就让我不经的想到,这个onActivityResult的回调原理是什么呢?于是我去Android Development上找startActivityForResult的解释,果然不出所料。
Note that this method should only be used with Intent protocols that are defined to return a result. In other protocols (such as ACTION_MAIN or ACTION_VIEW), you may not get the result when you expect. For example, if the activity you are launching uses the singleTask launch mode, it will not run in your task and thus you will immediately receive a cancel result.
Standard Mode:Activity的默认方式,每次都会产生新的对象,比如你在A中点击产生B,从B返回 A,再次在A中点击后就会产生和B一样的一个D,比较消耗系统性能。
SingleTop:这个很简单,如果你启动的 Activity在栈的顶部,就直接调用,如果不再,就重新创建。
As shown in the table above, standard is the default mode and is appropriate for most types of activities. SingleTop is also a common and useful launch mode for many types of activities. The other modes — singleTask and singleInstance — are not appropriate for most applications, since they result in an interaction model that is likely to be unfamiliar to users and is very different from most other applications.
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