





看了一下,发现有提供快照相关的 API,所以写了一个脚本批量处理,以下的代码依赖于 RunJs 插件,请放到代码块里面,然后使用插件运行。

"use strict";
const request = globalThis.runJs.api.request;
class SnapshotScheduler {
    constructor() {
        this.now = new Date();
    isInCurrentWeek(date) {
        const startOfWeek = new Date(this.now);
        startOfWeek.setDate(this.now.getDate() - this.now.getDay());
        return date >= startOfWeek;
    getTimeDifferenceInDays(date) {
        return Math.floor((this.now.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
    isSameDay(date1, date2) {
        return date1.getFullYear() === date2.getFullYear() &&
            date1.getMonth() === date2.getMonth() &&
            date1.getDate() === date2.getDate();
    isHourDifferent(date1, date2) {
        return date1.getHours() !== date2.getHours();
    shouldDownloadSnapshot(last, current, next) {
        const currentDate = new Date(current.created);
        const daysDifference = this.getTimeDifferenceInDays(currentDate);
        if (this.isInCurrentWeek(currentDate)) {
            return true; // Download all snapshots from the current week
        const lastDate = last ? new Date(last.created) : null;
        const nextDate = next ? new Date(next.created) : null;
        if (daysDifference <= 30) {
            // Every hour, plus start and end of day
            if (!lastDate || !this.isSameDay(currentDate, lastDate)) {
                return true; // First snapshot of the day
            if (!nextDate || !this.isSameDay(currentDate, nextDate)) {
                return true; // Last snapshot of the day
            return this.isHourDifferent(currentDate, lastDate);
        if (daysDifference <= 90) {
            // First and last snapshot of each day
            return (!lastDate || !this.isSameDay(currentDate, lastDate)) ||
                (!nextDate || !this.isSameDay(currentDate, nextDate));
        if (daysDifference <= 180) {
            // Last snapshot of each day
            return !nextDate || !this.isSameDay(currentDate, nextDate);
        if (daysDifference <= 365) {
            // Every third day, last snapshot
            if (daysDifference % 3 !== 0)
                return false;
            return !nextDate || !this.isSameDay(currentDate, nextDate);
        // Over a year: weekly, last snapshot
        const weekNumber = Math.floor(daysDifference / 7);
        if (daysDifference % 7 !== 0)
            return false;
        return !nextDate || Math.floor(this.getTimeDifferenceInDays(nextDate) / 7) !== weekNumber;
class SnapshotManager {
    constructor() {
        this.scheduler = new SnapshotScheduler();
    async getAllSnapshots(startFrom, endTo, startPage) {
        let page = startPage !== null && startPage !== void 0 ? startPage : 0;
        let allSnapshots = [];
        let continueFetching = true;
        while (continueFetching) {
            const snaps = await this.getCloudRepoSnapshots(page);
            const filteredSnapshots = snaps.snapshots.filter(snapshot => {
                const snapshotDate = new Date(snapshot.created);
                return snapshotDate <= startFrom && snapshotDate >= endTo;
            console.debug(`Fetched page ${page + 1}, total snapshots: ${filteredSnapshots.length}: ${snaps.snapshots[0].hCreated} ~ ${snaps.snapshots[snaps.snapshots.length - 1].hCreated}`);
            allSnapshots = allSnapshots.concat(filteredSnapshots);
            if (page >= snaps.pageCount || new Date(snaps.snapshots[snaps.snapshots.length - 1].created) < endTo) {
                continueFetching = false;
        return allSnapshots.sort((a, b) => b.created - a.created); // Sort descending
    async downloadSnapshots(startFrom, cutoff, startPage) {
        console.log("Fetching all snapshots...");
        const allSnapshots = await this.getAllSnapshots(startFrom, cutoff, startPage);
        console.log(`Total snapshots fetched: ${allSnapshots.length}`);
        let totalDownloaded = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < allSnapshots.length; i++) {
            const currentSnapshot = allSnapshots[i];
            const lastSnapshot = i > 0 ? allSnapshots[i - 1] : null;
            const nextSnapshot = i < allSnapshots.length - 1 ? allSnapshots[i + 1] : null;
            if (this.scheduler.shouldDownloadSnapshot(lastSnapshot, currentSnapshot, nextSnapshot)) {
                await this.downloadSnapshot(currentSnapshot);
        return totalDownloaded;
    async getCloudRepoSnapshots(page) {
        const response = await request('/api/repo/getCloudRepoSnapshots', {
            page: page
        return response;
    async downloadSnapshot(snapshot) {
        const snapshotId = snapshot.id;
        console.debug(`[${snapshot.hCreated}] Downloaded snapshot ${snapshotId}`);
        await request('/api/repo/downloadCloudSnapshot', {
            id: snapshotId,
            tag: ''
async function runMainWithTiming(startFrom, endTo, startPage) {
    console.log("Starting snapshot download process...");
    console.log(`Start date: ${startFrom.toISOString()}`);
    console.log(`Cutoff date: ${endTo.toISOString()}`);
    const startTime = Date.now();
    const snapshotManager = new SnapshotManager();
    const totalDownloaded = await snapshotManager.downloadSnapshots(startFrom, endTo, startPage);
    const endTime = Date.now();
    const executionTime = (endTime - startTime) / 1000; // Convert to seconds
    console.log(`Download process completed.`);
    console.log(`Total snapshots downloaded: ${totalDownloaded}`);
    console.log(`Total execution time: ${executionTime.toFixed(2)} seconds`);
let startFrom = new Date('2024-09-01');
let endTo = new Date('2023-12-01');
runMainWithTiming(startFrom, endTo, 74);


  • 对于当前周的快照,全部下载
  • 对于最近一个月内的快照,确保每小时至少下载一个,并且总是下载每天的第一个和最后一个快照
  • 对于 1-3 个月内的快照,只保留每天的第一个和最后一个快照
  • 对于 3-6 个月内的快照,只保留每天的最后一个快照
  • 对于 6 个月到 1 年内的快照,每三天保留最后一个快照。
  • 对于超过 1 年的快照,每周保留最后一个快照

运行时间还是相当长的,我大概跑了半个小时的样子,主要问题在于为了谨慎期间没有做并行处理,而是在 for loop 里面一个个 await Promise。

最后效果如下,原本 387 页,下载之后保留了 22 页。临近的一段时间,快照保存的都比较密集;而更为久远的时间段,快照的保存就稀疏一些。



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