RabbitMQ 消息队列监控 API

本贴最后更新于 1691 天前,其中的信息可能已经水流花落

最近有一个项目,需要编写一个监听 rabbitMQ 集群状态的项目,需要通过 rabbit 提供的 API 来获取相应数据并组装,所以需要学习一下 rabbit 的 API


/api/connections GET 获取当前 RabbitMQ 集群下所有打开的连接
/api/nodes GET 获取当前 RabbitMQ 集群下所有节点实例的状态信息
/api/vhosts/{vhost}/connections GET 获取某一个虚拟机主机下的所有打开的 connection 连接
/api/connections/{name}/channels GET 获取某一个连接下所有的管道信息
/api/consumers/{vhost} GET 获取某一个虚拟机主机下的所有消费者信息
/api/exchanges/{vhost} GET 获取某一个虚拟机主机下面的所有交换器信息
/api/queues/{vhost} GET 获取某一个虚拟机主机下的所有队列信息
/api/users GET 获取集群中所有的用户信息
/api/users/{name} get/put/delete 获取/更新/删除指定用户信息
/api/users/{user}/permissions GET 获取当前指定用户的所有权限信息
/api/permissions/{vhost}/{user} get/put/delete 获取/更新/删除指定虚拟主机下特定用户的权限
/api/exchanges/{vhost}/{name}/publish POST 在指定的虚拟机主机和交换器上发布一个消息
/api/queues/{vhost}/{name}/get POST 测在指定虚拟机主机和队列名中获取消息,同时该动作会修改队列状态试
/api/healthchecks/node/{node} GET 获取指定节点的健康检查状态
/api/nodes/{node}/memory GET 获取指定节点的内存使用信息

部分 API 实例

/api/overview 返回集群度量标准

字段名称 意义
cluster_name 集群名称
management_version 版本
message_stats 消息速率
object_totals.connections 连接总数
object_totals.channels 频道总数
object_totals.queues 队列总数
object_totals.consumers 消费者总数
queue_totals.messages 准备好与未确认的消息总数
queue_totals.messages_ready 准备发送的消息数
queue_totals.messages_unacknowledged 未确认消息的数量
message_stats.publish 最近发布的消息
message_stats.publish_details.rate 消息发布率
message_stats.deliver_get 最近发送给消费者的消息
message_stats.deliver_get.rate 邮件传递率
message_stats 其他消息统计
        "management_version": "3.7.14",
        "rates_mode": "basic",
        "sample_retention_policies": {
            "global": [
            "basic": [
            "detailed": [
        "exchange_types": [
                "name": "fanout",
                "description": "AMQP fanout exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "headers",
                "description": "AMQP headers exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "x-delayed-message",
                "description": "Delayed Message Exchange.",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "direct",
                "description": "AMQP direct exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "topic",
                "description": "AMQP topic exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
        "rabbitmq_version": "3.7.14",
        "cluster_name": "rabbit@wangtaodeMacBook-Pro",
        "erlang_version": "21.3.2",
        "erlang_full_version": "Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.3.1] [source]
        [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:192]
         [hipe] [dtrace]",
        "message_stats": {
            "disk_reads": 2,
            "disk_reads_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "disk_writes": 0,
            "disk_writes_details": {
                "rate": 0
        "churn_rates": {
            "channel_closed": 0,
            "channel_closed_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "channel_created": 0,
            "channel_created_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "connection_closed": 0,
            "connection_closed_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "connection_created": 0,
            "connection_created_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "queue_created": 0,
            "queue_created_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "queue_declared": 0,
            "queue_declared_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "queue_deleted": 0,
            "queue_deleted_details": {
                "rate": 0
        "queue_totals": {
            "messages": 2,
            "messages_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "messages_ready": 2,
            "messages_ready_details": {
                "rate": 0
            "messages_unacknowledged": 0,
            "messages_unacknowledged_details": {
                "rate": 0
        "object_totals": {
            "channels": 0,
            "connections": 0,
            "consumers": 0,
            "exchanges": 16,
            "queues": 10
        "statistics_db_event_queue": 0,
        "node": "rabbit@localhost",
        "listeners": [
                "node": "rabbit@localhost",
                "protocol": "amqp",
                "ip_address": "",
                "port": 5672,
                "socket_opts": {
                    "backlog": 128,
                    "nodelay": true,
                    "linger": [
                    "exit_on_close": false
                "node": "rabbit@localhost",
                "protocol": "clustering",
                "ip_address": "::",
                "port": 25672,
                "socket_opts": []
                "node": "rabbit@localhost",
                "protocol": "http",
                "ip_address": "::",
                "port": 15672,
                "socket_opts": {
                    "port": 15672
                "node": "rabbit@localhost",
                "protocol": "mqtt",
                "ip_address": "::",
                "port": 1883,
                "socket_opts": {
                    "backlog": 128,
                    "nodelay": true
                "node": "rabbit@localhost",
                "protocol": "stomp",
                "ip_address": "::",
                "port": 61613,
                "socket_opts": {
                    "backlog": 128,
                    "nodelay": true
        "contexts": [
                "ssl_opts": [],
                "node": "rabbit@localhost",
                "description": "RabbitMQ Management",
                "path": "/",
                "port": "15672"

/api/nodes 返回所有集群成员统计消息

字段名称 意义
mem_used 使用的内存总量
mem_limit 内存使用率
mem_alarm 内存警报开关
disk_free_limit 磁盘空间限制大小
disk_free_alarm 磁盘空间大小限制开关
fd_total 文件描述符限制
fd_used 文件描述符是否开始
io_file_handle_open_attempt_count io 文件句柄打开尝试计数
sockets_total socket 数量
sockets_used 正在使用的 socket 数量
message_stats.disk_reads 磁盘读取的消息数
message_stats.disk_writes 写入磁盘的消息数
cluster_links 节点间通信链路
gc_num GC 次数
gc_bytes_reclaimed GC 回收的字节数
proc_total Erlang 进程限制数量
proc_used Erlang 进行使用数量
run_queue 运行时队列数量
        "partitions": [],
        "os_pid": "4470",
        "fd_total": 256,
        "sockets_total": 138,
        "mem_limit": 6871947673,
        "mem_alarm": false,
        "disk_free_limit": 50000000,
        "disk_free_alarm": false,
        "proc_total": 1048576,
        "rates_mode": "basic",
        "uptime": 4176419,
        "run_queue": 1,
        "processors": 12,
        "exchange_types": [
                "name": "fanout",
                "description": "AMQP fanout exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "headers",
                "description": "AMQP headers exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "x-delayed-message",
                "description": "Delayed Message Exchange.",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "direct",
                "description": "AMQP direct exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "topic",
                "description": "AMQP topic exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
                "enabled": true
        "auth_mechanisms": [
                "name": "RABBIT-CR-DEMO",
                "description": "RabbitMQ Demo challenge-response authentication mechanism",
                "enabled": false
                "name": "AMQPLAIN",
                "description": "QPid AMQPLAIN mechanism",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "PLAIN",
                "description": "SASL PLAIN authentication mechanism",
                "enabled": true
        "applications": [
                "name": "amqp10_common",
                "description": "Modules shared by rabbitmq-amqp1.0 
                and rabbitmq-amqp1.0-client",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "amqp_client",
                "description": "RabbitMQ AMQP Client",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "asn1",
                "description": "The Erlang ASN1 compiler version 5.0.8",
                "version": "5.0.8"
                "name": "compiler",
                "description": "ERTS  CXC 138 10",
                "version": "7.3.2"
                "name": "cowboy",
                "description": "Small, fast, modern HTTP server.",
                "version": "2.6.1"
                "name": "cowlib",
                "description": "Support library for manipulating Web protocols.",
                "version": "2.7.0"
                "name": "crypto",
                "description": "CRYPTO",
                "version": "4.4.1"
                "name": "goldrush",
                "description": "Erlang event stream processor",
                "version": "0.1.9"
                "name": "inets",
                "description": "INETS  CXC 138 49",
                "version": "7.0.6"
                "name": "jsx",
                "description": "a streaming, evented json parsing toolkit",
                "version": "2.9.0"
                "name": "kernel",
                "description": "ERTS  CXC 138 10",
                "version": "6.3"
                "name": "lager",
                "description": "Erlang logging framework",
                "version": "3.6.9"
                "name": "mnesia",
                "description": "MNESIA  CXC 138 12",
                "version": "4.15.6"
                "name": "os_mon",
                "description": "CPO  CXC 138 46",
                "version": "2.4.7"
                "name": "public_key",
                "description": "Public key infrastructure",
                "version": "1.6.5"
                "name": "rabbit",
                "description": "RabbitMQ",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "rabbit_common",
                "description": "Modules shared by rabbitmq-server 
                and rabbitmq-erlang-client",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "rabbitmq_amqp1_0",
                "description": "AMQP 1.0 support for RabbitMQ",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange",
                "description": "RabbitMQ Delayed Message Exchange",
                "version": "20171201-3.7.x"
                "name": "rabbitmq_management",
                "description": "RabbitMQ Management Console",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "rabbitmq_management_agent",
                "description": "RabbitMQ Management Agent",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "rabbitmq_mqtt",
                "description": "RabbitMQ MQTT Adapter",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "rabbitmq_stomp",
                "description": "RabbitMQ STOMP plugin",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "rabbitmq_web_dispatch",
                "description": "RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher",
                "version": "3.7.14"
                "name": "ranch",
                "description": "Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.",
                "version": "1.7.1"
                "name": "recon",
                "description": "Diagnostic tools for production use",
                "version": "2.4.0"
                "name": "sasl",
                "description": "SASL  CXC 138 11",
                "version": "3.3"
                "name": "ssl",
                "description": "Erlang/OTP SSL application",
                "version": "9.2.1"
                "name": "stdlib",
                "description": "ERTS  CXC 138 10",
                "version": "3.8"
                "name": "syntax_tools",
                "description": "Syntax tools",
                "version": "2.1.7"
                "name": "sysmon_handler",
                "description": "Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler",
                "version": "1.1.0"
                "name": "xmerl",
                "description": "XML parser",
                "version": "1.3.20"
        "contexts": [
                "description": "RabbitMQ Management",
                "path": "/",
                "port": "15672"
        "log_files": [
        "db_dir": "/usr/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@localhost",
        "config_files": [],
        "net_ticktime": 60,
        "enabled_plugins": [
        "mem_calculation_strategy": "rss",
        "name": "rabbit@localhost",
        "type": "disc",
        "running": true,
        "mem_used": 86556672,
        "mem_used_details": {
            "rate": 4096
        "fd_used": 72,
        "fd_used_details": {
            "rate": -0.4
        "sockets_used": 0,
        "sockets_used_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "proc_used": 457,
        "proc_used_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "disk_free": 172579655680,
        "disk_free_details": {
            "rate": -15564.8
        "gc_num": 22686,
        "gc_num_details": {
            "rate": 4.6
        "gc_bytes_reclaimed": 1060411720,
        "gc_bytes_reclaimed_details": {
            "rate": 158604.8
        "context_switches": 307064,
        "context_switches_details": {
            "rate": 37.4
        "io_read_count": 22,
        "io_read_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_read_bytes": 2083,
        "io_read_bytes_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_read_avg_time": 0.02909090909090909,
        "io_read_avg_time_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_write_count": 0,
        "io_write_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_write_bytes": 0,
        "io_write_bytes_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_write_avg_time": 0,
        "io_write_avg_time_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_sync_count": 0,
        "io_sync_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_sync_avg_time": 0,
        "io_sync_avg_time_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_seek_count": 0,
        "io_seek_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_seek_avg_time": 0,
        "io_seek_avg_time_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_reopen_count": 0,
        "io_reopen_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "mnesia_ram_tx_count": 60,
        "mnesia_ram_tx_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "mnesia_disk_tx_count": 10,
        "mnesia_disk_tx_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "msg_store_read_count": 0,
        "msg_store_read_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "msg_store_write_count": 0,
        "msg_store_write_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "queue_index_journal_write_count": 0,
        "queue_index_journal_write_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "queue_index_write_count": 0,
        "queue_index_write_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "queue_index_read_count": 3,
        "queue_index_read_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_file_handle_open_attempt_count": 73,
        "io_file_handle_open_attempt_count_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "io_file_handle_open_attempt_avg_time": 0.031643835616438354,
        "io_file_handle_open_attempt_avg_time_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "connection_created": 0,
        "connection_created_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "connection_closed": 0,
        "connection_closed_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "channel_created": 0,
        "channel_created_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "channel_closed": 0,
        "channel_closed_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "queue_declared": 0,
        "queue_declared_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "queue_created": 0,
        "queue_created_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "queue_deleted": 0,
        "queue_deleted_details": {
            "rate": 0
        "cluster_links": [],
        "metrics_gc_queue_length": {
            "connection_closed": 0,
            "channel_closed": 0,
            "consumer_deleted": 0,
            "exchange_deleted": 0,
            "queue_deleted": 0,
            "vhost_deleted": 0,
            "node_node_deleted": 0,
            "channel_consumer_deleted": 0

/api/nodes/ 返回单个节点的统计信息

    "partitions": [],
    "os_pid": "4470",
    "fd_total": 256,
    "sockets_total": 138,
    "mem_limit": 6871947673,
    "mem_alarm": false,
    "disk_free_limit": 50000000,
    "disk_free_alarm": false,
    "proc_total": 1048576,
    "rates_mode": "basic",
    "uptime": 11728280,
    "run_queue": 1,
    "processors": 12,
    "exchange_types": [
            "name": "fanout",
            "description": "AMQP fanout exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
            "enabled": true
            "name": "headers",
            "description": "AMQP headers exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
            "enabled": true
            "name": "x-delayed-message",
            "description": "Delayed Message Exchange.",
            "enabled": true
            "name": "direct",
            "description": "AMQP direct exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
            "enabled": true
            "name": "topic",
            "description": "AMQP topic exchange, as per the AMQP specification",
            "enabled": true
    "auth_mechanisms": [
            "name": "RABBIT-CR-DEMO",
            "description": "RabbitMQ Demo challenge-response authentication mechanism",
            "enabled": false
            "name": "AMQPLAIN",
            "description": "QPid AMQPLAIN mechanism",
            "enabled": true
            "name": "PLAIN",
            "description": "SASL PLAIN authentication mechanism",
            "enabled": true
    "applications": [
            "name": "amqp10_common",
            "description": "Modules shared by rabbitmq-amqp1.0 and rabbitmq-amqp1.0-client",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "amqp_client",
            "description": "RabbitMQ AMQP Client",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "asn1",
            "description": "The Erlang ASN1 compiler version 5.0.8",
            "version": "5.0.8"
            "name": "compiler",
            "description": "ERTS  CXC 138 10",
            "version": "7.3.2"
            "name": "cowboy",
            "description": "Small, fast, modern HTTP server.",
            "version": "2.6.1"
            "name": "cowlib",
            "description": "Support library for manipulating Web protocols.",
            "version": "2.7.0"
            "name": "crypto",
            "description": "CRYPTO",
            "version": "4.4.1"
            "name": "goldrush",
            "description": "Erlang event stream processor",
            "version": "0.1.9"
            "name": "inets",
            "description": "INETS  CXC 138 49",
            "version": "7.0.6"
            "name": "jsx",
            "description": "a streaming, evented json parsing toolkit",
            "version": "2.9.0"
            "name": "kernel",
            "description": "ERTS  CXC 138 10",
            "version": "6.3"
            "name": "lager",
            "description": "Erlang logging framework",
            "version": "3.6.9"
            "name": "mnesia",
            "description": "MNESIA  CXC 138 12",
            "version": "4.15.6"
            "name": "os_mon",
            "description": "CPO  CXC 138 46",
            "version": "2.4.7"
            "name": "public_key",
            "description": "Public key infrastructure",
            "version": "1.6.5"
            "name": "rabbit",
            "description": "RabbitMQ",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "rabbit_common",
            "description": "Modules shared by rabbitmq-server and rabbitmq-erlang-client",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "rabbitmq_amqp1_0",
            "description": "AMQP 1.0 support for RabbitMQ",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange",
            "description": "RabbitMQ Delayed Message Exchange",
            "version": "20171201-3.7.x"
            "name": "rabbitmq_management",
            "description": "RabbitMQ Management Console",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "rabbitmq_management_agent",
            "description": "RabbitMQ Management Agent",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "rabbitmq_mqtt",
            "description": "RabbitMQ MQTT Adapter",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "rabbitmq_stomp",
            "description": "RabbitMQ STOMP plugin",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "rabbitmq_web_dispatch",
            "description": "RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher",
            "version": "3.7.14"
            "name": "ranch",
            "description": "Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.",
            "version": "1.7.1"
            "name": "recon",
            "description": "Diagnostic tools for production use",
            "version": "2.4.0"
            "name": "sasl",
            "description": "SASL  CXC 138 11",
            "version": "3.3"
            "name": "ssl",
            "description": "Erlang/OTP SSL application",
            "version": "9.2.1"
            "name": "stdlib",
            "description": "ERTS  CXC 138 10",
            "version": "3.8"
            "name": "syntax_tools",
            "description": "Syntax tools",
            "version": "2.1.7"
            "name": "sysmon_handler",
            "description": "Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler",
            "version": "1.1.0"
            "name": "xmerl",
            "description": "XML parser",
            "version": "1.3.20"
    "contexts": [
            "description": "RabbitMQ Management",
            "path": "/",
            "port": "15672"
    "log_files": [
    "db_dir": "/usr/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@localhost",
    "config_files": [],
    "net_ticktime": 60,
    "enabled_plugins": [
    "mem_calculation_strategy": "rss",
    "name": "rabbit@localhost",
    "running": true,
    "type": "disc",
    "mem_used": 86814720,
    "mem_used_details": {
        "rate": -117964.8
    "fd_used": 72,
    "fd_used_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "sockets_used": 0,
    "sockets_used_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "proc_used": 457,
    "proc_used_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "disk_free": 172549808128,
    "disk_free_details": {
        "rate": -31129.6
    "gc_num": 38308,
    "gc_num_details": {
        "rate": 3.4
    "gc_bytes_reclaimed": 1616503320,
    "gc_bytes_reclaimed_details": {
        "rate": 152201.6
    "context_switches": 423307,
    "context_switches_details": {
        "rate": 37.6
    "io_read_count": 22,
    "io_read_count_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_read_bytes": 2083,
    "io_read_bytes_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_read_avg_time": 0.02909090909090909,
    "io_read_avg_time_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_write_count": 0,
    "io_write_count_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_write_bytes": 0,
    "io_write_bytes_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_write_avg_time": 0,
    "io_write_avg_time_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_sync_count": 0,
    "io_sync_count_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_sync_avg_time": 0,
    "io_sync_avg_time_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_seek_count": 0,
    "io_seek_count_details": {
        "rate": 0
    "io_seek_avg_time": 0,
    "io_seek_avg_time_details": {
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    "io_reopen_count_details": {
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    "mnesia_ram_tx_count_details": {
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    "queue_index_write_count_details": {
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    "queue_index_read_count_details": {
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    "io_file_handle_open_attempt_count_details": {
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    "io_file_handle_open_attempt_avg_time": 0.031643835616438354,
    "io_file_handle_open_attempt_avg_time_details": {
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    "queue_deleted_details": {
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  • RabbitMQ

    RabbitMQ 是一个开源的 AMQP 实现,服务器端用 Erlang 语言编写,支持多种语言客户端,如:Python、Ruby、.NET、Java、C、PHP、ActionScript 等。用于在分布式系统中存储转发消息,在易用性、扩展性、高可用性等方面表现不俗。

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