otto 是一个 golang 写的 JavaScript 解释器,可以用于在 golang 中执行 JavaScript,并且可以让“虚拟机”中的 JS 调用 golang 函数,实现了服务端 golang 和 JavaScript 的互操作。
Run something in the VM
vm := otto.New() vm.Run(` abc = 2 + 2; console.log("The value of abc is " + abc); // 4 `)
Get a value out of the VM
if value, err := vm.Get("abc"); err == nil { if value_int, err := value.ToInteger(); err == nil { fmt.Printf("", value_int, err) } }
Set a number
vm.Set("def", 11) vm.Run(` console.log("The value of def is " + def); // The value of def is 11 `)
Set a string
vm.Set("xyzzy", "Nothing happens.") vm.Run(` console.log(xyzzy.length); // 16 `)
Get the value of an expression
value, _ = vm.Run("xyzzy.length") { // value is an int64 with a value of 16 value, _ := value.ToInteger() }
An error happens
value, err = vm.Run("abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz.length") if err != nil { // err = ReferenceError: abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz is not defined // If there is an error, then value.IsUndefined() is true ... }
Set a Go function
vm.Set("sayHello", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { fmt.Printf("Hello, %s.\n", call.Argument(0).String()) return otto.Value{} })
Set a Go function that returns something useful
vm.Set("twoPlus", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value { right, _ := call.Argument(0).ToInteger() return, _ := vm.ToValue(2 + right) return result })
Use the functions in JavaScript
result, _ = vm.Run(` sayHello("Xyzzy"); // Hello, Xyzzy. sayHello(); // Hello, undefined result = twoPlus(2.0); // 4 `)
可以用来执行一些看不懂的 JS 加密算法(比如有的网站为了防模拟登录,自己定义了一些加密算法),虽然效率有点低,但是只是登录的时候用下还是能够接受的 😏
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