AlertManager 使用总结

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每个 receiver 下可以配置多个接收者,如下配置两个 webhook

global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: group_by: ['alertname'] group_wait: 30s group_interval: 1m repeat_interval: 5m receiver: 'web.hook1' receivers: - name: 'web.hook1' webhook_configs: - url: '' - url: '' inhibit_rules: - source_match: severity: 'critical' target_match: severity: 'warning' equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance']


receivers: - name: 'web.hook1' webhook_configs: - url: '' - url: '' email_config: - to: <mail to address> - to: <mail to address>


目前 alertmanager 并不支持持久化通知,也就是说告警并不会一直存储在数据库中,而 prometheus 则只是存储告警规则和其状态,并没有像传统告警系统一般,会把什么时候发生的告警、告警接收人,处理状态存储为一条记录。简单的说就是不能满足程序查找历史告警记录的需求,目前我是没找到可以直接查询到的方法。

不过也是有一个临时解决方案,在不改动 prometheus 和 alertmanger 的源码前提下,开发一个 webhook,用来接收 alertmanager 发送的所有告警通知,然后在 webhook 中处理存储数据库。


global: smtp_smarthost: '' smtp_hello: '' smtp_from: '' smtp_auth_username: '' smtp_auth_password: password smtp_require_tls: false route: group_by: ['alertname'] receiver: 'default-receiver' receivers: - name: default-receiver email_configs: - to: <mail to address> send_resolved: true

在 email_configs 可以配置的具体选项如下,copy 来自官网

# Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts. [ send_resolved: <boolean> | default = false ] # The email address to send notifications to. to: <tmpl_string> # The sender address. [ from: <tmpl_string> | default = global.smtp_from ] # The SMTP host through which emails are sent. [ smarthost: <string> | default = global.smtp_smarthost ] # The hostname to identify to the SMTP server. [ hello: <string> | default = global.smtp_hello ] # SMTP authentication information. [ auth_username: <string> | default = global.smtp_auth_username ] [ auth_password: <secret> | default = global.smtp_auth_password ] [ auth_secret: <secret> | default = global.smtp_auth_secret ] [ auth_identity: <string> | default = global.smtp_auth_identity ] # The SMTP TLS requirement. # Note that Go does not support unencrypted connections to remote SMTP endpoints. [ require_tls: <bool> | default = global.smtp_require_tls ] # TLS configuration. tls_config: [ <tls_config> ] # The HTML body of the email notification. [ html: <tmpl_string> | default = '{{ template "email.default.html" . }}' ] # The text body of the email notification. [ text: <tmpl_string> ] # Further headers email header key/value pairs. Overrides any headers # previously set by the notification implementation. [ headers: { <string>: <tmpl_string>, ... } ]



# Matchers that have to be fulfilled in the alerts to be muted. target_match: [ <labelname>: <labelvalue>, ... ] target_match_re: [ <labelname>: <regex>, ... ] # Matchers for which one or more alerts have to exist for the # inhibition to take effect. source_match: [ <labelname>: <labelvalue>, ... ] source_match_re: [ <labelname>: <regex>, ... ] # Labels that must have an equal value in the source and target # alert for the inhibition to take effect. [ equal: '[' <labelname>, ... ']' ]


inhibit_rules: - source_match: severity: 'critical' target_match: severity: 'warning' equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance']

告警的标签的 key 都拥有 alertnamedevinstance, 匹配源告警标签拥有 severity=critical,目标告警符合 severity=warning 都将被抑制。

5.对接 AlertManager

有时候我们需要不经过 prometheus,直接把告警发送给 AlertManager,网上找了一堆都是配到使用的,但实际场景往往较为复杂,可以从两个方面进行着手:
二、利用 amtool 官方工具



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  • jbw00

    请教一下 AlertManager 的告警查询 api

