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最近为了把 eBay 的兼职业务搞起来
2.把 listing 系统开发出来

买了几个域名,想着跟 eBay 业务相关,怎么也得注册跟 eBay 相关的域名,一口气买了好几个域名,域名都带有 ebay 关键字。都是通过阿里云买的。刚买完第二天,我就天天都收到 eBay 发来的律师函邮件
Your Unauthorized and Infringing Domain Name Registration -iloveebay.xyz [Case #538179]
意思是,eBay 是注册商标,不能随便使用。真是傻了眼了。之前 java 社区,有个叫 javaeye.com 的域名因为含有 java 商标,被迫改成 iteye,所以我买的两个域名也就不能用了。浪费了我几百块钱。有要的给钱就卖。

eBay 官方的律师函邮件
Your Unauthorized and Infringing Domain Name Registration -iloveebay.xyz [Case #538179]

We are writing to follow up on our previous email to you concerning your registration of the domain name iloveebay.xyz, which contains the famous eBay trademark.

We had previously explained to you in full detail the nature of eBay's business activities and the strong protection that the eBay name and trademark receive in connection with online trading and related services. The coined term eBay is one of the most famous trademarks on the Internet and in the world and our company owns the exclusive trademark rights to the eBay name in the United States and internationally, including related common law rights.

We remain highly concerned and disappointed by the fact that despite our good faith effort to advise you of our rights and seek to amicably resolve this situation, you have simply ignored our effort and continued your problematic activities relating to the iloveebay.xyz domain name. Any inappropriate or unapproved use of iloveebay.xyz would violate the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. 1051 et seq.) because it infringes and dilutes the famous eBay trademark. Should you choose to operate an infringing site with full knowledge of our rights, you would be considered a willful infringer and, as such, could be liable for greater damages.

eBay takes the infringement of its brands very seriously and takes aggressive steps to protect its brands and, more importantly, consumers that will be damaged as a result of the confusion caused by infringement of our brands. We previously explained that we have filed several successful federal court actions in the United States against companies and individuals employing the famous eBay trademark in their domain names, as well as over a dozen proceedings before the United Nation's World Intellectual Property Organization's arbitration panel. eBay has prevailed in each case and the domain names at issue were all ordered to be transferred to eBay.

While we would still prefer to resolve this matter amicably, if you continue to ignore our attempts to resolve this matter promptly, we will have no choice but to take whatever action we deem necessary to protect our rights. For these reasons, and to avoid consumer confusion, eBay must insist that you do not use iloveebay.xyz for any reason. You should not sell, offer to sell, or transfer the domain name to a third party and should let the domain registration expire.

Please confirm in writing that you will agree to take the necessary steps to resolve this matter amicably. If we do not receive confirmation from you that you will comply with our request, we will have no choice but to pursue all available remedies against you.



eBay Legal Department

  • 域名

    域名(Domain Name),简称域名、网域,是由一串用点分隔的名字组成的 Internet 上某一台计算机或计算机组的名称,用于在数据传输时标识计算机的电子方位(有时也指地理位置)。

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  • eBay
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  • 一些有用的避坑指南。

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我们正在构建一个小众社区,大家在这里相互信任,以平等 • 自由 • 奔放的价值观进行分享交流。最终,希望大家能够找到与自己志同道合的伙伴,共同成长。

注册 关于
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  • alanfans


  • Eddie


  • 还他妈有这回事?我有个域名 javazs.com 你说的我都不敢用了

    1 回复
  • Eddie

    java 现在算 oracle 的东西吧,按照 oracle 的尿性告你也很正常啊。

推荐标签 标签

  • Openfire

    Openfire 是开源的、基于可拓展通讯和表示协议 (XMPP)、采用 Java 编程语言开发的实时协作服务器。Openfire 的效率很高,单台服务器可支持上万并发用户。

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  • 倾城之链
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  • 996
    13 引用 • 200 回帖 • 6 关注
  • Tomcat

    Tomcat 最早是由 Sun Microsystems 开发的一个 Servlet 容器,在 1999 年被捐献给 ASF(Apache Software Foundation),隶属于 Jakarta 项目,现在已经独立为一个顶级项目。Tomcat 主要实现了 JavaEE 中的 Servlet、JSP 规范,同时也提供 HTTP 服务,是市场上非常流行的 Java Web 容器。

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  • 博客


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  • CodeMirror
    1 引用 • 2 回帖 • 125 关注
  • Bug

    Bug 本意是指臭虫、缺陷、损坏、犯贫、窃听器、小虫等。现在人们把在程序中一些缺陷或问题统称为 bug(漏洞)。

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  • jsDelivr

    jsDelivr 是一个开源的 CDN 服务,可为 npm 包、GitHub 仓库提供免费、快速并且可靠的全球 CDN 加速服务。

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  • Kafka

    Kafka 是一种高吞吐量的分布式发布订阅消息系统,它可以处理消费者规模的网站中的所有动作流数据。 这种动作(网页浏览,搜索和其他用户的行动)是现代系统中许多功能的基础。 这些数据通常是由于吞吐量的要求而通过处理日志和日志聚合来解决。

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  • 脑图

    脑图又叫思维导图,是表达发散性思维的有效图形思维工具 ,它简单却又很有效,是一种实用性的思维工具。

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  • SOHO


    7 引用 • 55 回帖 • 65 关注
  • GitLab

    GitLab 是利用 Ruby 一个开源的版本管理系统,实现一个自托管的 Git 项目仓库,可通过 Web 界面操作公开或私有项目。

    46 引用 • 72 回帖
  • JavaScript

    JavaScript 一种动态类型、弱类型、基于原型的直译式脚本语言,内置支持类型。它的解释器被称为 JavaScript 引擎,为浏览器的一部分,广泛用于客户端的脚本语言,最早是在 HTML 网页上使用,用来给 HTML 网页增加动态功能。

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  • Bootstrap

    Bootstrap 是 Twitter 推出的一个用于前端开发的开源工具包。它由 Twitter 的设计师 Mark Otto 和 Jacob Thornton 合作开发,是一个 CSS / HTML 框架。

    18 引用 • 33 回帖 • 680 关注
  • Android

    Android 是一种以 Linux 为基础的开放源码操作系统,主要使用于便携设备。2005 年由 Google 收购注资,并拉拢多家制造商组成开放手机联盟开发改良,逐渐扩展到到平板电脑及其他领域上。

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  • 面试


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  • 正则表达式

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  • 黑曜石

    黑曜石是一款强大的知识库工具,支持本地 Markdown 文件编辑,支持双向链接和关系图。

    A second brain, for you, forever.

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  • Postman

    Postman 是一款简单好用的 HTTP API 调试工具。

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  • abitmean


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  • Logseq

    Logseq 是一个隐私优先、开源的知识库工具。

    Logseq is a joyful, open-source outliner that works on top of local plain-text Markdown and Org-mode files. Use it to write, organize and share your thoughts, keep your to-do list, and build your own digital garden.

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    NGINX 是一个高性能的 HTTP 和反向代理服务器,也是一个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器。 NGINX 是由 Igor Sysoev 为俄罗斯访问量第二的 Rambler.ru 站点开发的,第一个公开版本 0.1.0 发布于 2004 年 10 月 4 日。

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  • 学习

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