思源笔记 v1.2.2 alpha1 transaction has not been closed

本贴最后更新于 1248 天前,其中的信息可能已经事过境迁

在使用 siyuan 插件复制黏贴网页内容之后,大概率在之后的编辑当中出现不断跳出 transaction has not been closed 的错误提示,复制的网页来源是:Chrome 插件开发简要指南_w3cschool



对应时间的 log 内容如下:

I 2021/07/23 10:33:30 working.go:93:

/ | () \ \ / / _ _ __ _ _ __
\ | | \ V / | | | | / ` | | '
) | | | | | | || | | (| | | | | |
/ || || _,| _,| || |_|
I 2021/07/23 10:33:30 working.go:94: kernel is booting:

  • ver [1.2.2-alpha1]
  • runtime mode [prod]
  • workspace directory [E:\思源笔记]
  • working directory [C:\Program Files\SiYuan\resources]
  • temp directory [C:\Users\DONGDO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan]
  • system temp directory [C:\WINDOWS\Temp\siyuan]
  • rsync directory [C:\WINDOWS\Temp\siyuan\rsync]
  • read only [false]
  • container [std]
  • resident [true]
  • arch [amd64]
    I 2021/07/23 10:33:30 conf.go:223: local serve path []
    I 2021/07/23 10:33:30 database.go:98: reinitialized database [C:\Users\DONGDO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan\siyuan.db]
    I 2021/07/23 10:33:30 serve.go:51: kernel HTTP server is booting []
    I 2021/07/23 10:33:35 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [主笔记本]
    I 2021/07/23 10:34:07 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [主笔记本]
    I 2021/07/23 10:34:07 box.go:540: rebuilding database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
    I 2021/07/23 10:34:14 box.go:544: rebuilt database of box [思源笔记用户指南]
    I 2021/07/23 10:34:15 working.go:119: kernel booted
    I 2021/07/23 10:35:50 sync.go:79: sync uploading...
    I 2021/07/23 10:35:54 sync.go:98: sync uploaded
    I 2021/07/23 10:36:00 sync.go:79: sync uploading...
    I 2021/07/23 10:36:03 sync.go:98: sync uploaded
    E 2021/07/23 10:36:30 sync.go:348: read file [E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本.siyuan\conf.json] failed: read E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本.siyuan\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
    E 2021/07/23 10:36:30 sync.go:188: encrypt data dir failed: read E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本.siyuan\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
    I 2021/07/23 10:36:40 sync.go:79: sync uploading...
    I 2021/07/23 10:36:43 sync.go:98: sync uploaded
    E 2021/07/23 10:58:22 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 10:58:22 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 10:58:24 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 10:58:46 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 10:58:52 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 10:59:01 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 11:00:25 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 11:00:28 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 11:00:37 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:05 tree.go:42: parse json to tree [E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本\项目\ 20210624173807 思源笔记——土法挖空复习.sy] failed: readObjectStart: expect { or n, but found , error found in #0 byte of ...||..., bigger context ...||...
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:05 tree.go:42: parse json to tree [E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本\项目\ 20210625103809 思源笔记主题.sy] failed: readObjectStart: expect { or n, but found , error found in #0 byte of ...||..., bigger context ...||...
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:05 tree.go:42: parse json to tree [E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本\项目\ 20210629153852 思源挂件块魔改全局外挂.sy] failed: readObjectStart: expect { or n, but found , error found in #0 byte of ...||..., bigger context ...||...
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:05 tree.go:42: parse json to tree [E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本\项目\ 20210707135310 思源笔记功能建议.sy] failed: readObjectStart: expect { or n, but found , error found in #0 byte of ...||..., bigger context ...||...
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:05 tree.go:42: parse json to tree [E:\思源笔记\data\主笔记本\项目\20210625000859 思源笔记_主题模块_星标.sy] failed: readObjectStart: expect { or n, but found , error found in #0 byte of ...||..., bigger context ...||...
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:40 sync.go:348: read file [E:\思源笔记\data\思源笔记用户指南.siyuan\filetree.json] failed: read E:\思源笔记\data\思源笔记用户指南.siyuan\filetree.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:40 sync.go:188: encrypt data dir failed: read E:\思源笔记\data\思源笔记用户指南.siyuan\filetree.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
    I 2021/07/23 11:01:50 sync.go:79: sync uploading...
    I 2021/07/23 11:01:54 sync.go:98: sync uploaded
    E 2021/07/23 11:01:58 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 11:02:00 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 11:02:44 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    I 2021/07/23 11:04:12 working.go:310: port [6806] is opened, try to check version of running kernel
    I 2021/07/23 11:04:13 working.go:320: version of the running kernel is the same as this boot [1.2.2-alpha1], exit this boot
    E 2021/07/23 11:04:18 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    E 2021/07/23 11:04:33 transaction.go:40: begin tx failed: transaction has not been closed
    I 2021/07/23 11:04:55 conf.go:264: exited kernel
    I 2021/07/23 11:04:58 working.go:93:
  • 思源笔记



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