65642 号成员,2021-02-23 23:11:57 加入
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  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-28 21:33



  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-28 21:19

    一开始用的是 win32 的安装包,后面 1.08 应该装的是 64 位的。

    怕不是和我电脑的啥软件冲突了 😭

  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-28 16:23


    2021-02-28 08:11:01 booted kernel process
    2021-02-28 08:11:04 close boot window
    2021-02-28 08:16:01 booting kernel [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources\kernel-1.0.8.exe --conf=C:\Users\nicotine\.siyuan --wd=C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources]
    2021-02-28 08:16:01 booted kernel process
    2021-02-28 08:16:04 close boot window
    2021-02-28 08:17:39 booting kernel [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources\kernel-1.0.8.exe --conf=C:\Users\nicotine\.siyuan --wd=C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources]
    2021-02-28 08:17:39 booted kernel process
    2021-02-28 08:17:40 close boot window


    2021/02/28 16:11:01 working.go:91: 
    / ___|  (_) \ \ / /  _   _    __ _   _ __
    \___ \  | |  \ V /  | | | |  / _` | | '_
    ___) | | |   | |   | |_| | | (_| | | | | |
    |____/  |_|   |_|    \__,_|  \__,_| |_| |_|
    I 2021/02/28 16:11:01 working.go:92: kernel [v1.0.8] is booting, runtime mode is [prod], working directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources], temp directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan], read only [false], container [standard], resident [true]
    D 2021/02/28 16:11:02 conf.go:95: initialized language [zh_CN] based on device locale
    I 2021/02/28 16:11:02 conf.go:194: local serve path []
    I 2021/02/28 16:11:02 serve.go:58: kernel HTTP server is booting []
    I 2021/02/28 16:15:59 conf.go:233: exited kernel
    I 2021/02/28 16:16:01 working.go:91:
    / ___|  (_) \ \ / /  _   _    __ _   _ __
    \___ \  | |  \ V /  | | | |  / _` | | '_
    ___) | | |   | |   | |_| | | (_| | | | | |
    |____/  |_|   |_|    \__,_|  \__,_| |_| |_|
    I 2021/02/28 16:16:01 working.go:92: kernel [v1.0.8] is booting, runtime mode is [prod], working directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources], temp directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan], read only [false], container [standard], resident [true]
    I 2021/02/28 16:16:03 conf.go:194: local serve path []
    I 2021/02/28 16:16:03 serve.go:58: kernel HTTP server is booting []
    I 2021/02/28 16:17:39 working.go:91:
    / ___|  (_) \ \ / /  _   _    __ _   _ __
    \___ \  | |  \ V /  | | | |  / _` | | '_
    ___) | | |   | |   | |_| | | (_| | | | | |
    |____/  |_|   |_|    \__,_|  \__,_| |_| |_|
    I 2021/02/28 16:17:39 working.go:92: kernel [v1.0.8] is booting, runtime mode is [prod], working directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources], temp directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan], read only [false], container [standard], resident [true]
    I 2021/02/28 16:17:39 working.go:161: port [6806] is opened, try to check version of running kernel
    I 2021/02/28 16:17:39 conf.go:194: local serve path []
    I 2021/02/28 16:17:39 serve.go:58: kernel HTTP server is booting []
    F 2021/02/28 16:17:39 serve.go:60: boot kernel HTTP server failed: listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-28 16:14

    升级 1.08 后,问题依然存在。


  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-28 14:52



    命名 2.gif

  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-28 10:59


    重装以后没有特别设置啥功能,webdav 也没开过。就换了个模板,刚重装的时候命名可以用,今天就又 不行了。

    唯一变化的是:昨天、今年分别在公司、酒店连的,wifi 不一样。刚刚试着换了个热点,也不行。


  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-27 14:47




  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-27 14:33

    最新的 app.log 内容

    2021-02-27 06:25:48 booting kernel [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources\kernel-1.0.7.exe --conf=C:\Users\nicotine.siyuan --wd=C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources]
    2021-02-27 06:25:48 booted kernel process
    2021-02-27 06:25:51 request version error
    2021-02-27 06:25:51 request version error
    2021-02-27 06:25:53 close boot window
    2021-02-27 06:28:20 booting kernel [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources\kernel-1.0.7.exe --conf=C:\Users\nicotine.siyuan --wd=C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources]
    2021-02-27 06:28:20 booted kernel process
    2021-02-27 06:28:24 close boot window

  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-27 14:33

    已卸载,并将 C 盘中所有相关文件夹删除。重装后问题依然存在,感觉应该是我电脑的问题了 😭

  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-27 08:09

    2 月 27 号早上更新版本 1.07 后,依然存在这个问题。第一次对标题块进行命名后,报错内容变成了“查询块内容失败”,后面就不能再次命名了。

    siyuan.log 文件好像没写啥 😭 ,难道是我电脑问题?

    I 2021/02/27 07:56:08 working.go:92: kernel [v1.0.7] is booting, runtime mode is [prod], working directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources], temp directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan], read only [false], container [standard], resident [true]
    I 2021/02/27 07:56:09 conf.go:194: local serve path []
    I 2021/02/27 07:56:09 serve.go:58: kernel HTTP server is booting []
    I 2021/02/27 07:59:56 conf.go:233: exited kernel
    I 2021/02/27 07:59:59 working.go:91:

    / | () \ \ / / _ _ __ _ _ __
    \ | | \ V / | | | | / ` | | '
    ) | | | | | | || | | (| | | | | |
    / || || _,| _,| || |_|

    I 2021/02/27 07:59:59 working.go:92: kernel [v1.0.7] is booting, runtime mode is [prod], working directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources], temp directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan], read only [false], container [standard], resident [true]
    I 2021/02/27 08:00:00 conf.go:194: local serve path []
    I 2021/02/27 08:00:00 serve.go:58: kernel HTTP server is booting []
    I 2021/02/27 08:02:54 conf.go:233: exited kernel
    I 2021/02/27 08:02:58 working.go:91:

    / | () \ \ / / _ _ __ _ _ __
    \ | | \ V / | | | | / ` | | '
    ) | | | | | | || | | (| | | | | |
    / || || _,| _,| || |_|

    I 2021/02/27 08:02:58 working.go:92: kernel [v1.0.7] is booting, runtime mode is [prod], working directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Programs\SiYuan\resources], temp directory is [C:\Users\nicotine\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan], read only [false], container [standard], resident [true]
    I 2021/02/27 08:02:59 conf.go:194: local serve path []
    I 2021/02/27 08:02:59 serve.go:58: kernel HTTP server is booting []
    I 2021/02/27 08:03:13 conf.go:233: exited kernel

  • 思源笔记 1.03 bug 反馈 无法使用命名、别名,显示读取笔记本失败

    2021-02-25 09:27

    升级 1.05 后问题依然存在,对标题块命名或别名后,按确认没有反应。