k8s ipv6 双栈集群 公众组件适配方案

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k8s: ipv4/ipv6 双栈

  1. 服务规约中没有显式设定 .spec.ipFamilyPolicy 。当你创建此服务时,Kubernetes 从所配置的第一个 service-cluster-ip-range 种为服务分配一个集群 IP,并设置 .spec.ipFamilyPolicySingleStack
  2. .spec.ipFamilyPolicy 设置为 PreferDualStack
    • 当你在双栈集群上创建此服务时,Kubernetes 会为该服务分配 IPv4 和 IPv6 地址。 控制平面更新服务的 .spec 以记录 IP 地址分配。 字段 .spec.ClusterIPs 是主要字段,包含两个分配的 IP 地址; .spec.ClusterIP 是次要字段, 其取值从 .spec.ClusterIPs 计算而来。
    • 对于单协议栈的集群, .spec.ClusterIPs.spec.ClusterIP 字段都 仅仅列出一个地址。


  1. charts 中 service 相关的模板需要暴露 .spec.ipFamilyPolicy 字段,在 values.yaml 中显示指定。采用 kyverno 去注入这个字段,而不是批量修改 charts。
# 查找Service模板文件 grep -irw "kind: Service" -R
  1. 确保公众组件能同时监听 地址。内部服务可以直接通过 ipv6 通信。(可以关闭 coredns 的 ipv4 解析来测试)

    在验证服务是从 ipv6 的域名解析访问的,coredns 需要修改配置,将 A 的请求,重定向到 AAAA,这样可以保证只通过访问 ipv6 服务。

    .:53 { rewrite stop type A AAAA }
  2. 外部应用能访问公众组件 ipv6 服务。

  3. 对于公众组件的集群模式,集群内通信端口需要能支持 ipv6 通信。(这个不大好验证)

kyverno 字段注入

helm repo add kyverno https://kyverno.github.io/kyverno/ helm repo update helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno --version v2.5.1 -n kyverno --create-namespace

  创建集群策略 ipv6-policy.yaml,kubectl apply -f ipv6-policy.yaml

apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1 kind: ClusterPolicy metadata: name: add-ipfamily annotations: policies.kyverno.io/title: Add IP Family policies.kyverno.io/category: Sample policies.kyverno.io/severity: medium policies.kyverno.io/subject: ipFamily spec: rules: - name: add-ipfamily match: resources: kinds: - Service mutate: patchStrategicMerge: spec: ipFamilyPolicy: PreferDualStack

kyverno 策略验证

创建 python 服务,不显示指定 ipFamilyPolicy。

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: python-deployment labels: app: python-http spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: python-http template: metadata: labels: app: python-http spec: containers: - name: python-http image: python:3.8.13-slim ports: - containerPort: 8080 command: ["python"] args: ["-m","http.server","8080","--bind","::"] --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: python-service spec: selector: app: python-http ports: - protocol: TCP port: 8080 targetPort: 8080

  查看 python-service 的.spec.ipFamilyPolicy 字段,注入成功,验证通过!

➜ kubectl get svc python-service -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Service","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"python-service","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"ports":[{"port":8080,"protocol":"TCP","targetPort":8080}],"selector":{"app":"python-http"}}} policies.kyverno.io/last-applied-patches: | add-ipfamily.add-ipfamily.kyverno.io: added /spec/ipFamilyPolicy creationTimestamp: "2022-07-18T12:07:52Z" name: python-service namespace: default resourceVersion: "4662253" uid: e1ab7dd7-688c-4db1-b033-034651537a27 spec: clusterIP: clusterIPs: - - fd00::1234:5678:1:c603 internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ipFamilies: - IPv4 - IPv6 ipFamilyPolicy: PreferDualStack ports: - port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 selector: app: python-http sessionAffinity: None type: ClusterIP status: loadBalancer: {}


  适配的版本见# Ingress NGINX Controller,选择 charts 4.1.2,ingress 为 1.2.0

helmfile -f /data/bkhelmfile/blueking/ingress-nginx-1.2.0.gotmpl sync

  values 配置 controller.service.ipFamilies=["ipv6"] 才能设置为 ipv6 单栈模式。



  覆盖 values.yaml 中 master.config 和 slave.config 中的 bind-address,绑定至全端口

master: config: |- [mysqld] bind-address=* slave: config: |- [mysqld] bind-address=*


  chart: bitnami/rabbitmq-8.24.12

https://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html#single-listener-port,rabbitmq 是支持双栈监听的
empd 默认监听 ipv6.
rabbitmq: networking
By default, RabbitMQ will listen on port 5672 on all available interfaces. It is possible to limit client connections to a subset of the interfaces or even just one, for example, IPv6-only interfaces. The following few sections demonstrate how to do it.

  rbmq 的 HTTP API 客户端 15672,没有监听 ipv6

RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESSBy default RabbitMQ will bind to all IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces available. This variable limits the node to one network interface or address family. To learn more, see the RabbitMQ Networking guide


extraConfiguration: |- management.tcp.port = 15672 management.tcp.ip = ::

rabbitmq 集群内部通过 ipv6 通信(端口 25672)需要配置开启,见 rabbitmq-networking-distribution-ipv6注意集群通信端口只能选择 ipv4、ipv6 中的一种方式通信
在 ipv6 单栈集群,如果需要开启 rbmq 的集群模式,需要通过:github #issues/6845 解决,如下

initContainers: - name: rabbitmq-ipv6-init image: "docker.io/busybox:1.33.1" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: rabbitmq-ipv6-cfg mountPath: /ipv6 command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "{inet6, true}." > /ipv6/erl_inetrc'] extraVolumes: - name: rabbitmq-ipv6-cfg emptyDir: {} extraVolumeMounts: - name: rabbitmq-ipv6-cfg mountPath: /ipv6 extraEnvVars: - name: RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS value: "-kernel inetrc '/ipv6/erl_inetrc' -proto_dist inet6_tcp" - name: RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS value: "-proto_dist inet6_tcp"


  chart bitnami/redis-15.3.3

  redis: config 中,可以看到在 redis6.2 中 bind -::1,默认同时监听 ipv4/ipv6 地址。


  chart: bitnami/redis-cluster-7.4.6
和 redis 一致



mongodb: 参考 > 安全 > 网络和配置强化 > IP 绑定 ,需要手动绑定 ipv6。
从 MongoDB 3.6,MongoDB 二进制文件mongod和开始 mongos,默认情况下绑定到 localhost。如果 为二进制net.ipv6文件设置了 配置文件设置或 --ipv6 命令行选项,则二进制文件还会绑定到本地 IPv6 地址。

  在 values.yaml 中,提供了开启 ipv6 的 values,无需通过 Values.configuration 修改配置文件。

# values.yaml enableIPv6: true



  Indexing IPv6 addresses in Elasticsearch,elastic 已支持 ipv6。

Starting with Elasticsearch 5.0, the ip field will support indexing IPv6 addresses.
elastic7.16: IP field type。 An ip field can index/store either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.



  zookeeperAdmin Guide: A Guide to Deployment and Administration,zk 已支持 ipv6。

clientPortAddressNew in 3.3.0: the address (ipv4, ipv6 or hostname) to listen for client connections; that is, the address that clients attempt to connect to. This is optional, by default we bind in such a way that any connection to the clientPort for any address/interface/nic on the server will be accepted.

因为未开启集群模式, leader 监听端 ipv6 口 2888 和集群内通信 3888 端口是关闭的


  chart bitnami/etcd-6.2.11 (bcs-system 依赖)
无需额外配置,默认支持 ipv6。


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