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Example in Early Breast Cancer







  • 参数确定(Parameters)

    • 模拟期间的共同参数(common within simulation,如费用 cost)
    • 不同治疗间患者的共同参数(common for a patient across interventions,如患者特征)
    • 每个患者和治疗的特定参数(specific to each patient and intervention)
  • 初始事件和到事件的时间(Initial events and time to event)

  • 事件关系(相互作用)的指定(Declaration of reaction to each event)

  • 效用和费用(Utilities and costs(optional))

  • 运行模型和结果输出



  • 每次模拟(PSA)
  • 每个患者
  • 每种治疗
  • 每个事件

对于每个事件,计算先前和当前事件之间的折扣 qalys/lys/成本,然后添加/更新反应中定义的事件/项目




#Put objects here that do not change on any patient or intervention loop
common_all_inputs <-add_item(
                      util.sick = 0.8, 
                      util.sicker = 0.5,
                      cost.sick = 3000,
                      cost.sicker = 7000,
             = 1000,
                      coef_noint = log(0.2),
                      HR_int = 0.8)

# Utilities:效用,健康=1.0,sick=0.8,sicker=0.5,death=0

#Put objects here that do not change as we loop through treatments for a patient
common_pt_inputs <- add_item(death= max(0.0000001,rnorm(n=1, mean=12, sd=3))) 

#Put objects here that change as we loop through treatments for each patient (e.g. events can affect fl.tx, but events do not affect nat.os.s)
unique_pt_inputs <- add_item(fl.sick = 1) 



add_item(.data = NULL, ...)

add_item(util_idfs = if(psa_bool){rnorm(1,0.8,0.2)} else{0.8}, 
         util.mbc = 0.6, 
         cost_idfs = 2500)



add_tte(.data = NULL, trt, evts, other_inp = NULL, input)


evts​:事件向量,需要通过 add_reactevt()​向事件添加变化及需要的计算


input​:evts 参数中列出事件初始事件时间

init_event_list <- 
  add_tte(trt="noint", evts = c("sick","sicker","death") ,input={
    sick <- 0
    sicker <- draw_tte(1,dist="exp", coef1=coef_noint)}) %>%  
  add_tte(trt="int", evts = c("sick","sicker","death") ,input={  
    sick <- 0
    sicker <- draw_tte(1,dist="exp", coef1=coef_noint, hr = HR_int)})

在 init_event_list 中定义 2 种治疗,每种治疗 3 个事件,c("sick","sicker","death")

trt="noint"​中 sick​的初始时间为 0,sicker​的初始时间服从参数为 coef_noint(log(0.2)​)指数分布

trt="int"​中 sick​的初始时间为 0,sicker​的初始时间服从 HR=HR_int(0.8)的相对于参数为 coef_noint(log(0.2)​)指数分布



draw_tte(n_chosen = 1,dist = "exp",coef1 = 1,coef2 = NULL,coef3 = NULL,hr = 1,seed = NULL)

n_chosen​:observations 数


coef1​:分布的第一个系数,在 coef()中定义,在 flexsurvreg 对象中输出







定义事件发生对其他事件、费用、效用或 item 的影响。

add_reactevt(.data = NULL, name_evt, input)

name_evt​:发生 reactions 的事件名称

input​:事件发生时 reactions 的表达式

  • modify_item()​:增加、修改 items/flags/variables
  • new_event()​:添加事件
  • modify_event()​:用过时间修改已存在的事件








模型将一直运行直到 curtime​设为 Inf​,因此终止模型的事件应该修改 curtime 并将其设置为 Inf

建议将添加/修改的一类 inputs/events 作为一个 list 以 group 形式在函数中处理,而不是一个一个单独处理。


evt_react_list <-
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "sick",
               input = {}) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "sicker",
               input = {modify_item(list(fl.sick = 0))}) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "death",
               input = {modify_item(list(curtime = Inf))}) 



add_util(.data = NULL, util, evt, trt, cycle_l = NULL, cycle_starttime = 0)




cycle_l​:Cycle 长度,效用按 cycle 计算时会用到

cycle_starttime​:效用开始计算的时间,效用按 cycle 计算时会用到

util_ongoing <- add_util(evt = c("sick", "sicker","death"),
                         trt = c("int", "noint"),
                         util = util.sick * fl.sick + util.sicker * (1-fl.sick))



add_cost(.data = NULL, cost, evt, trt, cycle_l = NULL, cycle_starttime = 0)




cycle_l​:Cycle 长度,费用按 cycle 计算时会用到

cycle_starttime​:费用开始计算的时间,费用按 cycle 计算时会用到



  trt_list = c("int", "noint"),
  common_all_inputs = NULL,
  common_pt_inputs = NULL,
  unique_pt_inputs = NULL,
  init_event_list = NULL,
  evt_react_list = evt_react_list,
  util_ongoing_list = NULL,
  util_instant_list = NULL,
  util_cycle_list = NULL,
  cost_ongoing_list = NULL,
  cost_instant_list = NULL,
  cost_cycle_list = NULL,
  npats = 500,
  n_sim = 1,
  psa_bool = NULL,
  ncores = 1,
  drc = 0.035,
  drq = 0.035,
  input_out = NULL,
  ipd = TRUE,
  debug = FALSE



common_pt_inputs​:治疗间患者参数(not affected by the intervention)

unique_pt_inputs​:治疗内患者参数(change across each intervention)



util_ongoing_list:​持续事件的效用列表(at an ongoing basis)

util_instant_list:​临时事件的效用列表(accrued instantaneously at an event)

util_cycle_list:​cycles 内效用

cost_ongoing_list:​持续事件的费用列表(at an ongoing basis)

cost_instant_list:​临时事件的费用列表(accrued instantaneously at an event)

cost_cycle_list:​cycles 内费用



psa_bool:​是否执行 PSA


drq:​LYs/QALYs 的折扣率

ipd:​用于确定是否应返回单个患者数据的布尔值,如果设置为 false,则只返回主要的聚合输出(稍微加快代码速度)

debug:​用于确定是否应使用非并行 RunEngine 函数,这有助于调试

results <- RunSim(  
  npats=1000,                               # number of patients to be simulated
  n_sim=1,                                  # number of simulations to run
  psa_bool = FALSE,                         # use PSA or not. If n_sim > 1 and psa_bool = FALSE, then difference in outcomes is due to sampling (number of pats simulated)  
  trt_list = c("int", "noint"),             # intervention list
  common_all_inputs = common_all_inputs,    # inputs common that do not change within a simulation
  common_pt_inputs = common_pt_inputs,      # inputs that change within a simulation but are not affected by the intervention
  unique_pt_inputs = unique_pt_inputs,      # inputs that change within a simulation between interventions
  init_event_list = init_event_list,        # initial event list
  evt_react_list = evt_react_list,          # reaction of events
  util_ongoing_list = util_ongoing,
  cost_ongoing_list = cost_ongoing,
  ncores = 2,                               # number of cores to use, recommended not to use all
  drc = 0.035,                              # discount rate for costs
  drq = 0.035                               # discount rate for qaly/lys

           int    noint
costs 54560.04 52079.85
lys       9.69     9.69
qalys     6.17     6.03
ICER        NA      Inf
ICUR        NA 17043.56



summary_results_det(out = final_output, trt = NULL)

summary_results_psa(out = output_psa, trt = NULL)​会得到置信区间

out​:RunSim()​的结果中的 final_output​数据



psa_ipd <- bind_rows(map(results$output_psa, "merged_df")) 
psa_ipd[1:10,] %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
evtname evttime cost qaly ly pat_id trt total_costs total_qalys total_lys simulation
sick 0.0000000 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1 int 73626.16 5.475675 10.698576 1
sicker 0.4243738 1685.164 0.3370329 0.4212911 1 int 73626.16 5.475675 10.698576 1
death 13.3406999 71940.994 5.1386424 10.2772848 1 int 73626.16 5.475675 10.698576 1
sick 0.0000000 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2 int 33429.94 4.655493 6.665406 1
sicker 4.7819160 17637.206 3.5274411 4.4093014 2 int 33429.94 4.655493 6.665406 1
death 7.5710636 15792.730 1.1280521 2.2561043 2 int 33429.94 4.655493 6.665406 1
sick 0.0000000 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 3 int 77087.01 6.584838 11.911283 1
sicker 2.1768321 8389.288 1.6778575 2.0973219 3 int 77087.01 6.584838 11.911283 1
death 15.3259546 68697.724 4.9069803 9.8139605 3 int 77087.01 6.584838 11.911283 1
sick 0.0000000 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 4 int 41007.00 8.201399 10.251749 1


Model Concept



#Utilities <- data.frame(name = c("util.idfs.ontx" ,"util.idfs.offtx" ,"util.remission" ,"util.recurrence" ,"util.mbc.progression.mbc" ,"util.mbc.pps"),
                        value = c(0.75, 0.8,0.9,0.7,0.6,0.5),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE) <- data.frame(name = c("cost.idfs.tx" ,"cost.recurrence" ,"cost.mbc.tx" ,"cost.tx.beva" ,"cost.idfs.txnoint",
                        value = c(40000,5000,3000,10000,30000,10000,20000,30000,20000,1000),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
  mutate(se= value/5)

定义模型模拟需要的初始 inputs 和 flag,可以定义

  • 针对所有患者的输入(common_all_inputs​)
  • 某种治疗中的特定独立患者(common_pt_inputs​)
  • 特定治疗的特定患者(unique_pt_inputs

通过 add_item​函数添加 item,并在之后的 items 中使用。所有输入都在执行事件和对事件的反应之前定义完成。

程序首先执行 common_all_inputs​,之后 common_pt_inputs​,然后 unique_pt_inputs​。

fl.remission​flag 刻画了概率为 0.8 的伯努利分布,表示 80% 的患者 remission,20% 的患者进展为 early metastatic BC。也可以使用至 remission 和至进展为 mBC 两种状态的的较短时间来建模。

定义状态(utilities)和 cost 的 vector,之后分配给每个指定的 item。

模型中运行的 items(如 util.remission​)是 unnamed。It is strongly recommended to assign unnamed objects if they are going to be processed in the model. In this case, we’re only using util_v and cost_v as an intermediate input and these objects will not be processed。

#Each patient is identified through "i"
#Items used in the model should be unnamed numeric/vectors! otherwise if they are processed by model it can lead to strangely named outcomes
#In this case, util_v is a named vector, but it's not processed by the model. We extract unnamed numerics from it.

#Put objects here that do not change on any patient or intervention loop
common_all_inputs <- add_item( #utilities
  util_v = if(psa_bool){
    setNames(MASS::mvrnorm(1,$value,diag($se^2)),$name) #in this case I choose a multivariate normal with no correlation
  } else{setNames($value,$name)},
  util.idfs.ontx = util_v[["util.idfs.ontx"]], 
  util.idfs.offtx  = util_v[["util.idfs.offtx"]],
  util.remission = util_v[["util.remission"]],
  util.recurrence = util_v[["util.recurrence"]],
  util.mbc.progression.mbc = util_v[["util.mbc.progression.mbc"]],
  util.mbc.pps = util_v[["util.mbc.pps"]]
) %>%
  add_item( #costs
    cost_v = if(psa_bool){
      setNames(draw_gamma($value,$se),$name) #in this case I choose a gamma distribution
    } else{setNames($value,$name)},
    cost.idfs.tx  = cost_v[["cost.idfs.tx"]],
    cost.recurrence  = cost_v[["cost.recurrence"]],
    cost.mbc.tx  = cost_v[["cost.mbc.tx"]],
    cost.tx.beva  = cost_v[["cost.tx.beva"]],
    cost.idfs.txnoint = cost_v[["cost.idfs.txnoint"]],
    cost.idfs = cost_v[["cost.idfs"]],
    cost.mbc.progression.mbc = cost_v[["cost.mbc.progression.mbc"]],
    cost.mbc.pps = cost_v[["cost.mbc.pps"]],
    cost.2ndline = cost_v[["cost.2ndline"]], = cost_v[[""]]

#Put objects here that do not change as we loop through interventions for a patient
common_pt_inputs <- add_item(sex_pt = ifelse(rbernoulli(1,p=0.01),"male","female"),
                             nat.os.s = draw_resgompertz(1,
                                                         lower_bound = 50) ) #in years, for a patient who is 50yo

#Put objects here that change as we loop through treatments for each patient (e.g. events can affect fl.tx, but events do not affect nat.os.s)
#common across trt but changes per pt could be implemented here (if (trt==)... )
unique_pt_inputs <- add_item(
  fl.idfs.ontx             = 1,
  fl.idfs                  = 1,
  fl.mbcs.ontx             = 1,
  fl.mbcs.progression.mbc  = 1,
  fl.tx.beva               = 1,  
  fl.mbcs                  = 0,
  fl.mbcs_2ndline          = 0,
  fl.recurrence            = 0,
  fl.remission             = rbernoulli(1,0.8) #80% probability of going into remission



通过 add_tte​函数添加事件,每种治疗使用一次 add_tte​函数。


  • one to indicate the intervention
  • one to define the names of the events used
  • one to define the names of other objects ​created that would like to store (optional, maybe we generate an intermediate input which is not an event but that we want to save)

事件和其他对象将自动初始化为 Inf​。

init_event_list​对象是通过使用 add_tte​函数两次来填充的,一个是针对“int”策略,另一个则是针对“noint”策略。首先声明开始时间为 0。

通过 draw_tte()​函数生成目标事件的发生时间

示例中事件的初始 list 为 start, ttot, ttot.beva, progression.mbc, os, idfs, ttot.early, remission, recurrence and start.early.mbc​。其他非初始化的事件可以在 reactions part 定义。

init_event_list <- 
          evts = c("start","ttot", "ttot.beva","progression.mbc", "os","idfs","ttot.early","remission","recurrence","start.early.mbc"),
          other_inp = c("os.early","os.mbc"),
          input={ #intervention
            start <- 0
            idfs <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2)) 
            ttot.early <- min(draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2)),idfs)
            ttot.beva <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2))
            os.early <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=3, coef2=log(0.2)) 
            #if patient has remission, check when will recurrence happen
            if (fl.remission) { 
              recurrence <- idfs +draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2))
              remission <- idfs
              #if recurrence happens before death
              if (min(os.early,nat.os.s)>recurrence) { 
                #Late metastatic (after finishing idfs and recurrence)
                os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs  +  recurrence 
                progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence 
                ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence
            } else{ #If early metastatic
              start.early.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2.3, coef2=log(0.2))
              idfs <- ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs)
              ttot.early <- min(ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs),ttot.early)
              os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
              progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
              ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
            os <- min(os.mbc,os.early,nat.os.s)
          }) %>%  
          evts = c("start","ttot", "ttot.beva","progression.mbc", "os","idfs","ttot.early","remission","recurrence","start.early.mbc"),
          other_inp = c("os.early","os.mbc"),                     
          input={  #reference strategy
            start <- 0
            idfs <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2),hr=1.2) 
            ttot.early <- min(draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2),hr=1.2),idfs)
            os.early <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=3, coef2=log(0.2),hr=1.2) 
            #if patient has remission, check when will recurrence happen
            if (fl.remission) { 
              recurrence <- idfs +draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2, coef2=log(0.2))
              remission <- idfs
              #if recurrence happens before death
              if (min(os.early,nat.os.s)>recurrence) { 
                #Late metastatic (after finishing idfs and recurrence)
                os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs  +  recurrence 
                progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence 
                ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + idfs +  recurrence
            } else{ #If early metastatic
              start.early.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=2.3, coef2=log(0.2))
              idfs <- ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs)
              ttot.early <- min(ifelse(start.early.mbc<idfs,start.early.mbc,idfs),ttot.early)
              os.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.8, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
              progression.mbc <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
              ttot <- draw_tte(1,'lnorm',coef1=0.5, coef2=log(0.2)) + start.early.mbc
            os <- min(os.mbc,os.early,nat.os.s)


定义好事件的初始时间后,需要指定事件如何反应以及相互影响,需要使用 evt_react_list​对象和 add_reactevt​函数。这个函数需要指明受影响的事件和实际的影响(usually setting flags to 1 or 0, or creating new/adjusting events)。示例中添加一个服从 Possion 分布的不良事件,以及对特定事件的修改(如通过从每个不良事件中减去 1.5 个月来修改死亡时间)。


Item What does it do
curtime Current event time (numeric)
prevtime Time of the previous event (numeric)
cur_evtlist Named vector of events that is yet to happen for that patient (named numeric vector)
evt Current event being processed (character)
i Patient being iterated (character)
simulation Simulation being iterated (numeric)

建议将添加/修改的一类 inputs/events 作为一个 list 以 group 形式在函数中处理,而不是一个一个单独处理。



Function What does it do How to use it
modify_item() Adds & Modifies items/flags/variables for future events modify_item(list("fl.idfs.ontx"=0,"fl.tx.beva"=0))
new_event() Adds events to the vector of events for that patient new_event(rep(list("ae"=curtime + 0.001),5))
modify_event() Modifies existing events by changing their time modify_event(list("os"=curtime +5, "ttot"=curtime+0.0001))

成本和效用(Costs and Utilities)



使用 add_util​函数定义效用。第一个参数指定事件,第二个指定治疗,第三个描述效用。

临时效用和循环效用可以使用相同的函数定义,但是循环效用需要指定开始时间和 cycle length。


使用 add_cost​函数定义成本。


使用 RunSim​函数运行模型。需要指定模拟患者数、模拟次数、是否 run a PSA 等。


#Logic is: per patient, per intervention, per event, react to that event.
results <- RunSim(  
  npats=2000,                              # number of patients to be simulated
  n_sim=1,                                  # number of simulations to run
  psa_bool = FALSE,                         # use PSA or not. If n_sim > 1 and psa_bool = FALSE, then difference in outcomes is due to sampling (number of pats simulated)  
  trt_list = c("int", "noint"),             # intervention list
  common_all_inputs = common_all_inputs,    # inputs common that do not change within a simulation
  common_pt_inputs = common_pt_inputs,      # inputs that change within a simulation but are not affected by the intervention
  unique_pt_inputs = unique_pt_inputs,      # inputs that change within a simulation between interventions
  init_event_list = init_event_list,        # initial event list
  evt_react_list = evt_react_list,          # reaction of events
  util_ongoing_list = util_ongoing,
  cost_ongoing_list = cost_ongoing,
  cost_instant_list = cost_instant,
  ncores = 2,                               # number of cores to use, recommended not to use all
  drc = 0.035,                              # discount rate for costs
  drq = 0.035,                              # discount rate for QALYs
  input_out = c(                            # list of additional outputs (Flags, etc) that the user wants to export for each patient and event
#> [1] "Simulation number: 1"
#> Warning in RunSim(npats = 2000, n_sim = 1, psa_bool = FALSE, trt_list =
#> c("int", : Item util_v is named. It is strongly advised to assign unnamed
#> objects if they are going to be processed in the model, as they can create
#> errors depending on how they are used within the model
#> Warning in RunSim(npats = 2000, n_sim = 1, psa_bool = FALSE, trt_list =
#> c("int", : Item cost_v is named. It is strongly advised to assign unnamed
#> objects if they are going to be processed in the model, as they can create
#> errors depending on how they are used within the model
#> [1] "Time to run iteration 1: 10.45s"
#> [1] "Total time to run: 10.45s"



可以使用 summary_results_det​输出结果,summary_results_psa​战士 PSA 结果,可以使用 psa_ipd​来绘图。

summary_results_det(results$final_output) #will print the last simulation!
#>             int     noint
#> costs 365317.90 267967.54
#> lys       12.99     11.83
#> qalys      9.82      8.97
#> ICER         NA  84062.52
#> ICUR         NA 114046.28

#>                          int                  noint
#> costs 365318(365318, 365318) 267968(267968, 267968)
#> lys      12.99(12.99, 12.99)    11.83(11.83, 11.83)
#> qalys       9.82(9.82, 9.82)       8.97(8.97, 8.97)
#> ICER             NaN(NA, NA)    84063(84063, 84063)
#> ICUR             NaN(NA, NA) 114046(114046, 114046)

psa_ipd <- bind_rows(map(results$output_psa, "merged_df")) 

psa_ipd[1:10,] %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
evtname evttime cost qaly ly pat_id trt sex_pt nat.os.s os.early os.mbc total_costs total_qalys total_lys simulation
start 0.000000 0.0000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1 int female 24.56429 17.0136 21.89380 414422.3 10.23653 12.87903 1
idfs 6.070305 328703.5455 4.1087943 5.4783924 1 int female 24.56429 17.0136 21.89380 414422.3 10.23653 12.87903 1
ttot.early 6.070305 0.0000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1 int female 24.56429 17.0136 21.89380 414422.3 10.23653 12.87903 1
remission 6.070305 0.0000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1 int female 24.56429 17.0136 21.89380 414422.3 10.23653 12.87903 1
ttot.beva 8.579367 44868.1706 1.7557110 1.9507900 1 int female 24.56429 17.0136 21.89380 414422.3 10.23653 12.87903 1
recurrence 13.987665 0.0000 3.3063563 3.6737292 1 int female 24.56429 17.0136 21.89380 414422.3 10.23653 12.87903 1
os 17.013600 40850.6180 1.0656683 1.7761138 1 int female 24.56429 17.0136 21.89380 414422.3 10.23653 12.87903 1
start 0.000000 0.0000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2 int female 41.83077 19.2660 30.33222 379474.4 11.93604 14.02155 1
ttot.early 5.877182 319268.6445 3.9908581 5.3211441 2 int female 41.83077 19.2660 30.33222 379474.4 11.93604 14.02155 1
ae 5.877282 816.9422 0.0000817 0.0000817 2 int female 41.83077 19.2660 30.33222 379474.4 11.93604 14.02155 1


data_plot <- results$final_output$merged_df %>%
  # mutate(evttime = ifelse(evttime > 99, NA, evttime)) %>%
  filter(evtname != "start") %>%
  group_by(trt,evtname,simulation) %>%
  mutate(median = median(evttime)) %>%

ggplot(data_plot) +
  geom_density(aes(fill = trt, x = evttime),
                 alpha = 0.7) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=median,col=trt)) +
  facet_wrap( ~ evtname, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +

ifelse(!"pacman" %in% installed.packages(),install.packages("pacman"),library(pacman))

#Define variables that do not change on any patient or intervention loop
common_all_inputs <- add_item( 
  #Parameters from the survival models
  OS.scale = 3.1523,
  OS.shape = 1.1346, = 0.3066, #Intervention effect
  # TTP.scale = as.numeric($coef[2]),
  # TTP.shape = as.numeric($coef[1]),
  # = as.numeric($coef[3]), #Intervention effect
  TTP.scale = 0.5865,
  TTP.shape = 1.3757, = 1.0992, #Intervention effect
  util.PFS = 0.6, #Utility while in progression-free state
  util.PPS = 0.4, #Utility while in progressed state
  disutil.PAE = -0.02, #One-off disutility of progression-accelerating event
  #Costs = 85000, #Annual intervention cost
  cost.drug.ref = 29000, #Annual cost of reference treatment
  cost.admin.SC = 150, #Unit cost for each SC administration
  cost.admin.oral = 300, #One-off cost for oral administration = 3000, #Annual disease-management cost in progression-free state = 5000, #Annual disease-management cost in progressed state = 2200, #Annual adverse event costs for intervention = 1400, #Annual adverse event costs for reference treatment

#Define variables that do not change as we loop through interventions for a patient
common_pt_inputs <- add_item(
  #Patient baseline characteristics
  Sex = rbinom(500,1,0.5), #Record sex of individual patient. 0 = Female; 1 =Male
  BLAge = rnorm(500,60,8), #Record patient age at baseline
  #Draw time to non-disease related death from a restricted Gompertz distribution
  nat.death = draw_resgompertz(1,shape=if(Sex == 1){0.102}else{0.115},
                               rate=if(Sex == 1){0.000016}else{0.0000041},
                               lower_bound = BLAge) # Baseline Age in years

#Define variables that change as we loop through treatments for each patient.
unique_pt_inputs <- add_item(  = 0, #Flag to determine if patient is on intervention. Initialized as 0, but will be changed to current arm in the Start event.
  fl.prog = 0, #Flag to determine if patient has progressed. All patients start progression-free
  fl.ontx = 1, #Flag to determine if patient is on treatment. All patients start on treatment
  fl.PAE = 0,  #Flag to determine if progression-accelerating event occurred
  pfs.time = NA #Recording of time at progression

init_event_list <- 
  #Events applicable to intervention
          evts = c("Start","TxDisc","Progression","PAE","Death"),
            Start <- 0
            Progression <- draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=TTP.shape, coef2= TTP.scale +, seed = as.numeric(paste0(1,i,simulation)))
            TxDisc <- Inf #Treatment discontinuation will occur at progression
            Death <- min(draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=OS.shape, coef2= OS.scale +, seed = as.numeric(paste0(42,i,simulation))), nat.death) #Death occurs at earliest of disease-related death or non-disease-related death
            PAE <- draw_tte(1,'exp',coef1=-log(1-0.05)) #Occurrence of the progression-accelerating event has a 5% probability for the intervention arm
          }) %>%  
  #Events applicable to reference treatment
  #Events are the same except that there will be no treatment discontinuation
          evts = c("Start","Progression","PAE","Death"),
            Start <- 0
            Progression <- draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=TTP.shape, coef2= TTP.scale, seed = as.numeric(paste0(1,i,simulation)))
            Death <- min(draw_tte(1,'weibull', coef1=OS.shape, coef2= OS.scale, seed = as.numeric(paste0(42,i,simulation))), nat.death) #Death occurs at earliest of disease-related death or non-disease-related death
            PAE <- draw_tte(1,'exp',coef1=-log(1-0.15)) #Occurrence of the progression-accelerating event has a 15% probability for the reference arm

evt_react_list <-
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "Start",
               input = {modify_item(list( = ifelse(trt=="int",1,0)))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "TxDisc",
               input = {modify_item(list("fl.ontx"= 0))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "Progression",
               input = {modify_item(list("pfs.time" = curtime, "fl.prog" = 1))
                        if(trt=="int"){modify_event(list("TxDisc" = curtime))} #Trigger treatment discontinuation at progression
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "Death",
               input = {modify_item(list("curtime"=Inf)) 
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "PAE",
               input = {modify_item(list("fl.PAE"= 1))
                        #Event only accelerates progression if progression has not occurred yet
                        if(fl.prog == 0){modify_event(list("Progression" = max(draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=TTP.shape, coef2 = TTP.scale +*, hr = 1.2, seed = as.numeric(paste0(1,i,simulation))),curtime)))} #Occurrence of event accelerates progression by a factor of 1.2

util_ongoing <- add_util(evt = c("Start","TxDisc","Progression","Death","PAE"),
                         trt = c("int", "ref"), #common utility across arms
                         util = ifelse(fl.prog == 0, util.PFS, util.PPS))

util_instant <- add_util(evt = c("PAE"),
                         trt = c("int", "ref"), #common utility across arms
                         util = disutil.PAE)

cost_ongoing <-
  #Drug costs are specific to each arm
    evt = c("Start","TxDisc","Progression","Death","PAE"),
    trt = "int",
    cost = ( + 
              cost.admin.SC * 12 + #Intervention is administered once a month
     * fl.ontx +
              ifelse(fl.prog == 0,, %>%
    evt = c("Start","TxDisc","Progression","Death","PAE"),
    trt = "ref",
    cost = cost.drug.ref + 
  + #No ongoing administration cost as reference treatment is oral
           ifelse(fl.prog == 0,,

#One-off cost only applies to oral administration of reference treatment, applied at start of treatment
cost_instant <-  add_cost(
  evt = "Start",
  trt = "ref",
  cost = cost.admin.oral)

results <- RunSim(  
  npats=2000,              # Simulating the number of patients for which we have IPD
  n_sim = 1,                                  # We run all patients once (per treatment)
  psa_bool = FALSE,                         # No PSA for this example
  trt_list = c("int", "ref"),         
  common_all_inputs = common_all_inputs,  
  common_pt_inputs = common_pt_inputs,  
  unique_pt_inputs = unique_pt_inputs,  
  init_event_list = init_event_list,    
  evt_react_list = evt_react_list,      
  util_ongoing_list = util_ongoing,
  cost_ongoing_list = cost_ongoing,
  cost_instant_list = cost_instant,
  ncores = 2,                          
  drc = 0.035,                              # discount rate for costs
  drq = 0.035,                              # discount rate for QALYs
  input_out = c("BLAge","Sex","nat.death","pfs.time")





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