由于考虑个人笔记可能会比较多,没有使用官方自带的同步,而是使用 syncthing 作为同步工具,但是 2.0 更新后,在使用 syncthing 同步的过程发现同步失败
[AOZQN] 21:11:49 INFO: Scanner (folder "思源笔记" (p9anf-jcxcd), item "conf\\conf.json"): hashing: read \\?\E:\Syncthing\思源笔记\conf\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. [AOZQN] 21:13:22 INFO: Scanner (folder "思源笔记" (p9anf-jcxcd), item "conf\\conf.json"): hashing: read \\?\E:\Syncthing\思源笔记\conf\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. [AOZQN] 21:13:22 INFO: Scanner (folder "思源笔记" (p9anf-jcxcd), item "data\\.siyuan\\conf.json"): hashing: read \\?\E:\Syncthing\思源笔记\data\.siyuan\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. [AOZQN] 21:13:22 INFO: Scanner (folder "思源笔记" (p9anf-jcxcd), item "data\\20220423211243-85jdhor\\.siyuan\\conf.json"): hashing: read \\?\E:\Syncthing\思源笔记\data\20220423211243-85jdhor\.siyuan\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. [AOZQN] 21:13:44 INFO: Scanner (folder "思源笔记" (p9anf-jcxcd), item "data\\.siyuan\\conf.json"): hashing: read \\?\E:\Syncthing\思源笔记\data\.siyuan\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. [AOZQN] 21:13:44 INFO: Scanner (folder "思源笔记" (p9anf-jcxcd), item "data\\20220423211243-85jdhor\\.siyuan\\conf.json"): hashing: read \\?\E:\Syncthing\思源笔记\data\20220423211243-85jdhor\.siyuan\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. [AOZQN] 21:14:23 INFO: Scanner (folder "思源笔记" (p9anf-jcxcd), item "conf\\conf.json"): hashing: read \\?\E:\Syncthing\思源笔记\conf\conf.json: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
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