188604 号成员,2025-03-16 13:59:16 加入
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  • DEEPSEEK 配置好了,也充值了,但是只成功运行了一次,就报错了无法

    2025-03-22 12:28



  • DEEPSEEK 配置好了,也充值了,但是只成功运行了一次,就报错了无法

    2025-03-22 12:22

    默认的工作空间目录在哪里,我是 window 应用商店安装的

    那 AI 配置怎么会变了呢

  • DEEPSEEK 配置好了,也充值了,但是只成功运行了一次,就报错了无法

    2025-03-22 12:20

    I 2025/03/22 12:04:56 working.go:178:

    / /\ ___ ___ //\ / /\ //
    / /:/_ / /\ //| \ :\ / /::\ \ :
    / /:/ /\ / /:/ | |:| \ :\ / /:/:\ \ :
    / /:/ /::\ /
    /::\ | |:| ___ \ :\ / /://::\ ______:
    /__/:/ /:/:\ _
    /:__ ||:| //\ __:\ //:/ /:/:\ /__/::::::::
    \ :/:/
    /:/ \ :/\ //::::\ \ :\ / /:/ \ :/:// \ :~~/
    \ ::/ /:/ _::/ ~:\ \ :\ /:/ \ ::/ \ :\ ~~~
    / /:/ //:/ \ :\ \ :/:/ \ :\ \ :
    /:/ _/ _/ \ ::/ \ :\ \ :
    _/ _/ _/ _/
    I 2025/03/22 12:04:56 runtime.go:87: kernel is booting:

    • ver [3.1.25]
    • arch [amd64]
    • os [Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise]
    • pid [14128]
    • runtime mode [prod]
    • working directory [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources]
    • read only [false]
    • container [std]
    • database [ver=20220501]
    • workspace directory [C:\Users\wuyonghai\SiYuan]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:56 conf.go:168: initialized language [zh_CN] based on device locale
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:56 conf.go:327: using Microsoft Store edition
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:56 runtime.go:139: use network proxy [system]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:56 serve.go:209: kernel [pid=14128] http server [] is booting
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 blocktree.go:75: reinitialized database [C:\Users\wuyonghai\SiYuan\temp\blocktree.db]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 database.go:92: the database structure is changed, rebuilding database...
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 database.go:109: reinitialized database [C:\Users\wuyonghai\SiYuan\temp\siyuan.db]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 conf.go:874: tree/block count [0/0]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 working.go:224: kernel booted
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=0, blocks=0, dataSize=36.87 kB, assetsSize=0 B]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=157.29 GB, used=130.11 GB, free=27.19 GB]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 fixedport.go:35: fixed port service [] is running
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:57 font.go:58: loaded system fonts [212] in [852ms]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:59 index.go:220: rebuilt database for notebook [20210808180117-czj9bvb] in [0.07s], tree [count=70, size=1.51 MB]
      I 2025/03/22 12:04:59 index.go:290: resolved refs [38] in [80ms]
      I 2025/03/22 12:05:04 pandoc.go:186: initialized built-in pandoc [ver=3.5, bin=C:\Users\wuyonghai\SiYuan\temp\pandoc\bin\pandoc.exe]
      I 2025/03/22 12:05:04 conf.go:1136: pandoc initialized, set pandoc bin to [C:\Users\wuyonghai\SiYuan\temp\pandoc\bin\pandoc.exe]
      I 2025/03/22 12:07:17 conf.go:617: exiting kernel [force=false, setCurrentWorkspace=true, execInstallPkg=0]
      I 2025/03/22 12:07:18 database.go:1318: closed database
      I 2025/03/22 12:07:18 conf.go:1057: cleared workspace temp
      I 2025/03/22 12:07:18 sync.go:798: sync websocket closed
      I 2025/03/22 12:07:36 working.go:178:
  • DEEPSEEK 配置好了,也充值了,但是只成功运行了一次,就报错了无法

    2025-03-22 12:19

    这个是 app log

    2025-03-22 04:04:54 app is packaged [true], command line args [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\SiYuan.exe]
    2025-03-22 04:04:54 got kernel port [53844]
    2025-03-22 04:04:54 ui version [3.1.25], booting kernel [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources\kernel\SiYuan-Kernel.exe --port 53844 --wd C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources]
    2025-03-22 04:04:54 booted kernel process [pid=14128, port=53844]
    2025-03-22 04:04:54 checking kernel version
    2025-03-22 04:04:57 got kernel version [3.1.25]
    2025-03-22 04:04:57 window stat [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], default [x=0, y=0, width=921, height=537], old [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], workArea [width=1152, height=672]
    2025-03-22 04:04:57 window position [x=0, y=0]
    2025-03-22 04:04:58 window.siyuan.config.keymap.general is not found
    2025-03-22 04:04:58 window.siyuan.config.keymap.editor is not found
    2025-03-22 04:04:58 update keymap
    2025-03-22 04:07:18 exited ui
    2025-03-22 04:07:35 app is packaged [true], command line args [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\SiYuan.exe]
    2025-03-22 04:07:36 got kernel port [54254]
    2025-03-22 04:07:36 ui version [3.1.25], booting kernel [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources\kernel\SiYuan-Kernel.exe --port 54254 --wd C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources]
    2025-03-22 04:07:36 booted kernel process [pid=5192, port=54254]
    2025-03-22 04:07:36 checking kernel version
    2025-03-22 04:07:36 got kernel version [3.1.25]
    2025-03-22 04:07:36 window stat [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], default [x=0, y=0, width=921, height=537], old [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], workArea [width=1152, height=672]
    2025-03-22 04:07:36 window position [x=0, y=0]
    2025-03-22 04:07:49 exited ui
    2025-03-22 04:07:55 app is packaged [true], command line args [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\SiYuan.exe]
    2025-03-22 04:07:56 got kernel port [54365]
    2025-03-22 04:07:56 ui version [3.1.25], booting kernel [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources\kernel\SiYuan-Kernel.exe --port 54365 --wd C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources]
    2025-03-22 04:07:56 booted kernel process [pid=26300, port=54365]
    2025-03-22 04:07:56 checking kernel version
    2025-03-22 04:07:56 got kernel version [3.1.25]
    2025-03-22 04:07:56 window stat [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], default [x=0, y=0, width=921, height=537], old [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], workArea [width=1152, height=672]
    2025-03-22 04:07:56 window position [x=0, y=0]
    2025-03-22 04:09:57 exited ui
    2025-03-22 04:10:02 app is packaged [true], command line args [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\SiYuan.exe]
    2025-03-22 04:10:03 got kernel port [54673]
    2025-03-22 04:10:03 ui version [3.1.25], booting kernel [C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources\kernel\SiYuan-Kernel.exe --port 54673 --wd C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\89C2A984.SiYuan_3.1.25.0_x64__1qfd3tsw4ngc2\app\resources]
    2025-03-22 04:10:03 booted kernel process [pid=26576, port=54673]
    2025-03-22 04:10:03 checking kernel version
    2025-03-22 04:10:03 got kernel version [3.1.25]
    2025-03-22 04:10:03 window stat [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], default [x=0, y=0, width=921, height=537], old [x=-7, y=-7, width=1166, height=686], workArea [width=1152, height=672]
    2025-03-22 04:10:04 window position [x=0, y=0]

  • DEEPSEEK 配置好了,也充值了,但是只成功运行了一次,就报错了无法

    2025-03-22 12:16




    又去查看一下 ai 的配置,变成了默认配置,我配置的是 deepseek 的,变成了 chatgpt 了

  • DEEPSEEK 配置好了,也充值了,但是只成功运行了一次,就报错了无法

    2025-03-21 10:06

    2025/03/21 01:35:12 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=2, blocks=470, dataSize=56.56 MB, assetsSize=18.92 MB]
    I 2025/03/21 01:35:12 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=423.22 GB, used=163.66 GB, free=259.56 GB]
    I 2025/03/21 03:35:12 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=2, blocks=470, dataSize=56.56 MB, assetsSize=18.92 MB]
    I 2025/03/21 03:35:12 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=423.22 GB, used=163.65 GB, free=259.57 GB]
    I 2025/03/21 05:35:12 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=2, blocks=470, dataSize=56.56 MB, assetsSize=18.92 MB]
    I 2025/03/21 05:35:12 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=423.22 GB, used=163.66 GB, free=259.57 GB]
    I 2025/03/21 07:35:12 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=2, blocks=470, dataSize=56.56 MB, assetsSize=18.92 MB]
    I 2025/03/21 07:35:12 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=423.22 GB, used=163.66 GB, free=259.56 GB]
    I 2025/03/21 09:45:48 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=2, blocks=470, dataSize=56.56 MB, assetsSize=18.92 MB]
    I 2025/03/21 09:45:48 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=423.22 GB, used=163.66 GB, free=259.56 GB]
    E 2025/03/21 09:45:52 rhy.go:50: get version info failed: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
    E 2025/03/21 09:53:46 openai.go:55: create chat completion failed: error, status code: 422, status: 422 Unprocessable Entity, message: invalid character 'F' looking for beginning of value, body: Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: messages[0]: missing field content at line 1 column 53
    E 2025/03/21 09:54:20 openai.go:55: create chat completion failed: error, status code: 422, status: 422 Unprocessable Entity, message: invalid character 'F' looking for beginning of value, body: Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: messages[0]: missing field content at line 1 column 53

  • DEEPSEEK 配置好了,也充值了,但是只成功运行了一次,就报错了无法

    2025-03-21 09:58

    选中文件后右键的 AI 是可以用的,下面是让他续写,是可以的。



    但是用 / 的 AI 编写就会报错
