flagger 以 prometheus 的 metrics 作为依据,通过自动调整 virtualservice 的流量路由权重实现灰度发布
这里使用 rancher 部署,首先创建 flagger 名称空间,安装 istio、kube-prometheus(prometheus operator)、helm
部署 gateway 资源
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: Gateway metadata: name: flagger-gateway namespace: flagger spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway servers: - hosts: - '*' port: name: http number: 80 protocol: HTTP
部署 flagger
添加 charts 仓库
helm repo add flagger https://flagger.app
部署 flagger,指定 istio,指定 prometheus
helm upgrade -i flagger flagger/flagger \ --namespace=cattle-prometheus-p-2p8nx \ # prometheus所在的namespace --set crd.create=true \ --set meshProvider=istio \ --set metricsServer=http://prometheus-operated:9090
podinfo 的 deployment、hpa 资源
kubectl apply -f podinfo.yml --namespace=flagger
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: podinfo labels: app: podinfo spec: minReadySeconds: 5 revisionHistoryLimit: 5 progressDeadlineSeconds: 60 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 1 type: RollingUpdate selector: matchLabels: app: podinfo template: metadata: annotations: prometheus.io/scrape: "true" prometheus.io/port: "9797" labels: app: podinfo spec: containers: - name: podinfod image: stefanprodan/podinfo:3.1.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: http containerPort: 9898 protocol: TCP - name: http-metrics containerPort: 9797 protocol: TCP - name: grpc containerPort: 9999 protocol: TCP command: - ./podinfo - --port=9898 - --port-metrics=9797 - --grpc-port=9999 - --grpc-service-name=podinfo - --level=info - --random-delay=false - --random-error=false livenessProbe: exec: command: - podcli - check - http - localhost:9898/healthz initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: exec: command: - podcli - check - http - localhost:9898/readyz initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 5 resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 512Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 64Mi --- apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: podinfo spec: scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: podinfo minReplicas: 2 maxReplicas: 4 metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: cpu # scale up if usage is above # 99% of the requested CPU (100m) targetAverageUtilization: 99
部署 grafana
自带一个 istio-canary 面板,也可以导出面板模板导入其他 grafana 中
helm upgrade -i flagger-grafana flagger/grafana \ --namespace=cattle-prometheus-p-2p8nx \ --set url=http://prometheus-operated:9090
flagger-loadtester 的 deployment、service 资源
kubectl apply -f flagger-loadtester.yml --namespace=flagger
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: flagger-loadtester labels: app: flagger-loadtester spec: selector: matchLabels: app: flagger-loadtester template: metadata: labels: app: flagger-loadtester annotations: prometheus.io/scrape: "true" prometheus.io/port: "8080" spec: containers: - name: loadtester image: weaveworks/flagger-loadtester:0.11.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: http containerPort: 8080 command: - ./loadtester - -port=8080 - -log-level=info - -timeout=1h livenessProbe: exec: command: - wget - --quiet - --tries=1 - --timeout=4 - --spider - http://localhost:8080/healthz timeoutSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: exec: command: - wget - --quiet - --tries=1 - --timeout=4 - --spider - http://localhost:8080/healthz timeoutSeconds: 5 resources: limits: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "1000m" requests: memory: "32Mi" cpu: "10m" securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsUser: 10001 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: flagger-loadtester labels: app: flagger-loadtester spec: type: ClusterIP selector: app: flagger-loadtester ports: - name: http port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: http
podinfo 的 canary 资源
rancher 中 istio的ingressgateway 默认 http2 端口 31380,在 slb 添加转发 80=>31380
在 hosts 中添加 app.istio.example.com 映射 slb 的解析
canary 资源创建 podinfo-primary 的 deployment 和 service,podinfo-canary 的 service,istio 的 destinationrules、virtualservice 等
kubectl apply -f podinfo-canary.yml --namespace=flagger
apiVersion: flagger.app/v1alpha3 kind: Canary metadata: name: podinfo namespace: flagger spec: # deployment reference targetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: podinfo # the maximum time in seconds for the canary deployment # to make progress before it is rollback (default 600s) progressDeadlineSeconds: 60 # HPA reference (optional) autoscalerRef: apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler name: podinfo service: # service port number port: 9898 # container port number or name (optional) targetPort: 9898 # Istio gateways (optional) gateways: - mesh - flagger-gateway # Istio virtual service host names (optional) hosts: - podinfo.flagger - app.istio.example.com # Istio traffic policy (optional) trafficPolicy: tls: # use ISTIO_MUTUAL when mTLS is enabled mode: DISABLE # Istio retry policy (optional) retries: attempts: 3 perTryTimeout: 1s retryOn: "gateway-error,connect-failure,refused-stream" canaryAnalysis: # schedule interval (default 60s) interval: 1m # max number of failed metric checks before rollback threshold: 5 # max traffic percentage routed to canary # percentage (0-100) maxWeight: 50 # canary increment step # percentage (0-100) stepWeight: 10 metrics: - name: istio_requests_total # minimum req success rate (non 5xx responses) # percentage (0-100) threshold: 99 interval: 30s - name: istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket # maximum req duration P99 # milliseconds threshold: 500 interval: 30s # testing (optional) webhooks: - name: acceptance-test type: pre-rollout url: http://flagger-loadtester.flagger/ timeout: 30s metadata: type: bash cmd: "curl -sd 'test' http://podinfo-canary:9898/token | grep token" - name: load-test url: http://flagger-loadtester.flagger/ timeout: 5s metadata: cmd: "hey -z 1m -q 10 -c 2 http://podinfo-canary.flagger:9898/"
kubectl -n book set image deployment/podinfo \ podinfod=stefanprodan/podinfo:3.1.1
watch 'kubectl -n flagger describe canary/podinfo | tail -n 5' Events: New revision detected podinfo.flagger Scaling up podinfo.flagger Waiting for podinfo.flagger rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 5 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 10 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 15 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 20 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 25 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 30 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 35 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 40 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 45 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 50 Copying podinfo.flagger template spec to podinfo-primary.flagger Waiting for podinfo-primary.flagger rollout to finish: 1 of 2 updated replicas are available Promotion completed! Scaling down podinfo.flagger
A/B 测试
通过 header 匹配来路由流量
apiVersion: flagger.app/v1alpha3 kind: Canary metadata: name: podinfo namespace: flagger spec: # deployment reference targetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: podinfo # the maximum time in seconds for the canary deployment # to make progress before it is rollback (default 600s) progressDeadlineSeconds: 60 # HPA reference (optional) autoscalerRef: apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler name: podinfo service: # container port port: 9898 # Istio gateways (optional) gateways: - flagger-gateway # Istio virtual service host names (optional) hosts: - app.istio.example.com # Istio traffic policy (optional) trafficPolicy: tls: # use ISTIO_MUTUAL when mTLS is enabled mode: DISABLE canaryAnalysis: # schedule interval (default 60s) interval: 1m # total number of iterations iterations: 10 # max number of failed iterations before rollback threshold: 2 # canary match condition match: - headers: user-agent: regex: "^(?!.*Chrome).*Safari.*" - headers: cookie: regex: "^(.*?;)?(type=insider)(;.*)?$" metrics: - name: request-success-rate # minimum req success rate (non 5xx responses) # percentage (0-100) threshold: 99 interval: 1m - name: request-duration # maximum req duration P99 # milliseconds threshold: 500 interval: 30s # generate traffic during analysis webhooks: - name: load-test url: http://flagger-loadtester.flagger/ timeout: 5s metadata: cmd: "hey -z 1m -q 10 -c 2 -H 'Cookie: type=insider' http://podinfo.flagger:9898/"
在金丝雀分析期间,可以生成 HTTP 500 错误和高响应延迟,以测试 Flagger 是否暂停升级。
在 loadtest 中执行命令,生成 HTTP 500 错误返回:
watch curl http://podinfo-canary:9898/status/500
watch curl http://podinfo-canary:9898/delay/1
当失败检查的数量达到金丝雀分析阈值时,流量被路由回主版本,金丝雀版本被缩放为 0,并且升级被标记为失败。
金丝雀报错和延迟峰值被记录为 Kubernetes 事件
kubectl -n cattle-prometheus-p-2p8nx logs deployment/flagger -f | jq .msg Starting canary deployment for podinfo.flagger Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 5 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 10 Advance podinfo.flagger canary weight 15 Halt podinfo.flagger advancement success rate 69.17% < 99% Halt podinfo.flagger advancement success rate 61.39% < 99% Halt podinfo.flagger advancement success rate 55.06% < 99% Halt podinfo.flagger advancement success rate 47.00% < 99% Halt podinfo.flagger advancement success rate 37.00% < 99% Halt podinfo.flagger advancement request duration 1.515s > 500ms Halt podinfo.flagger advancement request duration 1.600s > 500ms Halt podinfo.flagger advancement request duration 1.915s > 500ms Halt podinfo.flagger advancement request duration 2.050s > 500ms Halt podinfo.flagger advancement request duration 2.515s > 500ms Rolling back podinfo.flagger failed checks threshold reached 10 Canary failed! Scaling down podinfo.flagger
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