之前在 github 上提交过这个 issue,但是有几个月没动静了,所以想发个帖子问下神通广大的家人们:
在反向链接编辑面板中新建列表项并立刻缩进至父级会导致列表项重复 · Issue #12256 · siyuan-note/siyuan
复制粘贴过来的 issue 内容:
Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Can the issue be reproduced with the default theme (daylight/midnight)?
- I was able to reproduce the issue with the default theme
Could the issue be due to extensions?
- I've ruled out the possibility that the extension is causing the problem.
Describe the problem
Windows11,思源笔记 3.1.3 桌面应用,纯净无插件,新建空间和笔记本,无其他数据内容
创建一个和子列表项同级的空列表项并立刻 Shift Tab 向父级缩进后,会出现两个重复的空列表项:
但如果在创建一个和子列表项同级的空列表项后,并不是立刻 Shift Tab 向父级缩进,而是等待一会再缩进,就不会出现上述重复的问题
Expected result
Screenshot or screen recording presentation
Version environment
- Version: 3.1.3 - Operating System: Windows11
Log file
I 2024/08/15 14:45:58 working.go:147:
___ ___ ___ ___
/ /\ ___ ___ //\ / /\ //
/ /:/_ / /\ //| \ :\ / /::\ \ :
/ /:/ /\ / /:/ | |:| \ :\ / /:/:\ \ :
/ /:/ /::\ //::\ | |:| ___ \ :\ / /://::\ __:/:/ \ :/\ //::::\ \ :\ / /:/ \ :/:// \ :~
//:/ /:/:\ _/:_ ||:| //\ __:\ /*/:/ /:/:\ /*_/::::::::
\ :/:/~/
\ ::/ /:/ _::/ ~:\ \ :\ /:/ \ ::/ \ :\ ~~~
_/ /:/ //:/ \ :\ \ :/:/ \ :\ \ :
//:/ _/ _/ \ ::/ \ :\ \ :
_/ _/ _/ _/
I 2024/08/15 14:45:58 runtime.go:74: kernel is booting:
* ver [3.1.3]
* arch [amd64]
* os [Microsoft Windows 11 Home China]
* pid [16244]
* runtime mode [prod]
* working directory [C:\Users\dsun\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources]
* read only [false]
* container [std]
* database [ver=20220501]
* workspace directory [C:\Users\dsun\SiYuan]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:58 conf.go:125: loaded conf [C:\Users\dsun\SiYuan\conf\conf.json]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:58 conf.go:286: upgraded from version [3.1.1] to [3.1.3]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:58 runtime.go:123: use network proxy [system]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:58 serve.go:127: kernel [pid=16244] http server [] is booting
I 2024/08/15 14:45:59 conf.go:838: database size [8.04 MB], tree/block count [0/0]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:59 working.go:193: kernel booted
I 2024/08/15 14:45:59 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=0, blocks=0, dataSize=52.98 kB, assetsSize=0 B]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:59 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=215.06 GB, used=95.81 GB, free=119.25 GB]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:59 fixedport.go:35: fixed port service [] is running
I 2024/08/15 14:45:59 pandoc.go:146: built-in pandoc [ver=3.1.1, bin=C:\Users\dsun\SiYuan\temp\pandoc\bin\pandoc.exe]
I 2024/08/15 14:45:59 conf.go:1100: pandoc initialized, set pandoc bin to [C:\Users\dsun\SiYuan\temp\pandoc\bin\pandoc.exe]
I 2024/08/15 14:46:19 mount.go:64: created box [20240815144619-hqooeiu]
I 2024/08/15 14:46:19 index.go:220: rebuilt database for notebook [20240815144619-hqooeiu] in [0.02s], tree [count=0, size=0 B]
I 2024/08/15 14:46:19 index.go:290: resolved refs [0] in [2ms]
W 2024/08/15 15:03:17 tree.go:218: block tree not found [id=20240815150316-dlue03a], stack: [ github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan/kernel/model.LoadTreeByBlockID({0xc001492150, 0x16})
D:/88250/siyuan/kernel/model/tree.go:218 +0x6d
github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan/kernel/model.BuildBlockBreadcrumb({0xc001492150, 0x16}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
D:/88250/siyuan/kernel/model/blockinfo.go:329 +0x30
D:/88250/siyuan/kernel/api/block.go:451 +0x19a
More information
类似的 bug:当父列表项已经存在子列表项时,光标置于父列表项末,Enter 创建空的子列表项,再两次 Backspace 删除子列表项,列表中会再次闪出空的子列表项然后又消失,但最终对内容没有影响
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