 0.12%

actual: 100000, estimated: 99924, error: 0.08%

actual: 150000, estimated: 149865, error: 0.09%

actual: 200000, estimated: 199916, error: 0.04%

actual: 250000, estimated: 250123, error: 0.05%

actual: 300000, estimated: 299942, error: 0.02%

actual: 350000, estimated: 349801, error: 0.06%

actual: 400000, estimated: 400101, error: 0.03%

actual: 450000, estimated: 449955, error: 0.01%

actual: 500000, estimated: 500065, error: 0.01%

Linear Counting with Lookup3hash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 49835, error: 0.33%

actual: 100000, estimated: 99461, error: 0.54%

actual: 150000, estimated: 149006, error: 0.66%

actual: 200000, estimated: 198501, error: 0.75%

actual: 250000, estimated: 248365, error: 0.65%

actual: 300000, estimated: 298065, error: 0.65%

actual: 350000, estimated: 347504, error: 0.71%

actual: 400000, estimated: 397292, error: 0.68%

actual: 450000, estimated: 446700, error: 0.73%

actual: 500000, estimated: 495944, error: 0.81%

Hyperloglog Counting with Murmurhash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 50015, error: 0.03%

actual: 100000, estimated: 100048, error: 0.05%

actual: 150000, estimated: 149709, error: 0.19%

actual: 200000, estimated: 201595, error: 0.80%

actual: 250000, estimated: 250168, error: 0.07%

actual: 300000, estimated: 299864, error: 0.05%

actual: 350000, estimated: 348571, error: 0.41%

actual: 400000, estimated: 398583, error: 0.35%

actual: 450000, estimated: 448632, error: 0.30%

actual: 500000, estimated: 498330, error: 0.33%

Hyperloglog Counting with Lookup3hash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 49628, error: 0.74%

actual: 100000, estimated: 99357, error: 0.64%

actual: 150000, estimated: 148880, error: 0.75%

actual: 200000, estimated: 200475, error: 0.24%

actual: 250000, estimated: 249362, error: 0.26%

actual: 300000, estimated: 299119, error: 0.29%

actual: 350000, estimated: 349225, error: 0.22%

actual: 400000, estimated: 398805, error: 0.30%

actual: 450000, estimated: 448373, error: 0.36%

actual: 500000, estimated: 498183, error: 0.36%

Adaptive Counting with Murmurhash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 50015, error: 0.03%

actual: 100000, estimated: 100048, error: 0.05%

actual: 150000, estimated: 149709, error: 0.19%

actual: 200000, estimated: 201059, error: 0.53%

actual: 250000, estimated: 249991, error: 0.00%

actual: 300000, estimated: 300067, error: 0.02%

actual: 350000, estimated: 349610, error: 0.11%

actual: 400000, estimated: 399875, error: 0.03%

actual: 450000, estimated: 450348, error: 0.08%

actual: 500000, estimated: 500977, error: 0.20%

Adaptive Counting with Lookup3hash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 49628, error: 0.74%

actual: 100000, estimated: 99357, error: 0.64%

actual: 150000, estimated: 148880, error: 0.75%

actual: 200000, estimated: 199895, error: 0.05%

actual: 250000, estimated: 249563, error: 0.17%

actual: 300000, estimated: 299047, error: 0.32%

actual: 350000, estimated: 348665, error: 0.38%

actual: 400000, estimated: 399266, error: 0.18%

actual: 450000, estimated: 450196, error: 0.04%

actual: 500000, estimated: 499516, error: 0.10%

Loglog Counting with Murmurhash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 59857, error: 19.71%

actual: 100000, estimated: 103108, error: 3.11%

actual: 150000, estimated: 150917, error: 0.61%

actual: 200000, estimated: 201059, error: 0.53%

actual: 250000, estimated: 249991, error: 0.00%

actual: 300000, estimated: 300067, error: 0.02%

actual: 350000, estimated: 349610, error: 0.11%

actual: 400000, estimated: 399875, error: 0.03%

actual: 450000, estimated: 450348, error: 0.08%

actual: 500000, estimated: 500977, error: 0.20%

Loglog Counting with Lookup3hash:

actual: 50000, estimated: 59870, error: 19.74%

actual: 100000, estimated: 103044, error: 3.04%

actual: 150000, estimated: 150435, error: 0.29%

actual: 200000, estimated: 199895, error: 0.05%

actual: 250000, estimated: 249563, error: 0.17%

actual: 300000, estimated: 299047, error: 0.32%

actual: 350000, estimated: 348665, error: 0.38%

actual: 400000, estimated: 399266, error: 0.18%

actual: 450000, estimated: 450196, error: 0.04%

actual: 500000, estimated: 499516, error: 0.10%

  • Java

    Java 是一种可以撰写跨平台应用软件的面向对象的程序设计语言,是由 Sun Microsystems 公司于 1995 年 5 月推出的。Java 技术具有卓越的通用性、高效性、平台移植性和安全性。

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