OS Elements
- Abstractions
- process
- thread
- file
- socket
- memory
- page
- Mechanisms
- create
- schedule
- open
- write
- allocate(分配)
- Policies(策略)
- least-recently used(LRU)
- earliest deadline first (EDF)
关于 Mechanisms 和 Polices 的区别我其实迷惑了很久。
其实总结出来很简单 Mechanisms 机制 指的是 what to do
Polices 指的是 how to do
举个例子就是 Linux 内核的调度器(scheduler),提供了任务调度需要的原语操作和结构,并且实现了多种调度算法。
what is a Process : state of a program when executing loaded in memory. (active entity)
- instance of an executing program
- Synonymous with "task" or "job"
A process is like an order of toys
State of execution
- program counter
- stack
parts & temporary holding area
- data. register state, occupies state in memory
may require special hardware
- I/O devices
what does process look like ?
Process Control Block
- PCB created when process is created.
- certain fields are update when process state changes
- other fields changed too frequently
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