如何無憂地將「Obsidian 筆記本」滙入至 Siyuan?

本贴最后更新于 313 天前,其中的信息可能已经物是人非

Assumes that:

  • Obsidian Vault name: "Ob_Vault"
    • under which Root level Obsidian folder to be exported:"NoteBK01"
  • Test Vault name: "TestV"

(a) 於 Obsidian 要花點功夫:

  1. Open the vault "Ob_Vault"

  2. Install and enable the plugins "Obsidian Markdown Export "

  3. right click on the Obsidian folder you want to export, i.e. "NoteBK01",a menu will be shown,then select "Export to markdown" as in below screen capture:

  4. then a new folder "Output" will be generated to store all notes under "NoteBK01", all attachments of these notes will be stored to the attachment folder "attachment" which is just under "Output"

  5. Use Windows File Explorer to move the folder "Output" to the test vault "TestV"

  6. Open "TestV", install and enable the plugin "Vault Statistics"
    -> then click "options" to enable:

    • show notes
    • show attachments
    • show files
    • show size
    • -- close the options windows and you should see the above added statistics on the lower right hand corner of Obsidian
  7. Other than the "Output" folder, delete any root level folders

  8. note down the number of notes, attachements, files and size of "TestV" for later verifications
    e.g 407 notes, 297 attachments, 704 files, 86.23MB

  9. 【Important Step】:
    設定 Obsidian 使用 "Absolute path in vault"

    • Go "Settings" -> "Files &Links"
    • enable the options: "Automatically update internal links"
    • set "New link format" to "Absolute path in vault"
  10. open some notes and check if the images are properly displayed

  11. move the cursor to a image so that its image link is displayed. The image link may look like one of the belows:

    (i) absolute path: ![](attachment/Pasted%20image%2020231120174730.png)
    (ii) relative path: ![](../../attachment/9aa33a5f32b5bb48a04c99462f8ccc3a.png)
    (iii) shortest path: ![](3eb3ed2aeb8a800c6fcd97ff22a5e37e.png)
    (iv) wiki link: ![[europlug.jpg]]

    -- if any image link is in the form of (ii), (iii) or (iv), you will get into trouble when importing them into Siyuan!

    so you have to correct them!

  12. Move the attachment folder under "Output" to root level to trigger Obsidian to update the image links in all related notes to absolute path

  13. go to the previous note, and check if its image links are updated to its absolute path
    -> If yes, rename the folder "Output" to "NoteBK01" before you import it into Siyuan.

  14. Finally check that there are only two root level folders:

    • NoteBK01
    • attachment
      -> rename it to "attachment.NoteBK01"

(b) Move the attachment folder

Use Windows File Explorer to move the folder "attachment.NoteBK01" to Siyuan's assets folder:

(c) Import the folder "NoteBK01" into Siyuan

  1. In Siyuan, click "Doc Tree" -> then the "3-dot" icon -> "New notebook" -> name that notebook to "NoteBK01"
  2. point the mouse to the notebook "NoteBK01"
    -> then the "3-dot" icon
    -> "Import"
    -> "Markdown Folder"
    -> then browse to the "TestV" Obsidian vault
    -> select the "NoteBK01" folder
  3. after completing the import, Siyuan will refresh its notebooks, and you should note the below problems:
    • (i) all images disappeared and become an icon
      -> will tell the method to correct it
    • (ii) all non-image files, e.g. *.doc, *.mp4, will not be entertained and become an icon, e.g. showing this icon image202311211132266pcl305.png for a mp4 file
      -- no solution at this moment
    • (iii) all URL links becames a plain text
      -- no solution at this moment

(d) Correct the image no show problem

  1. point the mouse to the notebook "NoteBK01"
    -> then the "3-dot" icon
    -> "Replace"

  2. In the search box, enter "attachment.NoteBK01", then you will see a list of links
    e.g. attachment.NoteBK01/abc.png
    -> click on one of these link, and you will see its corresponding note with disappeared images

  3. In the replace box, enter "assets/attachment.NoteBK01", then click the button "Replace All"
    -> Then Siyuan will refresh itself

  4. Repeat step1 and 2, and you should see the images appeared again! see below screen:



  5. However links to other file types, like mp4 file still showing only an icon:image20231121114809j9n1w32.png

Right click on the re-appeared images,
-> then "Open" -> "Show in folder"
you can find the exact location where the image stored

Hope this helps!

  • 思源笔记



    21290 引用 • 83992 回帖
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timyhh 在 2023-11-24 12:14:48 更新了该帖
timyhh 在 2023-11-24 12:08:52 更新了该帖



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