【杭州】【内推】最会投资比特币的外企 , 诚聘首席研发

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首席研发工程师, 2021/3/19 新出职位,要求简明如下:

· 较强的 c++ 或 java 编程技能

· 7 年以上工作经验

· 基本英文沟通能力

· (计算机/软件硕士及以上学历更佳)






美资外企, 福利优渥,上班不打卡,弹性工作制。周一在家工作 。10-20 天带薪年假,10 天带薪病假。


Work life balance, 工作氛围好,环境佳,每天研磨咖啡,新鲜水果,免费健身房和每个季度健身奖励。



杭州黄龙万科中心 A 座








微策略 MicroStrategy 是全球最大企业级商务智能及分析平台供应商 (NASDAQ : MSTR)。自 1989 年创建之日起,微策略一直是全球商务智能软件的领导者。公司的软件产品广泛应用于海量数据的分析与处理,成为客户商业活动、经营运作、计划决策中不可缺少的一部分,客户遍及财富 500 强以及许多政府部门和教育机构。微策略总部位于美国首都华盛顿毗邻的 Tysons Corner VA。目前拥有超过 2000 名员工,分布在全球 20 多个不同的国家和地区。

微策略中国研发中心 MicroStrategy China Technology Center(简称 CTC)是微策略全球最大的海外研发中心和技术支持中心,创建于 2007 年,目前拥有 300 多名员工。CTC 坐落在美丽的杭州西子湖畔,办公环境优雅舒适。90% 以上的技术工程师拥有海内外知名大学的硕士或博士背景。作为全球最大的海外研发中心,CTC 的工程师全程参与到核心产品的设计、开发与测试,是微策略全球技术团队中最重要的力量。


Principal Software

Software Engineer, Principal Company Description: MicroStrategy transforms organizations into intelligent enterprises through data-driven innovation. We match smart people to dynamic projects and technologies that truly challenge their talents. Curious and creative in outlook, our success is built on the talent and energy of smart and driven people. MicroStrategy (Nasdaq: MSTR) is a worldwide leader in enterprise analytics and mobility software. A pioneer in the BI and analytics space, MicroStrategy delivers innovative software that empowers people to make better decisions and transform the way they do business. We provide our enterprise customers with world-class software and expert services so they can deploy unique intelligence applications. Job Description: The Role:The  Software Engineer, Principal will be a key member of an Agile Software Development team performing C++ or Java development. In this role, you will provide our customers with the most powerful, scalable, and user-friendly platforms for analytics, mobility, and security. You play a role in enabling MicroStrategy products to be best-in-breed and optimized for leading organizations to analyze big data and distribute actionable business insight across their enterprise.Your focus:* Lead the design and implementation of MicroStrategy software platforms, applications, and features, expertly applying advanced design patterns, frameworks. * Proactively participate in every aspect of the entire software development lifecycle of feature development, including input on specifications, designs, implementation, test design, test implementation, optimization, and delivery. * Independently leads investigation of complex, cross-team customer escalations, articulates business impact. * Regularly presents on technical topics to technical and business audiences * Learn an array of new technologies and make enhancements and improvements to software products and development processes. Owns one or more third-party / open-source components and MicroStrategy internal components. * Holding multiple advanced industry certifications is a plus. Qualifications: * Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or similar program; Master’s degree is preferred. * Minimum 7 years of software development experience with real world knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operation systems, and other fundamental concepts. Strong C++ or Java skills in client or server-side development.* Familiarity with SQL, RDBMS, JNI, JDBC or web services is a good plus. * Strong debugging, analytical, and problem-solving skills. * Good communication in English, team-oriented individual, energetic, strong learning ability, result and delivery oriented. * Good communication, coordination and leadership capabilities. MicroStrategy - smrtr.io

Your focus:

  • Lead
    the design and implementation of MicroStrategy software platforms,
    applications, and features, expertly applying advanced design patterns,
  • Proactively
    participate in every aspect of the entire software development lifecycle
    of feature development, including input on specifications, designs,
    implementation, test design, test implementation, optimization, and
  • Independently
    leads investigation of complex, cross-team customer escalations,
    articulates business impact.
  • Regularly
    presents on technical topics to technical and business audiences
  • Learn
    an array of new technologies and make enhancements and improvements to
    software products and development processes. Owns one or more third-party
    / open-source components and MicroStrategy internal components.
  • Holding
    multiple advanced industry certifications is a plus.


  • Bachelor’s
    degree in Computer Science or similar program; Master’s degree is
  • Minimum
    7 years of software development experience with real world knowledge of
    data structures, algorithms, operation systems, and other fundamental
  • Strong C++
    or Java
    in client or server-side development.
  • Familiarity
    with SQL, RDBMS, JNI, JDBC or web services is a good plus.
  • Strong
    debugging, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
  • Good
    communication in English, team-oriented individual, energetic, strong
    learning ability, result and delivery oriented.
  • Good
    communication, coordination and leadership capabilities.
  • 招聘


    188 引用 • 1057 回帖



我们正在构建一个小众社区,大家在这里相互信任,以平等 • 自由 • 奔放的价值观进行分享交流。最终,希望大家能够找到与自己志同道合的伙伴,共同成长。

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推荐标签 标签

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    36 引用 • 37 回帖 • 546 关注
  • Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox 中文俗称“火狐”(正式缩写为 Fx 或 fx,非正式缩写为 FF),是一个开源的网页浏览器,使用 Gecko 排版引擎,支持多种操作系统,如 Windows、OSX 及 Linux 等。

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  • Angular

    AngularAngularJS 的新版本。

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  • 笔记


    311 引用 • 796 回帖
  • Facebook

    Facebook 是一个联系朋友的社交工具。大家可以通过它和朋友、同事、同学以及周围的人保持互动交流,分享无限上传的图片,发布链接和视频,更可以增进对朋友的了解。

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  • Vditor

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  • RemNote
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  • DevOps

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  • 智能合约

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  • RIP


    8 引用 • 92 回帖 • 389 关注
  • PHP

    PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种开源脚本语言。语法吸收了 C 语言、 Java 和 Perl 的特点,主要适用于 Web 开发领域,据说是世界上最好的编程语言。

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  • DNSPod

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  • 酷鸟浏览器

    安全 · 稳定 · 快速

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  • AngularJS

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  • 微软

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  • API

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  • Sandbox

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  • 互联网

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  • Netty

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  • 外包


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  • 开源中国

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  • 分享


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  • 域名

    域名(Domain Name),简称域名、网域,是由一串用点分隔的名字组成的 Internet 上某一台计算机或计算机组的名称,用于在数据传输时标识计算机的电子方位(有时也指地理位置)。

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