{{select * from blocks where id in (select id from (select id,type,subtype,parent_id as id2 from blocks)as a left join (select id as id2,type as type2,parent_id as id3 from blocks)as b on a.id2=b.id2 left join (select id as id3,type as type3,content as content3 from blocks)as c on b.id3=c.id3 where a.type='i' and a.subtype='t' and c.type3='h' and c.content3 like '%版本开发%')and markdown like '* [_] %' and markdown not like '* [_] ~~%~~' and path like '/20211025140243-y1q7v8d/%/%-%-%' and (case when updated>created then updated else created end) > (select max(substr(hpath,21,4)||substr(hpath,26,2)||substr(hpath,29,2)||'9') from blocks where markdown = '# 周报' and path like '/20211025140243-y1q7v8d/%/%-%-%' and root_id!='.action{.id}') and hpath <= (select hpath from blocks where id= '.action{.id}')}}
在日记页使用模板后,sql 如下:
select * from blocks where id in (select id from (select id,type,subtype,parent_id as id2 from blocks)as a left join (select id as id2,type as type2,parent_id as id3 from blocks)as b on a.id2=b.id2 left join (select id as id3,type as type3,content as content3 from blocks)as c on b.id3=c.id3 where a.type='i' and a.subtype='t' and c.type3='h' and c.content3 like '%版本开发%')and markdown like '* [_] %' and markdown not like '* [_] ~~%~~' and path like '/20211025140243-y1q7v8d/%/%-%-%' and (case when updated>created then updated else created end) > (select max(substr(hpath,21,4)||substr(hpath,26,2)||substr(hpath,29,2)||'9') from blocks where markdown = '# 周报' and path like '/20211025140243-y1q7v8d/%/%-%-%' and root_id!='20211101100623-359fk4i') and hpath <= (select hpath from blocks where id= '20211101100623-359fk4i')
在 sqlitestudio 中使用符合预期,在思源中使用,没有排除掉上次周报已经覆盖的任务内容。
(case when updated>created then updated else created end) > (select max(substr(hpath,21,4)||substr(hpath,26,2)||substr(hpath,29,2)||'9') from blocks where markdown = '# 周报' and path like '/20211025140243-y1q7v8d/%/%-%-%' and root_id!='.action{.id}')
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