对 sym 系统压测,10 个并发下, 页面需要 3 秒以上才能打开

本贴最后更新于 2637 天前,其中的信息可能已经时移世异

1,对 sym 压测,10 并发后台日志:

[INFO ]-[2018-01-06 02:23:39]-[org.b3log.symphony.SymphonyServletListener:258]: Stopwatch: [100]%, [7429]ms [Request initialized [/article/1515141092284]] [0]%, [0]ms [Resolve skin] [77.25]%, [5739]ms [Request URI [/article/1515141092284]] [0.1615]%, [12]ms [Get article by id] [0.04038]%, [3]ms [Meta Desc] [0.06730]%, [5]ms [Fills header] [0]%, [0]ms [Fills personal nav] [0]%, [0]ms [Fills lang] [0]%, [0]ms [Fills domain nav] [0]%, [0]ms [Fills footer] [0.04038]%, [3]ms [Revision count] [0]%, [0]ms [Process content] [0]%, [0]ms [Link article] [0]%, [0]ms [Link tag] [0]%, [0]ms [ToC] [39.33]%, [2922]ms [Fills relevant articles] [0.5115]%, [38]ms [Organize articles] [27.15]%, [2017]ms [Fills random articles] [3.823]%, [284]ms [Organize articles] [0.2019]%, [15]ms [Meta Desc] [0.1615]%, [12]ms [Md to HTML] [7.053]%, [524]ms [Fills hot articles] [0.5923]%, [44]ms [Organize articles] [0.06730]%, [5]ms [Fills article thank] [0.05384]%, [4]ms [Get previous] [0.04038]%, [3]ms [Get next] [0.04038]%, [3]ms [Gets nice comments] [0]%, [0]ms [Organizes comments] [0.1077]%, [8]ms [Get comments] [0.02692]%, [2]ms [Query comments] [0.02692]%, [2]ms [Organizes comments] [0.01346]%, [1]ms [Organize comment] [0]%, [0]ms [Link article] [0]%, [0]ms [Link tag] [0.01346]%, [1]ms [Organize comment] [0]%, [0]ms [Link article] [0]%, [0]ms [Link tag] [0.05384]%, [4]ms [Revision, paging, original] [0.02692]%, [2]ms [Revision count] [0.02692]%, [2]ms [Revision count] [0.06730]%, [5]ms [Fills comment thank] [3.042]%, [226]ms [Grant permissions]

2, mysql 慢查询日志:

Time: 2018-01-05T18:17:09.508669Z

User@Host: root[root] @ [] Id: 35

Query_time: 5.560814 Lock_time: 0.000081 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 10

SET timestamp=1515176229;
select * from symphony_article where (articleRandomDouble>=0.0 and articleRandomDouble<=0.21450857517680555 and articleStatus=0) limit 0,10;

Time: 2018-01-05T18:23:18.729260Z

User@Host: root[root] @ [] Id: 65

Query_time: 5.237147 Lock_time: 0.000052 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 10

SET timestamp=1515176598;
select * from symphony_article where (articleRandomDouble>=0.0 and articleRandomDouble<=0.12630730197992168 and articleStatus=0) limit 0,10;

Time: 2018-01-05T18:23:46.333046Z

User@Host: root[root] @ [] Id: 70

Query_time: 4.794911 Lock_time: 0.000057 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 10

SET timestamp=1515176626;
select * from symphony_article where (articleRandomDouble>=0.0 and articleRandomDouble<=0.20396525536362364 and articleStatus=0) limit 0,10;

Time: 2018-01-05T18:26:43.887586Z

User@Host: root[root] @ [] Id: 65

Query_time: 3.347473 Lock_time: 0.000084 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 10

SET timestamp=1515176803;
select * from symphony_article where (articleRandomDouble>=0.0 and articleRandomDouble<=0.061069666775466436 and articleStatus=0) limit 0,10;



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