Tactical competition adds to the masterpiece, the perfect world is strong

本贴最后更新于 2059 天前,其中的信息可能已经事过境迁

Near the end of the year, there are always some game works worth looking forward to, and in this year's domestic game winter, new works and good works seem to be extremely rare. For this reason, "DON’T EVEN THINK", which has been open for testing in PS4 Hong Kong, has gained more attention. Players will focus on this work, not only because it is only a national self-developed game comparable to the level of 3A works in China, but also because of the two characteristics of this game: First, "DON'T EVEN THINK" belongs to tactical competition The new category has injected new vitality into the tactical competitive users who have gradually entered the burnout period. Second, the work is developed by the perfect world game that insists on self-developed products.

The above two points are "DON’T EVEN THINK" based on the fundamentals of the market, but this is not enough to make a game a success. If you look at this new tour with a more detailed look, we can easily find it more highlights: the more confrontational "mini-fighting" mode provides players with a 6-person escape mode, which makes the game more competitive. Thrilling; more than 20 kinds of firearms and more than 40 kinds of accessories set the "DON'T EVEN THINK" will go to the hardcore competitive route, unlike most fast-food tactical competitive games on the market, "DON'T EVEN THINK clearly hopes to create a new game with more depth and depth of competition.

[Genius system to create a differentiated game experience]

How to innovate in gameplay? This is a problem for DON’T EVEN THINK. For all tactical competitive games, the word “innovation” is not easy. In the process of making perfect world games, "DON’T EVEN THINK" has apparently explored this point. The “talent system” will constitute the differentiation between the game and other tactical competitive categories.

In "DON’T EVEN THINK", the talent system is an extremely important gameplay system in the game. The “Genius System” will bring new abilities to the player and enable the player to experience a differentiated gaming experience within the game.

The "talent system" is divided into four categories: "battle, survival, auxiliary, and general" to correspond to different battle scenarios within the game, and to adapt to different types of player needs. To put it simply, if you are a player who likes to live, then the Survival category gives you the advantage of initially carrying an emergency shot. For the "steel gun" players, they are more likely to choose talent to improve the stability of the shooting. In addition, the addition of the "talent system" also makes the player who prefers the auxiliary function more powerful. In the auxiliary talent, the player can choose auxiliary skills such as increasing the weight of the backpack and shortening the time of the rescue teammate. Compared to the traditional tactical competitive games, the talent system of "DON’T EVEN THINK" undoubtedly adds a new professional genre to the game: auxiliary stream. On the battlefield in the future, an excellent field doctor can also get the award from his teammates.

Excellent innovation and in-depth gameplay "DON’T EVEN THINK" has attracted attention. In fact, as early as August China's ChinaJoy, this game has appeared on the stage and has won the attention and pursuit of many tactical competitive users. At the scene of this year's ChinaJoy stage and SONY conference, the name of this game is "FARSIDE".

[Two major manufacturers enhance their market confidence for their platforms]

On August 2 this year, it was the first time that "DON’T EVEN THINK" was made public in the name of "FARSIDE". At the Sony Interactive Entertainment 2018 PlayStation China conference, Mr. Tian Tianwu introduced this work. The perfect world game COO Lu Xiaotong also came to the press conference and personally introduced this new work in detail.

The joint endorsement of Perfect World Games and Sony Interactive Entertainment has undoubtedly brought greater attention to "DON’T EVEN THINK" named "FARSIDE". As a strategically-oriented piece of the perfect world game, the perfect world has always been the "artisan" spirit of "DON’T EVEN THINK". Although this new work has achieved great success in the 2018 ChinaJoy and SONY conference, but because of a focus on the boutique, serious attitude, the perfect world game decided to continue to polish the product in the second half of this year. This is the reason for the change of FARSIDE to "DON’T EVEN THINK". The name has changed and the game content has been enriched.

"DON’T EVEN THINK" is on the PS4 console platform, and the strategic significance behind it is even more important. For its developer's perfect world game, "DON’T EVEN THINK" has stepped onto the host platform to broaden the user base of its game products and enhance the influence of the perfect world brand. But to a higher level, the meaning of the perfect world to push "DON'T EVEN THINK" onto the host platform is that it hopes that more diverse users will understand and understand the domestic games through a wider range of platforms and channels. Charm. In other words, "DON’T EVEN THINK" boarded the PS4 platform not only for the perfect world to expand its own user pool, but also has a positive impact on the domestic game market.

This tactical competition is a bit different. Compared with the same type of works with serious homogenization in China, DON’T EVEN THINK aims to be a broader international market. After the commercialization of the PS4 platform in the first quarter of next year, it will enter the European, American, Japanese and Korean markets. From this perspective, the more international PS4 platform also appears to be in line with "DON’T EVEN THINK". However, "DON'T EVEN THINK" is not a host-only work. It will be on the Steam platform to provide game services for the majority of PC players within the next year after commercialization and development of a certain user market. More players. From the product to the release, "DON’T EVEN THINK" allows us to see its distinctive features in terms of design and market goals. The word "innovation" that belongs to it is really valuable. The tactical competitive category game works are still the mainstream and popular in the current game industry, but how to stand out in the tactical competitive games with serious homogenization and vast stars is the most important issue. Players need an innovative new tour, and the market needs a work like this. The strong entry of "DON’T EVEN THINK" will bring a completely different game experience to the market.

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