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Job Description

  • Act as the authority on the development, use or operation of database management system tools and facilities and provide professional oversight of the modification of existing databases and development of new databases;
  • Lead evaluation of innovative database technology solutions to enable IT Operations to provide resilient and cost effective services, and identify and define the impact of current trends;
  • Consult with business areas and IT to determine database requirements, training and support needs;
  • Participate in the delivery of solutions which meet business needs by leading design of complex database models and database structures;
  • As a global expert in the database administration field, contribute to development of Group strategies, and define and review Group standards;
  • Guarantee data/media recoverability by managing the scheduling of system backups and database archive operations in conjunction with Data Centre Operations;
  • Ensure the correction of complex live issues with the minimum disruption to the business;
  • Maintain an expert-level understanding of the business systems of the Group and their associated database requirements;
  • Manage a variety of database design methods, security procedures and utilities in line with Group Standards;
  • Implement strong planning and resource forecasting techniques;
  • Share expertise and provide guidance and coaching to less experienced team members where required;
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant internal instructions and external regulatory requirements, including the management of operational risk and adherence to the Group's standards of ethical behavior.
    The Successful Applicant
  • A high level of technical expertise including excellent database design and development skills, excelling in several areas
  • Is industry knowledgeable regarding technology database solutions and demonstrates a conceptual and detailed understanding of technologies
  • Effective problem resolution and conflict management skills
  • Proven ability to priorities competing demands, to successfully deliver service to agreed levels in a diverse and constantly changing technical environment
  • Have a good knowledge of the project lifecycle
  • Be able to track and optimize operational efficiencies and expenditure
  • Communication and interpersonal skills, including the capacity to articulate the case for IT investments and alternatives in the language of business
  • Excellent working knowledge of the service delivery methods used in the Group and an in-depth understanding of service management techniques, including change management, incident management, Data Centre Operations and configuration management
  • In-depth technical expertise, an established authority in the database administration field
  • A track record of delivering complex programmers and project
  • A wide knowledge of IT hardware, software, operations and networks
    What's on Offer
    We put diversity at the heart of our business. Joining us will give you the chance to work in a collegiate, supportive and inclusive environment in which we seek to develop and promote people based on merit. We will provide you with tailored training and support to help you identify and follow your chosen career path, as well as access to a range of market-competitive benefits.
    Apply for this job
    Send cv to or call 13570061005
  • 招聘


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  • 数据库

    据说 99% 的性能瓶颈都在数据库。

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我们正在构建一个小众社区,大家在这里相互信任,以平等 • 自由 • 奔放的价值观进行分享交流。最终,希望大家能够找到与自己志同道合的伙伴,共同成长。

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  • Sillot

    Insights(注意当前设置 master 为默认分支)

    汐洛彖夲肜矩阵(Sillot T☳Converbenk Matrix),致力于服务智慧新彖乄,具有彖乄驱动、极致优雅、开发者友好的特点。其中汐洛绞架(Sillot-Gibbet)基于自思源笔记(siyuan-note),前身是思源笔记汐洛版(更早是思源笔记汐洛分支),是智慧新录乄终端(多端融合,移动端优先)。




    1. ⚠️ 汐洛仍在早期开发阶段,尚不稳定
    2. ⚠️ 汐洛并非面向普通用户设计,使用前请了解风险
    3. ⚠️ 汐洛绞架基于思源笔记,开发者尽最大努力与思源笔记保持兼容,但无法实现 100% 兼容
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