思源笔记在 NoteApps 中的个人评估结果

本贴最后更新于 682 天前,其中的信息可能已经天翻地覆


在某一天, 发现了电子笔记界的赛博斗蛐蛐横评网站 NoteApps.info, 但是它的 计划更新列表 太长了, 思源不知道啥时候上榜, 所以我尽量参考榜单中软件的标准, 先对思源进行一次个人评估, 下面是评估结果

  • 评估时间; 2023-04-08
  • 评估项总数: 287
  • 通过项总数: 194
  • 在 31 + 1 款笔记中的排名: 2
    1. Amplenote [206/287]
    2. 思源
    3. Notion [190/287]


[194/287] 功能评估 2023-04-08

  1. [ 8/ 8] 外观 | Appearance

    Features pertaining to how the app comports itself visually

    • 可配置的面板 | Configurable panes
      It is possible to control how many strips of navigation are shown
      可以控制显示多少个导航面板 (侧边面板)
    • 每日笔记 | Daily notes
      The app allows note content to be created & viewed with minimal formatting and today's date as the default note title
      该应用程序允许以最小的格式创建和查看笔记内容,并将今天的日期作为默认笔记标题 (日记)
    • 暗色模式 | Dark mode
      Display option where the editor shows black background with white text.
    • 专注模式 | Focus mode
      A "distraction-free" option where all sidebars are hidden and the editor is in full screen view
      一个“无干扰”选项,所有侧边栏都隐藏,编辑器处于全屏视图 (文档全屏)
    • 多编辑面板 | Multiple editing panes
      A mechanism is provided to have more than one note concurrently open for editing in a separate viewing window contained within the application
    • 主题 | Themes
      Different sets of colors can be chosen to alter the appearance of the app window
      • 自定义 CSS | Themes => Custom CSS
        Custom CSS can be included by the note editor to effect a specific theme via CSS
        笔记编辑器可以包含自定义 CSS,以通过 CSS 设置特定主题 (CSS 片段)
    • 所见即所得视图 | WYSIWYG view
      Editor can show content exactly as it will be exported/printed without requiring keyboard commands
  2. [15/19] 内容上传 & 嵌入 | Content Uploads & Embeds

    What kind of content can be uploaded or inserted into notes?

    • 任意文件 | Arbitrary file
      An arbitrary file of any type can be added to a note
    • 音频 | Audio
      Upload an audio file as a note attachment
    • 表格 | Excel
      Upload a spreadsheet file (such as .xls, .csv) as a note attachment
      将电子表格文档(如 *.xls*.csv)作为笔记附件上传
    • Google 文档 | Google Docs
      A Google Doc file can be embedded within a note
      Google 文档可以嵌入到笔记中 (iframe 块)
    • Google 表格 | Google Sheets
      A Google Sheets file can be embedded within a note
      Google 表格可以嵌入到笔记中 (iframe 块)
    • 图片 | Image
      Upload an image (such as jpeg, png, gif) as a note attachment
      上传图像(例如 *.jpeg*.png*.gif)作为笔记附件
      • 对图片进行 OCR 以进行全文搜索 | Image => OCR image text in full text search
        Words in the image are added to full text search, so the note will show up in search results that contain a word from within the image
        图像中的文本将添加到全文搜索中,因此笔记搜索结果中包含存在匹配文本的图片 (Tesseract OCR)
      • 图片中的文本嵌入正文 | Image => Text extracted to note
        Text from within an image can be inserted into the note body
      • 图片调整尺寸 | Image => Can be resized
        The note app allows the edges of the picture to get dragged so it becomes larger or smaller
      • 裁剪图片 | Image => Can be cropped
        The note app provides editing tools that allow an image in a note to be cropped (e.g., to remove the left half of it)
    • 图库 | Image library
      App provides a library of ready-to-use images
    • PDF
      Upload a PDF file as a note attachment
      将 PDF 文档作为注释附件上传
      • 索引内容 | PDF => Content indexed in search
        The title and body of the PDF are automatically indexed in search
        PDF 的标题和正文可在搜索中自动索引
      • 可标注 | PDF => Can be annotated
        Content of the PDF can be marked up inside the note, rather than using an external editor
        PDF 的内容可以在笔记内标注,而不是使用外部编辑器
      • 可查看 | PDF => Can be viewed from within note
        Content of the PDF can be viewed inside the note, rather than clicking on PDF and having it open in an external PDF viewer
        可以在笔记中查看 PDF 的内容,而不是单击 PDF 并在外部 PDF 查看器中打开它
    • 嵌入 Twitter (推文) | Twitter (tweet) embed
      Interactive preview of a Tweet will be displayed, including any rich content
      将显示推文的交互式预览,包括任何丰富的内容 (iframe 块)
    • 视频 | Video
      Upload a video file as a note attachment
      将视频文档作为笔记附件上传 (视频块)
    • 文档 | Word
      Upload a Word document (such as .doc, .rtf) as a note attachment
      将 Word 文档(如 *.doc*.rtf)作为笔记附件上载
    • 嵌入 YouTube | YouTube embed
      Playing and interacting with YouTube videos is possible from within a note
      可以从笔记中播放 YouTube 视频并与之互动 (iframe 块)
  3. [ 7/ 7] 以用户为中心 | Customer-centric

    Features that pertain to how the app interfaces with its customers

    • 聊天支持 | Chat support available
      Company offers on-site real time chat support, or a chat server in which the company participates
      公司提供现场实时聊天支持,或公司参与的聊天服务器 (可与开发者直接聊天的群组)
    • 社区聊天支持 | Community chat available
      There is a dedicated venue such as Discord where users can chat about the product in real time
      有一个专门的场所,例如 Discord,用户可以在其中实时聊天 (用户聊天群组)
    • 社区论坛或知识库 | Community forum or knowledge base
      The company has a specified URL at which users can discuss the product and ask questions in a format where answers can be upvoted to pinpoint the best one
      该公司有一个指定的 URL,用户可以在该 URL 上讨论产品并以可以投票的格式提出问题,以查明最佳答案。
      思源笔记 - 领域 - 链滴
    • 功能需求投票 | Feature voting
      There exists a publicly accessible site upon which users can upvote features they want to see implemented
      思源笔记 - 领域 - 链滴
    • 永久免费版 | Perpetual free version
      The company offers a version of the product that can be used indefinitely at no cost
    • 产品定期更新 | Regular product updates
      Company has averaged at least one blog post or newsletter per month over the past year that details recent feature updates
      帖子 - siyuan - 链滴 Releases · siyuan-note/siyuan
    • 路线图 | Roadmap
      The company provides a list of the app's upcoming and newly added features for public consumption
      SiYuan Roadmap
  4. [ 5/11] 加密/安全 | Encryption/Security

    What measures are taken to ensure customer data remains private, even to employees of the companies themselves?

    • 支持双因素认证 | 2FA available
      Can enable two-factor authentication from within the app (not only via third parties) to protect account access
      设置 - 安全 - 链滴
    • 端到端加密 | Client-side encryption
      Note data can be encrypted before leaving the user's device such that the decryption key is not shared with the note app provider (sometimes referred to as "end-to-end encryption")
      • 附件端到端加密 | Client-side encryption => Attachments encrypted client-side
      • 默认情况下为所有笔记启用端到端加密 | Client-side encryption => Client-side encryption enabled by default for all notes
    • 服务端加密 | Encrypted at rest/server-side encryption
      Documented claim that all note data is encrypted at rest, on the server
      • 附件服务端加密 | Encrypted at rest/server-side encryption => Attachments encrypted at rest
    • 明确的安全策略 | Explicit security policy
      An explicit policy describes how security is implemented, and what access employees have to data.
      Privacy Policy - SiYuan
      • 拥有数据库访问权限也不能解密笔记内容 | Explicit security policy => Database access insufficient to decrypt secure note content
        Note content can be created such that even a user who gained access to the note app's cloud database (employee or intruder) couldn't decrypt content (i.e., they couldn't obtain a usable decryption key even if possessing the database contents)
      • 员工无法阅读笔记内容 | Explicit security policy => Policy that employees will not read note content
        A documented claim exists that note content will not be accessed by employees
    • 离线笔记 | Local-only/unsynchronized notes
      Notes can exist purely on the local file system of the device, without syncing
    • 密码保护笔记 | Password-protect notes
      A note or block can have a password applied to hide it
  5. [37/42] 格式支持 | Formatting Supported

    What options are available for formatting text and related content in a note?

    • 音频播放 | Audio playback
      Audio can be placed in a note with embedded controls to start and stop the audio
    • 块引用 | Block quote
    • 粗体 | Bold
    • 列表 | Bullet list
      • 嵌套列表 | Bullet list => Nested bullet list
        • 可折叠的列表 | Bullet list => Nested bullet list => Foldable list
          Bullet items can be "folded," "collapsed" or "contracted" such that their nested content is hidden from view
    • 清除格式 | Clear formatting
      There is a hot key or icon to remove all text formatting currently applied
    • 代码 | Code
      Can text be formatted as code?
      • 代码高亮 | Code => Code highlighting
        Does text formatted as code get syntax highlighting?
        • 多语言代码高亮 | Code => Code highlighting => Language-specific code highlighting
          Multiple languages can be selected to define the code syntax highlighting
      • 代码自动缩进 | Code => Auto-indented code
        As text is written in the code block, the level of indentation survives an "enter" press
    • 文本颜色 | Colored text
      Excluding text that gets colored as a side effect of some other formatting feature listed (e.g., highlight)
      并非通过设置格式(例如,高亮显示)而着色的文本 (单独为文本设置颜色)
      • 背景颜色 | Colored text => Background coloring
        There exists a means to recolor the background behind specific text in more than one color
    • 可拖拽的文本块 | Draggable text blocks
      Paragraphs of text can be dragged to any horizontal or vertical coordinate within the note viewing area
    • 绘图/手写 | Drawing/Handwriting
      App provides a built-in means by which to capture user drawings, sketches, or handwriting
      • 绘制的内容转换为文本 | Drawing/Handwriting => Handwriting to text
        Drawn content can be translated into text
    • 可折叠的标题 (大纲模式) | Foldable headers ("Outline mode")
      Note body text can be "collapsed," "contracted," "folded" or otherwise hidden under its (non-bullet list) header
    • 字号 | Font size
      Can font size be explicitly set? I.e., not just through setting it as a header
    • 脚注 | Footnotes
      Text or images can be linked from a particular string of text in the note (not just URLs)
      文本或图像可以从笔记中的特定文本字符串(不仅仅是 URL)链接
    • 一级/二级/三级子标题 | h1/h2/h3
      Header formatting
    • 高亮 | Highlight
    • 图片 | Images
      • 文本可以围绕图像 | Images => Text can wrap around image
        One or more lines of text can be placed on the same line as an image
    • 缩进 | Indent
      Text can be indented (without bullets, block quote, or other incidental features)
    • 斜体 | Italic
    • LaTeX/KaTeX
      Tex extensions commonly used for expressing mathematics
      常用于描述数学公式的 Tex 扩展
    • 行内代码 | Literal
      A monospace font with its own background color can be invoked without breaking a line. Sometimes referred to as "inline code"
    • Markdown
      All common markdown formatting is recognized by the note editor
      笔记编辑器可识别所有常见的 Markdown 格式
    • 有序列表 | Numbered list
      • 嵌套有序列表 | Numbered list => Nested (indented) numbered list
    • 删除线 | Strikethrough
    • 上标 & 下标 | Superscript & subscript
    • 目录 | Table of contents
      A set of links to each header in the note can be inserted into the note
    • 文本对齐 | Text alignment
      Text can be explicitly designated as "center"-aligned, "right"-aligned or "justified"
    • 嵌入 | Transclusion
      A note can preview content embedded from another note in the same pane as the note itself
      • 可编辑 | Transclusion => Editable transclusion
        A note can preview and edit content embedded from within another note or section.
      • 块级别嵌入 | Transclusion => Block-level transclusion
        A note can preview a specific block/section embedded from within another note or section.
    • 字体 | Typeface/font face
      User can choose an explicit font (not just a theme) to restyle text
    • 下划线 | Underline
    • Unicode 编码 | Unicode standard
      A universal character encoding system which allows a wide range of characters (emojis, etc)
    • 视频 | Video
      Videos can be placed in the body of a note, with controls to start and stop the video
    • 可见的格式控件栏 | Visible formatting bar
      A visible text formatting bar is automatically shown, or can be made consistently visible without a mouse hover
  6. [13/20] 导出/导出与数据备份 | Import/Export and Data Backups

    What features are provided for interoperability between apps? How much lock-in is there?

    • 删除所有笔记 | Delete all notes
    • 删除账户 | Delete account
      An entire account can be deleted (including all notes and personal data) without emailing the company
    • 导出: 层次结构 | Export: Hierarchy
      Hierarchy is exported in a way that other apps can import
      层次结构以其他应用可以导入的方式导出 (文档树结构)
    • 导出: 笔记链接 | Export: Note links
      Links between notes are preserved upon export
    • 导出: 图片 | Export: Images
      When an export is initiated, the downloadable package includes image files for each image uploaded to the user's notebook
    • 导出内容为邮件 | Export note to email
    • 导出内容为 PDF | Export to PDF
    • 导出内容为 CSV | Export to CSV
    • 导出内容为 HTML | Export to HTML
    • 导出内容为 Markdown | Exports to markdown
    • 从印象笔记导入 | Import from Evernote
    • 从 Markdown 中导入 | Import from markdown
      • 从 Roam Research 导入 | Import from markdown => Import from Roam
        Note content can be imported from Roam while preserving all linked content
        笔记内容可以从 Roam Research 中导入,同时保留所有链接的内容
    • 从 Trello 导入 | Import from Trello
    • 从 CSV 中导入 | Import from CSV
    • 从 HTML 中导入 | Import from HTML
    • 自动同步到云端 | Syncs to cloud automatically
      App automatically syncs note & image data to the cloud without implementing extensions, and without signing up for a secondary account on a storage provider
    • 回收站 | Trash
      Note app offers ability to restore deleted notes
    • 笔记历史 | Version history
      • 从历史中恢复 | Version history => Restore from past version
  7. [16/22] 集成/可扩展性 | Integrations/Extensibility

    What features does the note provider offer in terms of third-party integrations and utilities adjacent to the note content itself?

    • 提供 API | API offered
      A public API is available to fetch and write note content
      可用于获取和写入笔记内容的公开 API
      siyuan/API.md at master · siyuan-note/siyuan
    • 录音 | Audio recording
      It is possible to record and store audio within the app
    • 计算(评估内容) | Calculations (evaluated content)
      A syntax exists to make numeric or date calculations within the app
      • 日期/时间 | Calculations (evaluated content) => Date/time
        Date and time can be evaluated and inserted into a note
      • 数学计算 | Calculations (evaluated content) => Math calculator
        Addition, subtraction and multiplication is possible within an evaluated expression
    • 可配置的快捷键绑定 | Configurable key bindings
      Hotkeys can be remapped from their default values
    • 使用电子邮件创建笔记 | Create note from email
      Emails can be forwarded to an email address that will create a new note w/ the email content, or append the email content to an existing note
    • 通过拖拽文档创建笔记 | Create note by drag-and-dropping a file
      File can be drag-and-dropped into app to create a note, or a file can be dragged into an import directory to become a note
    • 图表**视图 | **Diagram view
      Supports syntax allowing diagrams and charts (Mermaid, etc) to be inserted into a note body
      支持允许将图表和图表(Mermaid 等)插入到笔记正文中的语法
    • 外部服务回调 | External service callbacks
      It's possible to setup callbacks to external services when a note changes
    • 图形视图 | Graph view
      Linked notes can be viewed as a graph
    • IFTTT 集成 | IFTTT integration
      The app can be connected to https://ifttt.com/
      该应用进程可以连接到 https://ifttt.com/
    • 看板视图 | Kanban Board
    • 笔记模板 | Note templates
      Pre-configured content (instructions, tasks, etc) can be duplicated from an existing source note
      • 模板预览 | Note templates => Template gallery
        A browsable collection of pre-existing sample notes (e.g., "weekly budget") that can be copied into one's own notebook
    • 开源 | Open source
      Public access is available to the source code necessary to build/modify this app
      siyuan-note/siyuan: Build Your Eternal Digital Garden
    • 插件/扩展系统 | Plugin/extension system
      The app offers a plugin or extension system to extend functionality beyond default features included
    • 间隔重复 | Spaced repetition
      An algorithm to generate flashcards from note content is offered
    • 时间线视图 | Timeline view
      View project timelines using a Gantt chart
    • 字数统计 | Word count
      Word count and character count are provided for a note
      • 统计选择内容 | Word count => Selectable count
        The user can select part of a note or task and get a word+character count for just that selection.
    • Zapier 集成 | Zapier integration
      The app can be connected to Zapier
      该应用程序可以连接到 Zapier
  8. [ 0/ 2] 第三方登录 | Login Providers

    Which login types are supported?

    • Apple
    • Google
  9. [ 1/ 9] 手机/平板电脑 | Mobile/Tablet

    Features specific to the mobile experience

    • 笔记查看小组件 (Android) | "Note view" widget (Android)
      Note content can be viewed from outside the app via native Android widget.
      笔记可以通过原生 Android 小部件从应用进程外部查看内容。
    • 笔记查看小组件 (iOS) | "Note view" widget (iOS)
      Note content can be viewed from outside the app via native iOS widget.
      可以通过原生 iOS 小部件从应用进程外部查看注释内容。
    • 笔记中搜索 | Search within note
    • 搜索小组件 (Android) | Search widget (Android)
    • 搜索小组件 (iOS) | Search widget (iOS)
    • 分享内容 (Android) | Share Content (Android)
      When picking the "Share with..." option from an Android app, the app exposes a means for sending content to the app.
    • 分享内容 (iOS) | Share Content (iOS)
      When picking the "Share with..." option from an iOS app, the app exposes a means for sending content to the app.
    • 任务视图小组件 (Android) | "Task view" widget (Android)
      Task content can be viewed from outside the app via native Android widget.
      任务内容可以通过原生 Android 小部件从应用程序外部查看。
    • 任务视图小组件 (iOS) | "Task view" widget (iOS)
      Task content can be viewed from outside the app via native iOS widget.
      可以通过原生 iOS 小部件从应用进程外部查看任务内容。
  10. [ 6/ 7] 离线功能 | Offline

    How well can the app function without internet access?

    • 附件 | Attachments
      Attachments can be inserted into a note and viewed within the note when offline, after starting the app whilst disconnected from the Internet
    • 全文搜索 | Full text search
      Searching for text inside notes works when offline, after starting the app whilst disconnected from the Internet
    • 受限的离线 | Limited Offline
      Allows for offline use only if you've opened the app before going offline
    • 可查看笔记 | Note read access
      Any note can be read when offline, after starting the app whilst disconnected from the Internet
    • 可写入笔记 | Note write access
      Note content can be created or updated when offline, after starting the app whilst disconnected from the Internet
    • 受密码保护的内容 | Password-protected content
      Password-protected notes can be read/modified when offline, after starting the app whilst disconnected from the Internet
    • 快速打开搜索 | Quick open search
      Quick-searching for notes works when offline, after starting the app whilst disconnected from the Internet
  11. [25/25] 性能基准 | Performance Benchmarks

    How fast is it?

    • Android
      • 大篇笔记打开 - 4 秒内可见输入光标 | Android => Large-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 4 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a large- sized note in the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可输入第一个词 | Android => Open app from closed state, add a one-word task in <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, add a one-word task to first available note
      • 搜索一个词 - 5 秒内打开第一个搜索结果 | Android => Search for a word, open first search result in <= 5 seconds
        Search for a word, see new note after opening first search result
      • 小篇笔记打开 - 3 秒内可见输入光标 | Android => Small-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 3 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a small-sized note with the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可见输入光标 | Android => Open app from closed state, cursor visible in first available note <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, see cursor visible in first available note
    • iOS
      • 大篇笔记打开 - 4 秒内可见输入光标 | iOS => Large-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 4 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a large- sized note in the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可输入第一个词 | iOS => Search for a word, open first search result in <= 5 seconds
        Search for a word, see new note after opening first search result
      • 搜索一个词 - 5 秒内打开第一个搜索结果 | iOS => Open app from closed state, add a one-word task in <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, add a one-word task to first available note
      • 小篇笔记打开 - 3 秒内可见输入光标 | iOS => Small-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 3 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a small-sized note with the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可见输入光标 | iOS => Open app from closed state, cursor visible in first available note <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, see cursor visible in first available note
    • macOS
      • 大篇笔记打开 - 4 秒内可见输入光标 | macOS app => Large-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 4 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a large- sized note in the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可输入第一个词 | macOS app => Search for a word, open first search result in <= 5 seconds
        Search for a word, see new note after opening first search result
      • 搜索一个词 - 5 秒内打开第一个搜索结果 | macOS app => Open app from closed state, cursor visible in first available note <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, see cursor visible in first available note
      • 小篇笔记打开 - 3 秒内可见输入光标 | macOS app => Open app from closed state, add a one-word task in <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, add a one-word task to first available note
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可见输入光标 | macOS app => Small-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 3 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a small-sized note with the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
    • Web
      • 大篇笔记打开 - 4 秒内可见输入光标 | Web => Large-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 4 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a large- sized note in the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可输入第一个词 | Web => Open app from closed state, add a one-word task in <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, add a one-word task to first available note
      • 小篇笔记打开 - 3 秒内可见输入光标 | 搜索一个词 - 5 秒内打开第一个搜索结果 | Web => Search for a word, open first search result in <= 5 seconds
        Search for a word, see new note after opening first search result
      • Web => Open app from closed state, cursor visible in first available note <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, see cursor visible in first available note
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可见输入光标 | Web => Small-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 3 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a small-sized note with the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
    • Windows app
      • 大篇笔记打开 - 4 秒内可见输入光标 | Windows app => Search for a word, open first search result in <= 5 seconds
        Search for a word, see new note after opening first search result
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可输入第一个词 | Windows app => Open app from closed state, cursor visible in first available note <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, see cursor visible in first available note
      • 搜索一个词 - 5 秒内打开第一个搜索结果 | Windows app => Large-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 4 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a large- sized note in the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 小篇笔记打开 - 3 秒内可见输入光标 | Windows app => Small-sized note lookup, cursor visible in <= 3 seconds
        New note opens after looking up title of a small-sized note with the fastest available "note opening" mechanism
      • 启动应用程序 - 5 秒内可见输入光标 | Windows app => Open app from closed state, add a one-word task in <= 5 seconds
        Open up app from completely closed state, add a one-word task to first available note
  12. [ 6/ 9] 平台 | Platforms

    Which platforms are officially supported?

    • Android
      There is an Android app available for download in the Play store
      Google Play 商店中有一个 Android 应用程序可供下载
      SiYuan - Google Play 上的应用
    • iOS
      There is an iOS app available for download in the App Store
      App Store 中有一个 iOS 应用程序可供下载
      SiYuan on the App Store
      • iPad 原生应用 | iOS => iPad native app
        An iPad app (separate from iOS app) has been published to App Store
        iPad 应用(独立于 iOS 应用)已发布到 App Store
    • Linux
      Includes web apps that can be installed via PWA or Electron
      包括可通过 PWA 或 Electron 安装的 Web 应用进程
    • macOS
      Includes web apps that can be installed via PWA or Electron
      包括可通过 PWA 或 Electron 安装的 Web 应用进程
      • macOS 原生应用 | macOS => Native app
        An installable app is available that isn't a Progressive Web App or Electron
        可安装的应用进程不是渐进式 Web 应用进程或 Electron。
    • Web
      App is available via web browser
    • Windows
      Includes web apps that can be installed via PWA or Electron
      包括可通过 PWA 或 Electron 安装的 Web 应用进程
      SiYuan - Microsoft Store 应用程序
      • Windows 原生应用 | Windows => Native app
        An installable app is available that isn't a Progressive Web App or Electron
        可安装的应用进程不是渐进式 Web 应用进程或 Electron。
  13. [31/36] 搜索 & 导航 | Search & Navigation

    What options are there for navigating around the app and finding the note you're after?

    • 归档 | Archived section
      Archived notes can be filtered & viewed
    • 自动建议标签、目录或类别 | Auto-suggest tags, directory, or category
      When entering text into the search field, matching hierarchical tags/directories are offered to help the user filter note content
    • 反链 (双向链接) | Backlinks (Bi-directional links)
      For any given note, the app provides a way to browse all other notes that contain links pointing to it.
      • 过滤 | Backlinks (Bi-directional links) => Filter backlinks
        It's possible to filter backlinked content, whether by tag, note title, or other means
      • 排序 | Backlinks (Bi-directional links) => Sortable
      • 提及 |Backlinks (Bi-directional links) => Unlinked reference promotion
        UX is provided to find references to a note (aka mentions of the note title) and quickly convert them into links
        提供 UX 以查找对笔记的引用(也称为提及笔记标题)并快速将其转换为链接
    • 查询关键字语法 | Boolean operators
      The three keyword operators (AND, NOT, OR) limit or expand search results
    • 跨笔记链接 | Cross-note linking
      It's possible to create a link from one note to another note
    • 全文搜索 | Full text search
      A list of all notes containing a word or phrase can be produced
      • 允许引用/原文搜索 | Full text search => Allow quoted/literal searches
      • 通过日期范围过滤 | Full text search => Filter on date range
      • 通过作者过滤 | Full text search => Filter on author
      • 通过层级过滤 | Full text search => Filter on hierarchy
        Using whatever mechanism the app provides to organize notes (e.g., tags, folders), can that mechanism be used as a full text search filter?
      • 根据日期排序 | Full text search => Sort by date
        Search results can be sorted by the note's date of creation
    • 行内标签 | Inline tags
      It's possible to assign a hierarchy identifier (such as a tag) to a line of text, such that the line (not the note itself) can be discovered when browsing the note hierarchy
    • 快捷键参考 | Keyboard shortcuts reference
      A menu to view available keyboard shortcuts is located within the app
    • 链接到笔记中的内容 | Link to content in note
      Means provided to link to specific content in another note (be it a heading, paragraph, task, or bullet)
    • 通过搜索建立链接 | Lookup notes to link out
      A dialog is provided to look up other notes as link targets while creating a new link in a note
      • 链接到笔记中的内容 | Lookup notes to link out => Link to content within notes
        A dialog is provided to look up other specific headers/blocks as link targets while creating a new link in a note.
        • 全局块链接 | Lookup notes to link out => Link to content within notes => Global block linking
          A dialog is provided to lookup and link to a block from any note, without having to type an identifier for the note.
    • 笔记组织层次结构 (标签、文档夹) | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders)
      The app provides a means by which to arrange notes such that they can be browsed through a tree structure (e.g., tags, folders)
      • 设置颜色 | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders) => Hierarchy coloring
        Nodes in the note hierarchy can be colored
      • 设置表情符号 | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders) => Emojis in hierarchy
        Emojis can be used to demarcate note hierarchy members
      • 层次命名规范 (大小写/空格) | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders) => Hierarchy normalizes casing/spacing
        Hierarchy members have capitalization and spacing normalized in order to avoid creation of duplicates
      • 支持 3 层以上的层级 | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders) => Allows 3+ levels deep hierarchy
      • 可移动 | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders) => Hierarchy can be moved
        It's possible to drag-and-drop, or otherwise relocate a branch of the organization hierarchy to a new location
      • 可以将多个层次结构应用于一个笔记 | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders) => Can apply multiple hierarchies to one note
        A note can be in multiple navigation hierarchies concurrently (i.e., because it has multiple tags)
      • 可合并 | Note organization hierarchy (tags, folders) => Hierarchy can be merged
        Notes that were tagged or filed in one hierarchy can be merged en masse into another hierarchy
    • 笔记通知提醒 | Note reminder
      An alert time can be associated with a note
    • 固定到顶部 | Pin to top
      A note can be pinned to the top of the note list for easy access, and will stay there until unpinned
    • 快速打开笔记查找 | Quick open note lookup
      A hotkey is available that can be used to access an input box that searches notes, and a note can be selected from that list without using the mouse
      • 可以用层次结构进行过滤 | Quick open note lookup => Quick-open can filter on hierarchy
    • 保存或收藏 | Save or favorite
      The parameters of a search can be saved to become accessible within one click
    • 捷径 | Shortcuts
      Groups of notes can be accessed from a dedicated "Shortcuts" or "Favorites" area within the app
    • 命令捷径 | Slash command shortcut
      The forward slash key can be used to call forth a dialogue with a list of editing & formatting options
    • 将所选文本转换为笔记链接 | Turn selected text into a note link
      App exposes a hotkey or clickable icon to create a link to a new or existing note where selected text will be extracted to.
  14. [ 6/18] 协作/共享 | Sharing/Collaboration

    What features exist to share notes with the world?

    • 博客托管 | Blog hosting
      Company provides a hosted space for publishing notes as blog posts, and published notes can be browsed by author.
    • 可嵌入网页 | Embeddable in web pages
      App provides means to embed note content in web pages outside the app
    • 锁定 | Locking
      A note can be locked to prevent editing
    • @ 协作者 | @mentions
      Collaborators can be referenced via an @ prefix, receiving a notification upon being mentioned
      可以通过 @ 前缀引用协作者,并在被提及时收到通知
    • 笔记视图计数器 | Note view counter
      A counter exists to see how many times a shared/published note has been viewed
    • 演示模式 | Presentation mode
      A set of notes can be presented as full screen slides
    • 发布在指定 URL | Publish to URL
      Notes can be shared through a publicly-accessible link
      • 自定义 URL | Publish to URL => Customizable URL
      • 可以在已发布的 URL 上设置到期日期 | Publish to URL => Expiration date can be set on published URL
      • 可编辑的已发布笔记 | Publish to URL => Editable published notes
        Notes shared via a publicly-accessible link can be edited by any visitor without requiring explicit permissions from the note owner
    • 实时协作 | Real-time collaboration
      Multiple parties can edit a note concurrently + see where each editor's cursor resides
      多方可以同时编辑一篇笔记 + 查看每个编辑者的光标所在的位置
      • 可对读取/写入权限进行控制 | Sharable with selected members => Allows configurable read or write access
    • 可与选定成员共享 | Sharable with selected members
      Enable a specific user or multiple users to view and/or edit one's otherwise private note content
    • 批量共享笔记 | Share notes en masse
      It's possible to define a group of notes to be shared through a single action.
    • 用户评论 | User commenting
      • 内容批注 | User commenting => On text in a note
      • 笔记评论 | User commenting => On a note itself
    • 工作空间视图 | Workspace view
      All documents shared by collaborators can be accessed on a consolidated page
  15. [ 4/10] 表格 | Tables

    Does the app support formatting data in tables?

    • 将格式应用于整行/整列 | Apply formatting to entire row/column
    • 设置单元格背景颜色 | Cell background coloring
    • 列数据类型 | Column data types
      Column data types (e.g., numeric, text, enumerated) can be defined such that they restrict the type of input that can be entered into a cell
    • 跨文档 | Cross-document
      A table's data can be viewed from different notes for a single source of truth
    • 公式 | Formulas
      • 数学公式 | Formulas => Math formulas
      • 公式自动建议 | Formulas => Formula autosuggest
        Formulas can be deduced by an inline autosuggest hint
    • 搜索/过滤 | Search/filter
      Table rows can be filtered based on an input query
    • 行排序 | Sortable rows
      Rows can be sorted by the contents of a column
    • 表格格式的内容 | Table-formatted content
      Basic support for formatting content as a table
  16. [ 7/31] 任务 & 日程计划 (日历) | Tasks & Scheduling (Calendar)

    What to-do list and scheduling features does the app support?

    • 可分配任务 | Assignable
      An option exists to designate who is expected to complete a task
    • 批量完成 | Batch complete
      Multiple sibling tasks or checkboxes can be marked complete en masse
    • 内置的日历 | Built-in calendar
      A calendar on which tasks can be viewed is provided in the app
      • 从日历中导入任务 | Built-in calendar => Imports tasks from calendar
        App will import existing events from an external calendar (e.g., Google Calendar) and show them within the app
        应用可从外部日历(例如 Google 日历)导入现有活动,并在应用中显示这些活动
        • Google 日历 | Built-in calendar => Exports tasks to external calendar => Google Calendar
        • Outlook | Built-in calendar => Exports tasks to external calendar => Outlook
      • 导入任务到日历 | Built-in calendar => Exports tasks to external calendar
    • 从 Slack 中创建任务 | Create a task from Slack
    • 使用邮件创建任务 | Create a task from email
    • 到期日 (又称开始时间) | Due date (aka "Start time")
      A specific date and time at which a task is scheduled to be addressed
    • 可嵌入内容 | Embeddable content
      Content can be contained in a task beyond standard markdown text/links
      超越标准 Markdown 文本/链接的内容可以包含在任务中
      • 图片 | Embeddable content => Images
      • PDF 文件 | Embeddable content => PDFs
      • 视频 | Embeddable content => Video
    • 全局任务视图 | Global task view
      There exists a means to view all tasks that have been created across a group of notes
    • 受限的任务功能 | Limited tasks
      Text can be prefaced with a completable checkbox, but is not removed from the task list when completed
    • 批量移动 | Movable en masse
      It's possible to move a batch of tasks from one note to another using drag and drop
    • 嵌套/子任务 | Nesting/Sub-tasks
      • 可折叠 | Nesting/Sub-tasks => Collapsible
        It's possible to "fold" or "contract" a group of tasks so that sub-tasks are hidden
      • 拖拽 | Nesting/Sub-tasks => Draggable
        Groups of task hierarchies can be dragged from one location to another
    • 优先级 | Priority
      There exists a means by which one can designate a task as being "high priority"
      • 紧急任务 | Priority => Urgent
        There exists a means to mark a task not only as "High priority," but "Urgent," which brings the additional implication that the task is to be completed soon.
      • 重要任务 | Priority => Important
        There exists the means to mark a task as "Important," implying the task should not be forgotten but needn't be done soon
    • 重复任务 | Recurrence
      • 灵活的重复 | Recurrence => Flexible recurrence
        It's possible to set up tasks to recur at a chosen interval after the previous instance of the task is completed. For example, if you want to exercise every 2 days after you last exercised.
        可以将任务设置为在任务的上一个实例完成后按选定的时间间隔重复执行。例如,如果您想在上次锻炼后每 2 天锻炼一次。
    • 通知 | Reminders
      An alert time can be associated with a task
    • 从列表中删除已完成的任务 | Removed from list upon completion
    • 临时忽略任务 | Snooze
      An option is provided to hide a task until a later date chosen
    • 统计 | Stats
      Stats are available on past completed tasks
    • 时间估计 | Time estimate
      It's possible to set a task duration estimate
    • 两次或更少的点击即可从移动设备添加新任务 | Two or less taps to add new task from mobile
      When the mobile app is opened, no more than two taps are ever necessary to add a new task
  17. [ 7/11] 网页捕获 | Web Capture

    What functionality is offered to capture content discovered on the internet?

    • 捕获批注 | Annotate clipping
    • 捕获网址 | Capture URL
      The URL of the web page from whence the capture occurred can be included among the content inserted into note
    • 可选择插入的位置 | Choose note destination
      Web clipper allows choosing a note to insert image into
      Web 捕获器可以选择将捕获的内容插入到笔记中的位置
    • Chrome 扩展 | Chrome extension
    • 捕获部分页面 | Clip partial page
      A specific area on the page can be selected to capture
    • 跨可视区域捕获 | Clip content longer than one screen
      The clipper can capture an entire web page, even when it is taller than their viewport
    • 可搜索捕获的内容 | Clipped text searchable
    • 可划选内容粘贴到笔记中 | Clipped text pastable into note
    • Firefox 扩展 | Firefox extension
    • Safari 扩展 | Safari extension
    • 捕获时可添加标签 | Specify tags during capture
  • 思源笔记



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