基础框架系列 -01:zipkin 的简单使用

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zipkin 的使用涉及到两方面内容,一个是 zipkin-client,一个是 zipkin-server;

  1. zipkin-server 确定数据的存储方式及数据的传输方式;
  2. zipkin-client 依据 zipkin-server 的传输方式配置。

1. zipkin-client 的使用配置如下

1.1 需要在项目的 pom.xml 引入 lls-zipkin 的依赖。

dependency 依赖


1.2 需要在 application.properties 配置 zipkin 信息。

properties 配置

## zinkin开关,默认为true
## zipkin地址
## 链路跟踪采集比例,默认为0.1

## zipkin-server默认使用http收集数据,如需使用rabbitmq收集数据时,需要配置rabbit

2. zipkin-server 的使用配置

2.1 启动参数


如果在 Windows 系统启动,启动参数前要增加 -D,如

## windows系统启动
java -jar -DRABBIT_ADDRESSES=localhost:5672 -DRABBIT_USER=guest -DRABBIT_PASSWORD=guest zipkin-server-2.12.0-exec.jar

## linux系统启动
RABBIT_ADDRESSES=localhost:5672 RABBIT_USER=guest RABBIT_PASSWORD=guest java -jar zipkin-server-2.12.0-exec.jar 

2.2 数据收集的传输方式

默认使用 http 方式收集,可支持 kafkarabbitmq 等,下面以 rabbitmq 为例。

配置参考 collector-rabbitmq

RABBIT_ADDRESSES= RABBIT_USER=lls RABBIT_PASSWORD=lls java -jar zipkin-server-2.12.0-exec.jar 

2.3 数据的存储方式

默认使用内存方式进行存储,可支持 elasticsearchmysql 等。

2.3.1 elasticsearch 启动命令

STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch ES_HOSTS=  ES_HTTP_LOGGING=BASIC java -jar zipkin-server-2.12.0-exec.jar 配置说明

* `ES_HOSTS`: A comma separated list of elasticsearch base urls to connect to ex. http://host:9200.
              Defaults to "http://localhost:9200".
* `ES_PIPELINE`: Indicates the ingest pipeline used before spans are indexed. No default.
* `ES_TIMEOUT`: Controls the connect, read and write socket timeouts (in milliseconds) for
                Elasticsearch Api. Defaults to 10000 (10 seconds)
* `ES_INDEX`: The index prefix to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to zipkin.
* `ES_DATE_SEPARATOR`: The date separator to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to '-'.
* `ES_INDEX_SHARDS`: The number of shards to split the index into. Each shard and its replicas
                     are assigned to a machine in the cluster. Increasing the number of shards
                     and machines in the cluster will improve read and write performance. Number
                     of shards cannot be changed for existing indices, but new daily indices
                     will pick up changes to the setting. Defaults to 5.
* `ES_INDEX_REPLICAS`: The number of replica copies of each shard in the index. Each shard and
                       its replicas are assigned to a machine in the cluster. Increasing the
                       number of replicas and machines in the cluster will improve read
                       performance, but not write performance. Number of replicas can be changed
                       for existing indices. Defaults to 1. It is highly discouraged to set this
                       to 0 as it would mean a machine failure results in data loss.
* `ES_USERNAME` and `ES_PASSWORD`: Elasticsearch basic authentication, which defaults to empty string.
                                   Use when X-Pack security (formerly Shield) is in place.
* `ES_HTTP_LOGGING`: When set, controls the volume of HTTP logging of the Elasticsearch Api.
                     Options are BASIC, HEADERS, BODY

2.3.2 mysql 在 mysql 数据库上创建 zipkin 所需要的表,执行的 sql 语句见 mysql(需要找匹配版本的 sql)或者 ./sql/mysql.sql(对应 zipkin-server-2.12.0) 启动 zipkin-server 时加上 mysql 的配置参数,例如

STORAGE_TYPE=mysql MYSQL_DB=zipkin MYSQL_HOST= MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 MYSQL_USER=root MYSQL_PASS=123456 MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS=100 java -jar zipkin-server-2.12.0-exec.jar Mysql 的配置说明

MYSQL_DB: The database to use. Defaults to "zipkin".
MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASS: MySQL authentication, which defaults to empty string.
MYSQL_HOST: Defaults to localhost
MYSQL_TCP_PORT: Defaults to 3306
MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS: Maximum concurrent connections, defaults to 10
MYSQL_USE_SSL: Requires `javax.net.ssl.trustStore` and `javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword`, defaults to false.



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