Angular CLI Config Schema

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  • project: The global configuration of the project.

    • name (string): The name of the project.
    • ejected(boolean): Whether or not this project was ejected. Default is false.
  • apps (array): Properties of the different applications in this project.

    • name (string): Name of the app.
    • root (string): The root directory of the app.
    • outDir (string): The output directory for build results. Default is dist/.
    • assets (array): List of application assets.
    • deployUrl (string): URL where files will be deployed.
    • index (string): The name of the start HTML file. Default is index.html
    • main (string): The name of the main entry-point file.
    • polyfills (string): The name of the polyfills entry-point file. Loaded before the app.
    • test (string): The name of the test entry-point file.
    • tsconfig (string): The name of the TypeScript configuration file. Default is
    • testTsconfig (string): The name of the TypeScript configuration file for unit tests.
    • prefix (string): The prefix to apply to generated selectors.
    • serviceWorker (boolean): Experimental support for a service worker from @angular/service-worker. Default is false.
    • showCircularDependencies (boolean): Show circular dependency warnings on builds. Default is true.
    • styles (string|array): Global styles to be included in the build.
    • stylePreprocessorOptions : Options to pass to style preprocessors.
      • includePaths (array): Paths to include. Paths will be resolved to project root.
    • scripts (array): Global scripts to be included in the build.
    • environmentSource (string): Source file for environment config.
    • environments (object): Name and corresponding file for environment config.
  • e2e: Confirguration for end-to-end tests.

    • protractor
      • config (string): Path to the config file.
  • lint (array): Properties to be passed to TSLint.

    • files (string|array): File glob(s) to lint.
    • project (string): Location of the tsconfig.json project file. Will also use as files to lint if 'files' property not present.
    • tslintConfig (string): Location of the tslint.json configuration. Default is tslint.json.
    • exclude (string|array): File glob(s) to ignore.
  • test: Configuration for unit tests.

    • karma
      • config (string): Path to the karma config file.
    • codeCoverage
      • exclude (array): Globs to exclude from code coverage.
  • defaults: Specify the default values for generating.

    • styleExt (string): The file extension to be used for style files.
    • poll (number): How often to check for file updates.
    • class: Options for generating a class.
      • spec (boolean): Specifies if a spec file is generated. Default is false.
    • component: Options for generating a component.
      • flat (boolean): Flag to indicate if a dir is created. Default is false.
      • spec (boolean): Specifies if a spec file is generated. Default is true.
      • inlineStyle (boolean): Specifies if the style will be in the ts file. Default is false.
      • inlineTemplate (boolean): Specifies if the template will be in the ts file. Default is false.
      • viewEncapsulation (string): Specifies the view encapsulation strategy. Can be one of Emulated, Native or None.
      • changeDetection (string): Specifies the change detection strategy. Can be one of Default or OnPush.
    • directive: Options for generating a directive.
      • flat (boolean): Flag to indicate if a dir is created. Default is true.
      • spec (boolean): Specifies if a spec file is generated. Default is true.
    • guard: Options for generating a guard.
      • flat (boolean): Flag to indicate if a dir is created. Default is true.
      • spec (boolean): Specifies if a spec file is generated. Default is true.
    • interface: Options for generating a interface.
      • prefix (string): Prefix to apply to interface names. (i.e. I)
    • module: Options for generating a module.
      • flat (boolean): Flag to indicate if a dir is created. Default is false.
      • spec (boolean): Specifies if a spec file is generated. Default is false.
    • pipe: Options for generating a pipe.
      • flat (boolean): Flag to indicate if a dir is created. Default is true.
      • spec (boolean): Specifies if a spec file is generated. Default is true.
    • service: Options for generating a service.
      • flat (boolean): Flag to indicate if a dir is created. Default is true.
      • spec (boolean): Specifies if a spec file is generated. Default is true.
    • build: Properties to be passed to the build command.
      • sourcemaps (boolean): Output sourcemaps.
      • baseHref (string): Base url for the application being built.
      • progress (boolean): Log progress to the console while building. Default is true.
      • poll (number): Enable and define the file watching poll time period (milliseconds).
      • deleteOutputPath (boolean): Delete output path before build. Default is true.
      • preserveSymlinks (boolean): Do not use the real path when resolving modules. Default is false.
      • showCircularDependencies (boolean): Show circular dependency warnings on builds. Default is true.
      • namedChunks (boolean): Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.
    • serve: Properties to be passed to the serve command
      • port (number): The port the application will be served on. Default is 4200.
      • host (string): The host the application will be served on. Default is localhost.
      • ssl (boolean): Enables ssl for the application. Default is false.
      • sslKey (string): The ssl key used by the server. Default is ssl/server.key.
      • sslCert (string): The ssl certificate used by the server. Default is ssl/server.crt.
      • proxyConfig (string): Proxy configuration file.
  • packageManager (string): Specify which package manager tool to use. Options include npm, cnpm and yarn.

  • warnings: Allow people to disable console warnings.

    • nodeDeprecation (boolean): Show a warning when the node version is incompatible. Default is true.
    • packageDeprecation (boolean): Show a warning when the user installed angular-cli. Default is true.
    • versionMismatch (boolean): Show a warning when the global version is newer than the local one. Default is true.



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