密码:参考 TLS 握手协议实现移动支付密码的一次一密加解密方案

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本文阐述了一种参考 TLS 握手协议实现的移动端 APP 支付密码一次一密加解密方案。具体内容为五个部分组成,即 TLS 协议简单介绍及握手协议的流程说明,支付密码一次一密加解密流程说明,涉及的加密算法,实施过程,示例代码及测试结果等。

什么 TLS 协议?

TLS 协议的主要目标是在两个通信应用程序之间提供隐私和数据完整性。该协议由两层组成:TLS 记录协议和 TLS 握手协议。

  • 记录协议(Record protocol) : 建立在可靠的传输协议(如 TCP)之上,为高层协议提供数据封装、压缩、加密等基本功能的支持。
  • 握手协议(Handshake protocol): 建立在 SSL 记录协议之上,用于在实际的数据传输开始前,通信双方进行身份认证、协商加密算法、交换加密密钥等。

了解更多请参考 RFC5246 文档 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) ProtocolVersion 1.2

1.  Introduction

   The primary goal of the TLS protocol is to provide privacy and data
   integrity between two communicating applications.  The protocol is
   composed of two layers: the TLS Record Protocol and the TLS Handshake
   Protocol.  At the lowest level, layered on top of some reliable
   transport protocol (e.g., TCP [TCP]), is the TLS Record Protocol.
   The TLS Record Protocol provides connection security that has two
   basic properties:

   -  The connection is private.  Symmetric cryptography is used for
      data encryption (e.g., AES [AES], RC4 [SCH], etc.).  The keys for
      this symmetric encryption are generated uniquely for each
      connection and are based on a secret negotiated by another
      protocol (such as the TLS Handshake Protocol).  The Record
      Protocol can also be used without encryption.

   -  The connection is reliable.  Message transport includes a message
      integrity check using a keyed MAC.  Secure hash functions (e.g.,
      SHA-1, etc.) are used for MAC computations.  The Record Protocol
      can operate without a MAC, but is generally only used in this mode
      while another protocol is using the Record Protocol as a transport
      for negotiating security parameters.

   The TLS Record Protocol is used for encapsulation of various higher-
   level protocols.  One such encapsulated protocol, the TLS Handshake
   Protocol, allows the server and client to authenticate each other and
   to negotiate an encryption algorithm and cryptographic keys before
   the application protocol transmits or receives its first byte of
   data.  The TLS Handshake Protocol provides connection security that
   has three basic properties:

   -  The peer's identity can be authenticated using asymmetric, or
      public key, cryptography (e.g., RSA [RSA], DSA [DSS], etc.).  This
      authentication can be made optional, but is generally required for
      at least one of the peers.

   -  The negotiation of a shared secret is secure: the negotiated
      secret is unavailable to eavesdroppers, and for any authenticated
      connection the secret cannot be obtained, even by an attacker who
      can place himself in the middle of the connection.

   -  The negotiation is reliable: no attacker can modify the
      negotiation communication without being detected by the parties to
      the communication.
   One advantage of TLS is that it is application protocol independent.
   Higher-level protocols can layer on top of the TLS protocol
   transparently.  The TLS standard, however, does not specify how
   protocols add security with TLS; the decisions on how to initiate TLS
   handshaking and how to interpret the authentication certificates
   exchanged are left to the judgment of the designers and implementors
   of protocols that run on top of TLS.

TLS 协议中的握手协议流程是怎样的?


以上图片来源为:SSL Handshake With Two Way Authentication with Certificates

TLS 握手协议主要包括 4 个环节:协议算法、验证证书、产生密钥、加密交互。以下主要分析在 4 个环节中服务器端与客户端构建加密交互的相关流程。

了解更多请参考文档 Crypto in practice: What happens when you connect to a
secure web server

1. 协商算法

  • generate random number: 客户端产生随机数 RNC(Random Number of Client),这个随机数将为后续构建密钥做准备。
  • client_hello: 客户端将自身支持的 SSL 信息(版本和种类)、算法信息和随机数 RNC 发送到服务器端。
  • generate random number: 服务器端收到客户端请求后,产生相应的随机数 RNS(Random Number of Server),这个随机数为后续构建密钥做准备。
  • server_hello: 服务器端将自身支持的 SSL 信息(版本和种类)、算法信息、随机数 RNS 和其他信息回应到客户端。其他信息包括服务器证书,甚至包含获取客户端证书的请求。


2. 验证证书


  • server certificate: 服务器回复客户端响应时带有服务器证书
  • check server certificate: 客户端将该证书发送到认证机构,由认证机构验证该证书,认证机构回应客户端验证结果,如果验证失败将同时得到警告信息。


  • demand client certificate: 服务器端请求客户端证书
  • client certificate: 客户端发送客户证书
  • check client certificate: 服务器端将该证书发送到认证机构,由认证机构验证该证书,认证机构回应客户端验证结果,如果验证失败将同时得到警告信息。

3. 产生密钥


  • generate random number pre-master-secret: 客户端产生随机数,作为预备主密钥(Pre-Master Secret,PMS)。
  • send encrypted with PMS public key server: 客户端使用服务器证书的公钥对随机数 PMS 加密,并将 PMS 加密信息发送到服务器端。
  • decrypt PMS encrypted information: 服务器端使用私钥对信息解密得到 PMS 信息。
  • calculate Master-Secret with PMS RNS RNC: 客户端和服务端分别异步(不存在次序关系)使用随机数 RNC、RNS 和 PMS 构建主密钥(Master Secret, MS)


  • change to encrpted connection with MS as key: 客户端使用主密钥构建会话密钥,并通知服务器端未来信息将使用会话密钥(对称加密算法中的秘密密钥 client_write_key)加密
  • end SSL handshake: 发送会话密钥加密的信息,终止握手
  • change to encrpted connection with MS as key: 服务器端使用主密钥构建会话密钥,并通知客户器端未来信息将使用会话密钥(对称加密算法中的秘密密钥 server_write_key)加密
  • end SSL handshake: 发送会话密钥加密的信息,终止握手

会话密钥生成过程可见 rfc5246#section-6.3 Key Calculation

 The master secret is expanded into a sequence of secure bytes, which
   is then split to a client write MAC key, a server write MAC key, a
   client write encryption key, and a server write encryption key.  Each
   of these is generated from the byte sequence in that order.  Unused
   values are empty.  Some AEAD ciphers may additionally require a
   client write IV and a server write IV (see Section

   When keys and MAC keys are generated, the master secret is used as an
   entropy source.

   To generate the key material, compute

      key_block = PRF(SecurityParameters.master_secret,
                      "key expansion",
                      SecurityParameters.server_random +

   until enough output has been generated.  Then, the key_block is
   partitioned as follows:


   Currently, the client_write_IV and server_write_IV are only generated
   for implicit nonce techniques as described in Section 3.2.1 of

   Implementation note: The currently defined cipher suite which
   requires the most material is AES_256_CBC_SHA256.  It requires 2 x 32
   byte keys and 2 x 32 byte MAC keys, for a total 128 bytes of key


The pseudorandom function in TLS v 1.2.

#We define the PRF as specified in the standard, except we add a fourth parameter
#for the number of blocks to output.
def prf(secret,label,seed,numblocks):
 output = ''
 for j in range(numblocks):
 output += hmac.new(secret,msg=a+seed,digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
 return output

Computation of the master secret from the premaster secret.

#Compute the master secret from the premaster secret.
#premaster_secret, client_random and server_random have string type, that
#is they are sequences of bytes represented as strings,
#so the addition in this code is concatenation of strings.
#We want 48-bit output, so we need to call prf to produce two
#32-bit blocks
def master_secret(pms,client_random,server_random):
 out=prf(pms,"master secret",client_random+server_random,2)
 return out[:48]

Computation of the keyblock from the master secret

#generate the key block. We will need 20+20+32+32=104 bytes, so we need
#to generate 4 blocks and partition. We are just doing the case AES256CBCSHA
def keyblock(ms,client_random,server_random):
 u=prf(ms,"key expansion",server_random+client_random,4)
 return (u[:20],u[20:40],u[40:72],u[72:104])

在 Golang 官方库源代码 prf.go 亦有对应实现。

以下测试数据来源于 Golang 对其 TLS1.0 协议实现的测试,见 prf_test.go

96/2 = 48

client random
64/2 = 32

server random
64/2 = 32

96/2 = 48

40/2 = 20

40/2 = 20

32/2 = 16

32/2 = 16


根据 TLS 握手协议修改的一次一密加解密流程如下图,将握手协议的流程裁剪为三步:交换随机数、产生密钥和加密交互。



  1. 客户端产生随机数 RNC 和 PMS
  2. 客户端使用服务器端证书公钥以 RSA[2048]算法对 RNC+PMS 进行加密
  3. 客户端将 clipherText 进行 base64 编码后发送到服务端
  4. 服务端产生随机数 RNS 并进行 base64
  5. 服务端将随机数 RNS 和 clipherText 保存到会话缓存
  6. 服务端使用私钥对 RNS 进行签名得到 sign
  7. 服务端将 RNS 和 sign 发送给客户端
  8. 客户端对收到 RNS 进行验签,成功后暂存 RNC,RNS、PMS.


  1. 客户端使用 RNC,RNS、PMS 生成 Master Secret
  2. 客户端使用 Master Secret 产生 keyblock
  3. 客户端分离 keyblock 得到 clientMacKey 和 clientWriteKey


  1. 客户端使用 clientMacKey 对 password 进行摘要
  2. 客户端使用 clientWriteKey 对 password 进行 AES-256-GCM 加密
  3. 客户将 IV+clipherText+digest 拼接进行 base64 后上送服务器端
  4. 服务器端使用 RNC,RNS、PMS 生成 Master Secret
  5. 服务器端使用 Master Secret 产生 keyblock
  6. 服务器端分离 keyblock 得到 clientMacKey 和 clientWriteKey
  7. 服务器端使用 clientWriteKey 对 password 进行 AES-256-GCM 解密
  8. 服务器端使用 clientMacKey 对 password 进行摘要,再进行摘要验证
    10.服务器端使用 pbkdf2 产生密钥散列值与数据库散列进行比较


  • 对称算法:AES-GCM-256
  • 非对称加密算法: RSA[3072]
  • 数字签名算法:SHA256withRSA
  • 摘要算法:HmacSHA256、PBKDF2-SHA-1
  • 单表置换算法:自定义 Base64

了解更多相关算法选择因素,请参见 Cryptography in Mobile Apps

The following algorithms are recommended:
Confidentiality algorithms: AES-GCM-256 or ChaCha20-Poly1305
Integrity algorithms: SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Blake2, the SHA-3 family
Digital signature algorithms: RSA (3072 bits and higher), ECDSA with NIST P-384
Key establishment algorithms: RSA (3072 bits and higher), DH (3072 bits or higher), ECDH with NIST P-384




  1. 下载无政策限制权限文件。链接地址为:
    Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 8 Download
  2. 安装步骤见其 README.TXT。


  o Unix (Solaris/Linux/Mac OS X) and Windows use different pathname
    separators, so please use the appropriate one ("\", "/") for your

  o <java-home> (below) refers to the directory where the JRE was
    installed. It is determined based on whether you are running JCE
    on a JRE or a JRE contained within the Java Development Kit, or
    JDK(TM). The JDK contains the JRE, but at a different level in the
    file hierarchy. For example, if the JDK is installed in
    /home/user1/jdk1.8.0 on Unix or in C:\jdk1.8.0 on Windows, then
    <java-home> is:

        /home/user1/jdk1.8.0/jre           [Unix]
        C:\jdk1.8.0\jre                    [Windows]

    If on the other hand the JRE is installed in /home/user1/jre1.8.0
    on Unix or in C:\jre1.8.0 on Windows, and the JDK is not
    installed, then <java-home> is:

        /home/user1/jre1.8.0               [Unix]
        C:\jre1.8.0                        [Windows]

  o On Windows, for each JDK installation, there may be additional
    JREs installed under the "Program Files" directory. Please make
    sure that you install the unlimited strength policy JAR files
    for all JREs that you plan to use.

Here are the installation instructions:

1)  Download the unlimited strength JCE policy files.

2)  Uncompress and extract the downloaded file.

    This will create a subdirectory called jce.
    This directory contains the following files:

        README.txt                   This file
        local_policy.jar             Unlimited strength local policy file
        US_export_policy.jar         Unlimited strength US export policy file

3)  Install the unlimited strength policy JAR files.

    In case you later decide to revert to the original "strong" but
    limited policy versions, first make a copy of the original JCE
    policy files (US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar). Then
    replace the strong policy files with the unlimited strength
    versions extracted in the previous step.

    The standard place for JCE jurisdiction policy JAR files is:

        <java-home>/lib/security           [Unix]
        <java-home>\lib\security           [Windows]

生成 RSA 密钥库文件

使用 java 自带的 keytool 工具生成 RSA[3072]密钥库及导出公钥证书。


Manages a keystore (database) of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains, and trusted certificates.

  • Description

The keytool command is a key and certificate management utility. It enables users to administer their own public/private key pairs and associated certificates for use in self-authentication (where the user authenticates himself or herself to other users and services) or data integrity and authentication services, using digital signatures. The keytool command also enables users to cache the public keys (in the form of certificates) of their communicating peers.

A certificate is a digitally signed statement from one entity (person, company, and so on.), that says that the public key (and some other information) of some other entity has a particular value. (See Certificate.) When data is digitally signed, the signature can be verified to check the data integrity and authenticity. Integrity means that the data has not been modified or tampered with, and authenticity means the data comes from whoever claims to have created and signed it.

The keytool command also enables users to administer secret keys and passphrases used in symmetric encryption and decryption (DES).

The keytool command stores the keys and certificates in a keystore. See KeyStore aliases.

了解更多请参见 keytool command

生成 keyStore
	{-alias alias} {-keyalg keyalg} {-keysize keysize} {-sigalg sigalg}
	[-dname dname] [-keypass keypass] {-startdate value} {-ext ext}*
	{-validity valDays} {-storetype storetype} {-keystore keystore}
	[-storepass storepass]
	{-providerClass provider_class_name {-providerArg provider_arg}}
	{-v} {-protected} {-Jjavaoption}

Generates a key pair (a public key and associated private key). Wraps the public key into an X.509 v3 self-signed certificate, which is stored as a single-element certificate chain. This certificate chain and the private key are stored in a new keystore entry identified by alias.

The keyalg value specifies the algorithm to be used to generate the key pair, and the keysize value specifies the size of each key to be generated. The sigalg value specifies the algorithm that should be used to sign the self-signed certificate. This algorithm must be compatible with the keyalg value.

The dname value specifies the X.500 Distinguished Name to be associated with the value of alias, and is used as the issuer and subject fields in the self-signed certificate. If no distinguished name is provided at the command line, then the user is prompted for one.

The value of keypass is a password used to protect the private key of the generated key pair. If no password is provided, then the user is prompted for it. If you press the Return key at the prompt, then the key password is set to the same password as the keystore password. The keypass value must be at least 6 characters.

The value of startdate specifies the issue time of the certificate, also known as the "Not Before" value of the X.509 certificate's Validity field.

The option value can be set in one of these two forms:


[yyyy/mm/dd] [HH:MM:SS]

With the first form, the issue time is shifted by the specified value from the current time. The value is a concatenation of a sequence of subvalues. Inside each subvalue, the plus sign (+) means shift forward, and the minus sign (-) means shift backward. The time to be shifted is nnn units of years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds (denoted by a single character of y, m, d, H, M, or S respectively). The exact value of the issue time is calculated using the java.util.GregorianCalendar.add(int field, int amount) method on each subvalue, from left to right. For example, by specifying, the issue time will be:

Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
c.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);
c.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
c.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
return c.getTime()

With the second form, the user sets the exact issue time in two parts, year/month/day and hour:minute:second (using the local time zone). The user can provide only one part, which means the other part is the same as the current date (or time). The user must provide the exact number of digits as shown in the format definition (padding with 0 when shorter). When both the date and time are provided, there is one (and only one) space character between the two parts. The hour should always be provided in 24 hour format.

When the option is not provided, the start date is the current time. The option can be provided at most once.

The value of valDays specifies the number of days (starting at the date specified by -startdate, or the current date when -startdate is not specified) for which the certificate should be considered valid.

This command was named -genkey in earlier releases. The old name is still supported in this release. The new name, -genkeypair, is preferred going forward.

  • 生成命令
keytool -genkeypair -alias www.weiquding.com -keyalg RSA -keysize 3072 -keypass weiquding -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname "cn=www.weiquding.com,ou=IT,o=weiquding,l=shanghai,st=shanghai,c=CN" -validity 3650 -keystore safeKeyboard.keystore -storetype pkcs12 -storepass weiquding
  • 打印密钥库条目内容
	{-alias alias} {-storetype storetype} {-keystore keystore} [-storepass storepass]
	{-providerName provider_name}
	{-providerClass provider_class_name {-providerArg provider_arg}}
	{-v | -rfc} {-protected} {-Jjavaoption}

Prints to stdout the contents of the keystore entry identified by alias. If no alias is specified, then the contents of the entire keystore are printed.

This command by default prints the SHA1 fingerprint of a certificate. If the -v option is specified, then the certificate is printed in human-readable format, with additional information such as the owner, issuer, serial number, and any extensions. If the -rfc option is specified, then the certificate contents are printed using the printable encoding format, as defined by the Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding Standard.

You cannot specify both -v and -rfc.

  • 以-v 选项进行打印
keytool -list -v -storepass weiquding -keystore safeKeyboard.keystore
  • 以-v 选项打印结果
E:\Java\idea_workspaces\SafeKeyboard>keytool -list -v -storepass weiquding -keystore safeKeyboard.keystore
密钥库类型: PKCS12
密钥库提供方: SUN

您的密钥库包含 1 个条目

别名: www.weiquding.com
创建日期: 2019年11月14日
条目类型: PrivateKeyEntry
证书链长度: 1
所有者: CN=www.weiquding.com, OU=IT, O=weiquding, L=shanghai, ST=shanghai, C=CN
发布者: CN=www.weiquding.com, OU=IT, O=weiquding, L=shanghai, ST=shanghai, C=CN
序列号: 226cfc5b
生效时间: Thu Nov 14 22:00:02 CST 2019, 失效时间: Sun Nov 11 22:00:02 CST 2029
         SHA1: B0:19:24:70:C7:B3:E8:58:E8:0B:54:A9:F3:59:BC:0B:57:CF:F7:3E
         SHA256: 93:5A:8E:53:47:AA:55:3A:D8:85:31:CB:1E:AE:ED:FA:21:BC:59:8A:33:2B:73:FC:CC:CD:D0:2E:96:72:9B:3D
签名算法名称: SHA256withRSA
主体公共密钥算法: 3072 位 RSA 密钥
版本: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: B7 72 E9 0E C3 35 98 39   7F B0 DC C2 6D DD E1 78  .r...5.9....m..x
0010: 58 68 BF 05                                        Xh..


  • 以-rfc 选项进行打印
keytool -list -rfc -storepass weiquding -keystore safeKeyboard.keystore
  • 以-rfc 选项打印结果
E:\Java\idea_workspaces\SafeKeyboard>keytool -list -rfc -storepass weiquding -keystore safeKeyboard.keystore
密钥库类型: PKCS12
密钥库提供方: SUN

您的密钥库包含 1 个条目

别名: www.weiquding.com
创建日期: 2019年11月14日
条目类型: PrivateKeyEntry
证书链长度: 1


导出包含 RSA 公钥的数字证书

	{-alias alias} {-file cert_file} {-storetype storetype} {-keystore keystore}
	[-storepass storepass] {-providerName provider_name}
	{-providerClass provider_class_name {-providerArg provider_arg}}
	{-rfc} {-v} {-protected} {-Jjavaoption}

Reads from the keystore the certificate associated with alias and stores it in the cert_file file. When no file is specified, the certificate is output to stdout.

The certificate is by default output in binary encoding. If the -rfc option is specified, then the output in the printable encoding format defined by the Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding Standard.

If alias refers to a trusted certificate, then that certificate is output. Otherwise, alias refers to a key entry with an associated certificate chain. In that case, the first certificate in the chain is returned. This certificate authenticates the public key of the entity addressed by alias.

This command was named -export in earlier releases. The old name is still supported in this release. The new name, -exportcert, is preferred going forward.

  • 导出命令
keytool -exportcert -alias www.weiquding.com -storepass weiquding -file safeKeyboard.cer -keystore safeKeyboard.keystore
  • 打印公钥内容
	{-file cert_file | -sslserver host[:port]} {-jarfile JAR_file {-rfc} {-v}

Reads the certificate from the file cert_file, the SSL server located at host:port, or the signed JAR file JAR_file (with the -jarfile option and prints its contents in a human-readable format. When no port is specified, the standard HTTPS port 443 is assumed. Note that -sslserver and -file options cannot be provided at the same time. Otherwise, an error is reported. If neither option is specified, then the certificate is read from stdin.

When-rfc is specified, the keytool command prints the certificate in PEM mode as defined by the Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding standard. See Internet RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding Standard.

If the certificate is read from a file or stdin, then it might be either binary encoded or in printable encoding format, as defined by the RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding standard.

If the SSL server is behind a firewall, then the -J-Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhost and -J-Dhttps.proxyPort=proxyport options can be specified on the command line for proxy tunneling. See Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide at

Note: This option can be used independently of a keystore.

  • 以-v 选项进行打印
keytool -printcert -v -file safeKeyboard.cer
  • 以-v 选项打印结果
E:\Java\idea_workspaces\SafeKeyboard>keytool -printcert -v -file safeKeyboard.cer
所有者: CN=www.weiquding.com, OU=IT, O=weiquding, L=shanghai, ST=shanghai, C=CN
发布者: CN=www.weiquding.com, OU=IT, O=weiquding, L=shanghai, ST=shanghai, C=CN
序列号: 226cfc5b
生效时间: Thu Nov 14 22:00:02 CST 2019, 失效时间: Sun Nov 11 22:00:02 CST 2029
         SHA1: B0:19:24:70:C7:B3:E8:58:E8:0B:54:A9:F3:59:BC:0B:57:CF:F7:3E
         SHA256: 93:5A:8E:53:47:AA:55:3A:D8:85:31:CB:1E:AE:ED:FA:21:BC:59:8A:33:2B:73:FC:CC:CD:D0:2E:96:72:9B:3D
签名算法名称: SHA256withRSA
主体公共密钥算法: 3072 位 RSA 密钥
版本: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: B7 72 E9 0E C3 35 98 39   7F B0 DC C2 6D DD E1 78  .r...5.9....m..x
0010: 58 68 BF 05                                        Xh..

  • 以-rfc 选项进行打印
keytool -printcert -rfc -file safeKeyboard.cer
  • 以-rfc 选项打印输出
E:\Java\idea_workspaces\SafeKeyboard>keytool -printcert -rfc -file safeKeyboard.cer


  safeKeyboardKeyStorePath: E:\\Java\\idea_workspaces\\SafeKeyboard\\safeKeyboard.keystore
  safeKeyboardCerPath: E:\\Java\\idea_workspaces\\SafeKeyboard\\safeKeyboard.cer
  alias: www.weiquding.com
  storePass: weiquding
  keyPass: weiquding
定义 Key 装配配置类
定义 Key 缓存类
使用 Guava Cache 提供密钥缓存能力
定义 Keystore 操作工具类

了解更多请参见 keystore API


The SecureRandom class is an engine class (see Engine Classes and Algorithms) that provides cryptographically strong random numbers, either by accessing a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), a deterministic algorithm that produces a pseudo-random sequence from an initial seed value, or by reading a native source of randomness (for example, /dev/random or a true random number generator). One example of a PRNG is the Deterministic Random Bits Generator (DRBG) as specified in NIST SP 800-90Ar1. Other implementations may produce true random numbers, and yet others may use a combination of both techniques. A cryptographically strong random number minimally complies with the statistical random number generator tests specified in FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, section 4.9.1.

了解更多请参见 The SecureRandom Class

Base64 组件的选择

基于 JDK10 的 java.util.Base64 打乱字符表映射,实现一个简化的自定义 Base64,提供简单的单表映射加密能力。

Base64 算法主要是对给定的字符以与字符编码对应的十进制数为基准,做编码操作:

  1. 将给定的字符串以字符为单位转换为对应的字符编码(如 ASCII 码)。
  2. 将获得的字符编码转换为二进制码。
  3. 对获得的二进制码做分组转换操作,每 3 个 8 进制码为一组,转换为每 6 个 6 位二进制码为一组(不足 6 位时低位补 0)。这是一个分组变化的过程,3 个 8 位二进制码和 4 个 6 位二进制码的长度都是 24 位。
  4. 对获得的 4 个 6 位二进制码补位,向 6 位二进制码添加 2 位高位 0,组成 4 个 8 位二进制。
  5. 将获得的 4 个 8 位二进制码转换为十进制码。
  6. 将获得的十进制码转换为 Base64 字符表中对应的字符。


         * This array is a lookup table that translates 6-bit positive integer
         * index values into their "Base64 Alphabet" equivalents as specified
         * in "Table 1: The Base64 Alphabet" of RFC 2045 (and RFC 4648).
        private static final char[] toBase64 = {
                'A', '+', '9', '8', 'E', '6', 'G', 'H', '3', 'J', '1', 'L', 'M',
                'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'u', 'S', 's', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'o', 'n', 'Z',
                'l', 'k', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'b', 'a', 'm',
                'Y', 'X', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'T', 't', 'R', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
                '0', 'K', '2', 'I', '4', '5', 'F', '7', 'D', 'C', 'B', '/'

         * It's the lookup table for "URL and Filename safe Base64" as specified
         * in Table 2 of the RFC 4648, with the '+' and '/' changed to '-' and
         * '_'. This table is used when BASE64_URL is specified.
        private static final char[] toBase64URL = {
                'A', '-', '9', '8', 'E', '6', 'G', 'H', '3', 'J', '1', 'L', 'M',
                'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'u', 'S', 's', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'o', 'n', 'Z',
                'l', 'k', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'b', 'a', 'm',
                'Y', 'X', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'T', 't', 'R', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
                '0', 'K', '2', 'I', '4', '5', 'F', '7', 'D', 'C', 'B', '_'


对称算法使用 AES-GCM-256,有关算法的实现请参考 Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation:Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC

Pseudo-random function 实现及并生成 MS 及 keyblock
  1. 根据时序图,产生随机数过程中客户端生成 RNC 和 PMS,服务端生成 RNS,并进行交换。
  2. 提供密码加密能力

完整的代码实现见 Github 仓库 SafeKeyboard


Postman 测试报文如下:

	"variables": [],
	"info": {
		"name": "safeKeyboard",
		"_postman_id": "ffbfa9dc-47cb-9420-dee0-bda343503f57",
		"description": "",
		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.0.0/collection.json"
	"item": [
			"name": "http://localhost:8081/generateRNC",
			"request": {
				"url": {
					"raw": "http://localhost:8081/generateRNC?sessionId=testID",
					"protocol": "http",
					"host": [
					"port": "8081",
					"path": [
					"query": [
							"key": "sessionId",
							"value": "testID"
					"variable": []
				"method": "POST",
				"header": [],
				"body": {
					"mode": "raw",
					"raw": ""
				"description": "生成随机数"
			"response": []
			"name": "http://localhost:8081/getEncryptedPassword?password=123456",
			"request": {
				"url": {
					"raw": "http://localhost:8081/getEncryptedPassword?password=123456&sessionId=testID",
					"protocol": "http",
					"host": [
					"port": "8081",
					"path": [
					"query": [
							"key": "password",
							"value": "123456"
							"key": "sessionId",
							"value": "testID"
					"variable": []
				"method": "POST",
				"header": [],
				"body": {
					"mode": "raw",
					"raw": ""
				"description": "获取密文"
			"response": []
			"name": "http://localhost:8081/submitEncryptedPassword?password=wmwcsZo20c+uiVA7ll1RBc4bp4zjNMsdAc2gxz1RRlx6EH7EQXvRB5XdN7tJxZBhL7M9Yq0p+6yELEm6xhXlKVp9mFFx4J93fSZlWtviGMSi413CjB3A3kGdThCf+J7nPLY=",
			"request": {
				"url": {
					"raw": "http://localhost:8081/submitEncryptedPassword?password=qY%2F3Q5WfAxEp8XCFZm%2FowDYBGj60a68jDmecWAotHC1%2FNWDZXE%2BfueX8yf8QACvfKw2eyBppWWRusHfUzdRKiz21oAQtHnbYAJIEGagby7AaUsk7Tul5E31sARAuqte6XNb%3D&sessionId=testID",
					"protocol": "http",
					"host": [
					"port": "8081",
					"path": [
					"query": [
							"key": "password",
							"value": "qY%2F3Q5WfAxEp8XCFZm%2FowDYBGj60a68jDmecWAotHC1%2FNWDZXE%2BfueX8yf8QACvfKw2eyBppWWRusHfUzdRKiz21oAQtHnbYAJIEGagby7AaUsk7Tul5E31sARAuqte6XNb%3D",
							"equals": true,
							"description": ""
							"key": "sessionId",
							"value": "testID",
							"equals": true,
							"description": ""
					"variable": []
				"method": "POST",
				"header": [],
				"body": {},
				"description": "提交密文"
			"response": []


  1. Ssl_handshake_with_two_way_authentication_with_certificates-1.pdf
  2. Java Platform, Standard Edition Security Developer’s Guide
  3. TLS, Pre-Master Secrets and Master Secrets
  4. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2
  5. Crypto in practice: What happens when you connect to a secure web server
  6. 【原创】浅析密码学在互联网支付中的应用 |RSA,Hash,AES,DES,3DES,SHA1,SHA256,MD5,SSL,Private Key,Public Key
  7. Cryptography in Mobile Apps
  8. Encryption
  9. Public-key_cryptography
  10. Google Pay for Payments 针对商家的付款数据加密
  11. Dynamic Rule Encryption for Mobile Payment
  12. Mobile Payment Method Based on Public-Key Cryptography
  13. Java 加密与解密的艺术.第二版
  14. Pseudo-random function: prf.go
  15. prf_test
  16. TLS
  17. 通过 HTTPS 和 SSL 确保安全
  18. 梆梆 SDKs 详细分析(2) - 安全键盘 SDK 揭秘
  19. 安全软键盘 SDK
  20. 密码键盘
  21. PDonkey/SafeKeyboard
  22. StomHong/CustomizeKeyboard
  23. Android 密码安全输入键盘
  24. How is the Premaster secret used in TLS generated?
  25. Method and system for securing a payment transaction with trusted code base
  26. Online Payment Fraud Prevention Using Cryptographic Algorithm TDES
  27. Securing Sensitive Data Using Payload Encryption
  29. Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation:Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC
  30. Java AES 256 GCM Encryption and Decryption Example | JCE Unlimited Strength
  31. NIST Special Publication 800-63B: Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Lifecycle Management
  32. Java Platform, Standard Edition Tools Reference:keytool
  33. PBKDF2
  • 加解密
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  • RSA
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  • AES
    7 引用
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