Why is EA the worst company in the US? The spokesperson's emotional intelligence is limited, and the stock price will fall once every time it is said!

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There is a "magic" game company in the game industry. Every time a speaker says something, the company's share price drops once. Now the stock price has dropped by 44% in less than 4 months!

It is EA, as the world's top game makers, but it has dominated the list of "the worst company rankings in the United States" for many years, and swearing one sentence after another, constantly angering global players... wonderful rhetoric is enough to make one Book! Younger brother, I will give you a brief explanation of one or two here!

No one is playing a single machine - "Star Wars: Frontline"

"Star Wars" is the national IP of the United States. It is owned by Disney. Authorized to EA a few years ago. EA has held several games and sold a game called "Star Wars: Frontline" in 15 years. !

"Star Wars: Frontline" does not have a single-player campaign (there is a single-player tutorial). At that time, foreign players madly spit out why an FPS does not have a single player mode!

An EA spokesperson said: No one is playing stand-alone mode!

When the player hears this, they all call EA swearing, they are living people! EA has also won countless bad reviews, and was elected the "worst company in the United States"!

Your own spicy chicken shabu-shabu others are excellent - "mass effect: Andromeda"

At the beginning of last year, EA "Mass Effect: Andromeda" was released, the game was too busy, the quality was worrying, and the sale was not bad! The game is so bad that the chicken is sold, which is nothing in itself, but EA does not think so...

EA's spokesperson said: "Quality effect: Andromeda" sold poorly because the same period of "The Legend of Zelda: The Wilderness" sold too well (two games are not a type at all)!

Can't pull out your strange pit? Can you blame others for their own spicy chicken? EA's magical brain circuit angered the players, this wave of pot players are not connected!

The player gave a bad review, and it also set off a wave of players who resisted the EA game!

The increase in sheet metal is to respect the original work - "Star Wars: Frontline 2"

"Star Wars: Frontline 2" was released from the market because of the "sheet system" caused by all players bad reviews, the first version of the game "sheet gold can not change the appearance of the skin, but can change the character ability, the money can become stronger!"

Faced with the players' doubts, the EA spokesperson said: The reason why we do this (do not engage in skin but engage in ability) is because we respect the original and respect the IP of "Star Wars"!

As soon as this statement came out, the player blasted the pot, and EA harvested 680,000 bad reviews on the “Foreign Post Bar” forum. Previously, Reddit’s record was 24,000, breaking the record in minutes!

At this point, there are players who say that the game unlocks the new character too hard, not to unlock a black warrior (Annakin) to even brush for 40 hours! And the game itself is a 60-knife buyout game!

The EA spokesperson said that spending so long to unlock the character can make the player feel more fulfilled!

Countless players have heard this simply blown up. Not only is it as simple as a bad review, it directly reports EA violations. It didn't take long for EA to be arranged by the regulatory authorities of several countries. EA had no choice but to cancel the sheet metal mechanism!

Russia is the axis of the country is the fascist - "Battlefield V"

Ten days ago, "Battlefield V" was released. As the world's top FPS, countless players are quite looking forward to it. Some Russian players asked if EA will join Russia in future updates.

An EA spokesperson said: It's hard to say that after all, Russia (the Soviet Union) has changed at least once and it was once the axis country!

Russian players directly bombed and asked EA to apologize! After all, fighting the nation is not easy to provoke, EA directly confessed...

Even if you think, EA's share price is also a stack of falling again, in just a few months, the decline reached 44%, the new game is not good to sell, in foreign countries such as the street mouse "everyone shouted"!

If you don't die, you won't die. EA's "mouth mouth is coming" is really the right thing to manage. After all, it is the worst company in the United States!

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