4-DQL 语句

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3.7 DQL 语句

3.7.1 单表操作


select_expr [, select_expr ...]
[FROM table_references
[WHERE where_condition]
[GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position}
[HAVING where_condition]
[ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position}
[ASC | DESC], ...]
[LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]


  • 字段显示可以使用别名:

    • col1 AS alias1, col2 AS alias2, ...
  • WHERE 子句:指明过滤条件以实现"选择"的功能:

    • 过滤条件:布尔型表达式
  • 算术操作符:+, -, *, /, %

  • 比较操作符:=,<=>(相等或都为空), <>, !=(非标准 SQL), >, >=, <, <=

  • BETWEEN min_num AND max_num,一般用于去范围条件

  • IN (element1, element2, ...),一般用于取几个条件也就是或者


  • DISTINCT 去除重复行,范例:SELECT DISTINCT gender FROM students;

  • LIKE: % 任意长度的任意字符 _ 任意单个字符

  • RLIKE:正则表达式,索引失效,不建议使用

  • REGEXP:匹配字符串可用正则表达式书写模式,同上

  • 逻辑操作符:NOT,AND,OR,XOR

  • GROUP:根据指定的条件把查询结果进行"分组"以用于做"聚合"运算

    • 常见聚合函数:avg(), max(), min(), count(), sum()
    • HAVING: 对分组聚合运算后的结果指定过滤条件
    • 一旦分组 group by ,select 语句后只跟分组的字段,聚合函数
  • ORDER BY: 根据指定的字段对查询结果进行排序

    • 升序:ASC
    • 降序:DESC
  • LIMIT [[offset,]row_count]:对查询的结果进行输出行数数量限制

  • 对查询结果中的数据请求施加"锁

    • FOR UPDATE: 写锁,独占或排它锁,只有一个读和写操作
    • LOCK IN SHARE MODE: 读锁,共享锁,同时多个读操作


mariadb root@(none):(none)> select password("zhangzhuo");
| password("zhangzhuo")                     |
| *E537F5F82C1F36D566632B4C9061BD6715BABF7C |
1 row in set
Time: 0.013s


mysql root@(none):hellodb> desc students
mysql root@(none):hellodb> insert into students values(1,'tom','m'),(2,'alice','f');
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `StuID` <3;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `Gender`='m';
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` is null;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` is not null;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students order by name desc limit 2;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students order by name desc limit 1,2;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `StuID` >=2 and `StuID` <=4;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where  `StuID` between 2 and 4;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where name like 't%';
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where name rlike '.*[lo].*';
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select `StuID` id,name as stuname from students;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` in (1,3,5);
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` not in (1,3,5);

范例:判断是否为 NULL 俩种方式或者不为 NULL

mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` is null;
| StuID | Name        | Age | Gender | ClassID | TeacherID |
| 24    | Xu Xian     | 27  | M      |   |     |
| 25    | Sun Dasheng | 100 | M      |   |     |

2 rows in set
Time: 0.007s
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` <=> null;
| StuID | Name        | Age | Gender | ClassID | TeacherID |
| 24    | Xu Xian     | 27  | M      |   |     |
| 25    | Sun Dasheng | 100 | M      |   |     |

2 rows in set
Time: 0.007s
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` is not null;


mysql root@(none):hellodb> select distinct gender from students;
| gender |
| M      |
| F      |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.008s


mysql root@(none):hellodb> select `ClassID`,count(*) from students group by classid;
| ClassID | count(*) |
| 2       | 3        |
| 1       | 4        |
| 4       | 4        |
| 3       | 4        |
| 5       | 1        |
| 7       | 3        |
| 6       | 4        |
|   | 2        |
8 rows in set
Time: 1.634s

mysql root@(none):hellodb> select `ClassID`,`Gender`,count(*) as 数量 from students group by classid,ge
-> nder
| ClassID | Gender | 数量 |
| 2       | M      | 3    |
| 1       | M      | 2    |
| 4       | M      | 4    |
| 3       | M      | 1    |
| 5       | M      | 1    |
| 3       | F      | 3    |
| 7       | F      | 2    |
| 6       | F      | 3    |
| 6       | M      | 1    |
| 1       | F      | 2    |
| 7       | M      | 1    |
|   | M      | 2    |
12 rows in set
Time: 0.007s
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select classid,avg(age) as 平均年龄 from students where `ClassID` >3 group b
-> y classid having 平均年龄 >30;
| classid | 平均年龄 |
| 5       | 46.0000  |
1 row in set
Time: 0.008s
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select gender,avg(age) 平均年龄 from students group by gender having `Gender -> `='M';
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select classid,gender,count(*) 数量 from students group by classid,gender;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select classid,gender,count(*) 数量 from students group by gender,classid;
#注意:一旦使用分组group by,在select 后面的只能采用分组的列和聚合函数,其它的列不能放在select后面,否则根据系统变量SQL_MODE的值不同而不同的结果


mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students order by `Age` desc limit 3;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students order by `Age` desc limit 3,2;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select classid,sum(age) from students where `ClassID` is not null group by c
-> lassid order by `ClassID`;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select classid,sum(age) from students group by classid having classid is not
->  null order by `ClassID`;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select classid,sum(age) from students where `ClassID` is not null group by c
-> lassid order by `ClassID` limit 2,3;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students where `ClassID` is not null order by `Gender` desc,ag
-> e asc;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students order by `Gender` desc,age asc;


mysql root@(none):hellodb> select classid,count(*) 数量 from students group by classid order by 数量;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select gender,classid,avg(age) from students where `ClassID` is not null gro
-> up by gender,classid order by `Gender`,`ClassID`;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students order by `Age` limit 10;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students order by `Age` limit 3,10;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select distinct age from students order by `Age` limit 3;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select distinct age from students order by age limit 3,5;

#分组和排序的次序group by,having,order by
#以下顺序会出错,group by,order by,having
#以下顺序会出错,order by,group by,having

范例:时间字段进行过滤查询,并且 timestamp 可以随其它字段的更新自动更新

mysql root@(none):hellodb> create table testdata (id int auto_increment primary key,date timestamp defa
-> ult current_timestamp on update current_timestamp );
mysql root@(none):hellodb> insert into testdata () values(),(),();
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from testdata;
| id | date                |
| 1  | 2021-02-04 14:47:34 |
| 2  | 2021-02-04 14:47:34 |
| 3  | 2021-02-04 14:47:34 |
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from testdata where `date` between '2021-02-04 14:40:00' and '2021-
-> 02-04 14:50:00';
| id | date                |
| 1  | 2021-02-04 14:47:34 |
| 2  | 2021-02-04 14:47:34 |
| 3  | 2021-02-04 14:47:34 |
mysql root@(none):hellodb> update testdata set id=10 where id=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected
Time: 0.002s
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from testdata;
| id | date                |
| 2  | 2021-02-04 14:52:34 |
| 3  | 2021-02-04 14:52:34 |
| 4  | 2021-02-04 14:52:38 |
| 5  | 2021-02-04 14:52:39 |
| 10 | 2021-02-04 14:53:07 |
5 rows in set
Time: 0.006s

3.7.2 多表查询


  • 子查询:在 SQL 语句嵌套着查询语句,性能较差,基于某语句的查询结果再次进行的查询

  • 联合查询:UNION

  • 交叉连接:笛卡尔乘积 CROSS JOIN

  • 内连接:

    • 等值连接:让表之间的字段以"等值"建立连接关系
    • 不等值连接
    • 自然连接:去掉重复列的等值连接 , 语法: FROM table1 NATURAL JOIN table2;
  • 外连接:

    • 左外连接:FROM tb1 LEFT JOIN tb2 ON tb1.col=tb2.col
    • 右外连接:FROM tb1 RIGHT JOIN tb2 ON tb1.col=tb2.col
    • 完全外连接: FROM tb1 FULL OUTER JOIN tb2 ON tb1.col=tb2.col 注意:MySQL 不支持此 SQL 语法
  • 自连接:本表和本表进行连接查询 子查询

子查询 subquery 即 SQL 语句调用另一个 SELECT 子句,可以是对同一张表,也可以是对不同表,主要有以下四种常见的用法:

  1. 用于比较表达式中的子查询;子查询仅能返回单个值
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select name,age from students where `Age`>(select avg(`Age`) from teachers);
  1. 用于 IN 中的子查询:子查询应该单独查询并返回一个或多个值重新构成列表
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select name,age from students where age in(select age from teachers);
  1. 用于 EXISTS 和 Not EXISTS


EXISTS(包括 NOT EXISTS )子句的返回值是一个 BOOL 值。 EXISTS 内部有一个子查询语句(SELECT... FROM...), 将其称为 EXIST 的内查询语句。其内查询语句返回一个结果集。 EXISTS 子句根据其内查询语句的结果集空或者非空,返回一个布尔值。将外查询表的每一行,代入内查询作为检验,如果内查询返回的结果为非空值,则 EXISTS 子句返回 TRUE,外查询的这一行数据便可作为外查询的结果行返回,否则不能作为结果

mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students s where exists (select * from teachers t where s.`Tea -> cherID`=t.`TID`);
| StuID | Name        | Age | Gender | ClassID | TeacherID |
| 1     | Shi Zhongyu | 22  | M      | 2       | 3         |
| 4     | Ding Dian   | 32  | M      | 4       | 4         |
| 5     | Yu Yutong   | 26  | M      | 3       | 1         |

1. EXISTS ( NOT EXISTS) 用在 where之后,且后面紧跟子查询语句(带括号)
2. EXISTS ( NOT EXISTS) 只关心子查询有没有结果,并不关心子查询的结果具体是什么
3. 上述语句把students的记录逐条代入到Exists后面的子查询中,如果子查询结果集不为空,即说明存在,那么这条students的记录出现在最终结果集,否则被排除

mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from students s where not exists(select * from teachers t where s.` -> TeacherID`=t.tid);
| StuID | Name          | Age | Gender | ClassID | TeacherID |
| 2     | Shi Potian    | 22  | M      | 1       | 7         |
| 3     | Xie Yanke     | 53  | M      | 2       | 16        |
| 6     | Shi Qing      | 46  | M      | 5       |     |
| 7     | Xi Ren        | 19  | F      | 3       |     |
| 8     | Lin Daiyu     | 17  | F      | 7       |     |
| 9     | Ren Yingying  | 20  | F      | 6       |     |
| 10    | Yue Lingshan  | 19  | F      | 3       |     |
| 11    | Yuan Chengzhi | 23  | M      | 6       |     |
| 12    | Wen Qingqing  | 19  | F      | 1       |     |
| 13    | Tian Boguang  | 33  | M      | 2       |     |
| 14    | Lu Wushuang   | 17  | F      | 3       |     |
| 15    | Duan Yu       | 19  | M      | 4       |     |
| 16    | Xu Zhu        | 21  | M      | 1       |     |
| 17    | Lin Chong     | 25  | M      | 4       |     |
| 18    | Hua Rong      | 23  | M      | 7       |     |
| 19    | Xue Baochai   | 18  | F      | 6       |     |
| 20    | Diao Chan     | 19  | F      | 7       |     |
| 21    | Huang Yueying | 22  | F      | 6       |     |
| 22    | Xiao Qiao     | 20  | F      | 1       |     |
| 23    | Ma Chao       | 23  | M      | 4       |     |
| 24    | Xu Xian       | 27  | M      |   |     |
| 25    | Sun Dasheng   | 100 | M      |   |     |
  1. 用于 FROM 子句中的子查询


SELECT tb_alias.col1,... FROM (SELECT clause) AS tb_alias WHERE Clause;


mysql root@(none):hellodb> select s.classid,s.aage from (select classid,avg(age) as aage from students
-> where `ClassID` is not null group by classid) as s where s.aage>30;


#子查询:select 的执行结果,被其它SQL调用
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select `StuID`,`Name`,`Age` from students where age > (select avg(age) from
-> teachers);


mysql root@(none):hellodb> update teachers set age=(select avg(age) from students) where `TID`=4;
mysql root@(none):hellodb> select * from teachers;
| TID | Name          | Age | Gender |
| 1   | Song Jiang    | 45  | M      |
| 2   | Zhang Sanfeng | 94  | M      |
| 3   | Miejue Shitai | 77  | F      |
| 4   | Lin Chaoying  | 27  | F      |
+-----+---------------+-----+--------+ 联合查询

联合查询 Union 实现的条件,多个表的字段数量相同,字段名和数据类型可以不同,但一般数据类型是相同的

SELECT Name,Age FROM students UNION SELECT Name,Age FROM teachers;


select tid as id,name,age,gender from teachers union select stuid,name,age,gender from students;
select * from teachers union select * from teachers;
select * from teachers union all select * from teachers;


select distinct * from teachers;
#联合查询默认是去重的union all不去重 交叉连接

cross join 即多表的记录之间做笛卡尔乘积组合,并且多个表的列横向合并相加, "雨露均沾"

比如: 第一个表 3 行 4 列,第二个表 5 行 6 列,cross join 后的结果为 3*5=15 行,4+6=10 列



select * from students cross join teachers;
select * from students,teachers; 内连接

inner join 内连接取多个表的交集


#内连接inner join
select * from students inner join teachers on students.teacherid=teachers.tid;
select * from students,teachers where students.teacherid=teachers.tid;
select stuid,s.name as student_name,tid,t.name as teacher_name from students as s inner join teachers as t on s.teacherid=t.tid;
select s.name 学生姓名,s.age 学生年龄,s.gender 学生性别,t.name 老师姓名,t.age 老师年龄,t.gender 老师性别 from students s,teachers t where s.`Gender` <> t.`Gender`;
select * from students s inner join teachers t on s.`TeacherID`=t.tid and s.age >30;


  • 当源表和目标表共享相同名称的列时,就可以在它们之间执行自然连接,而无需指定连接列。
  • 在使用纯自然连接时,如没有相同的列时,会产生交叉连接(笛卡尔乘积)
  • 语法:(SQL:1999)SELECT table1.column, table2.column FROM table1 NATURAL JOIN table2; 左和右外连接


select * from students as s left outer join teachers as t on s.`TeacherID`=t.tid;
select * from students as s left outer join teachers as t on s.`TeacherID`=t.tid where t.tid is null;
select * from students as s left outer join teachers as t on s.`TeacherID`=t.tid and s.`TeacherID` is null;
select * from students as s left outer join teachers as t on s.`TeacherID`=t.tid where s.`TeacherID` is null;
select * from students s right outer join teachers t on s.`TeacherID`=t.tid;
select * from students s right outer join teachers t on s.`TeacherID`=t.tid where s.`TeacherID` is null; 完全外连接

MySQL 不支持完全外连接 full outer join 语法

#MySQL不支持完全外连接 full outer join,利用以下方式法代替
select * from students left join teachers on students.`TeacherID`=teachers.tid union select * from students right join teachers on students.`TeacherID`=teachers.tid; 自连接

自连接, 即表自身连接自身


select * from teachers;
select e.name,l.name from teachers as e inner join teachers as l on e.`TID`=l.tid;

3.7.3 SELECT 语句处理的顺序



SELECT 语句的执行流程:

FROM Clause --> WHERE Clause --> GROUP BY --> HAVING Clause -->SELECT -->ORDER BY --> LIMIT
  • MySQL

    MySQL 是一个关系型数据库管理系统,由瑞典 MySQL AB 公司开发,目前属于 Oracle 公司。MySQL 是最流行的关系型数据库管理系统之一。

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