OSI model1
- ARP:已知 IP 地址,获得目的设备的 MAC 地址
- DHAP:第一次链接互联网时获得配置
- WPA:设备链接 wifi,加密
- BGP:通过 AS 运输 packets
transport layer protocol(layer 4) <--TODAY
IP 的问题
best effort to transport ,但是不保证送到,也不防止篡改
Provides a byte stream abstraction
- Bytes go in one end of the stream at the source and come out at the other end at the destination
- TCP automatically breaks streams into segments, which are sent as layer 3 packets
Provides ordering
- Segments contain sequence numbers, so the destination can reassemble the stream in order
Provides reliability
- The destination sends acknowledgements (ACKs) for each sequence number received
- If the source doesn’t receive the ACK, the source sends the packet again
Provides ports
- Multiple services can share the same IP address by using different ports
- Ports help us distinguish between different applications on the same computer or server
Establishing Sequence Numbers
Each TCP connection requires two sets of sequence numbers
- One sequence number for messages from the client to the server
- One sequence number for messages from the server to the client
Before starting a TCP connection, the client and server must agree on two initial sequence numbers (ISNs)
- The ISNs are different and random for every connection (for security reasons, as we’ll see soon)
用于标识每个新连接的第一个字节。它有助于确保数据按顺序传输,并且可以检测丢失或错序的数据包。如果数据丢失或到达目的地时顺序不正确,TCP 模块能够根据序列号重新传输或重新排序数据以恢复原始顺序
3-way handshake
- SYN,客户端发送一个随机数给 server
- SYN-ACK,服务器发送另外一个随机数,另外发送 x+1 给客户端表达收到
- ACK,客户端发送 x+1, y+1
send data with TCP
在 TCP 连接建立后,客户端和服务器可以开始传输数据。数据被分段并封装在 TCP 段中进行传输。每个 TCP 段都包含一个序列号(Seq)和一个确认号(Ack)。
序列号(Seq)用于标识段中第一个字节的位置。它有助于确保数据按顺序传输,并且可以检测丢失或错序的数据包。如果数据丢失或到达目的地时顺序不正确,TCP 模块能够根据序列号重新传输或重新排序数据以恢复原始顺序。
确认号(Ack)用于确认已成功接收的数据。当接收方收到一个 TCP 段时,它会发送一个带有 Ack 标志位的段作为响应,其中包含下一个期望接收的字节的序列号。发送方可以根据确认号来确定哪些数据已被成功接收,并相应地更新其发送窗口。
通过使用序列号和确认号,TCP 能够提供可靠的数据传输服务。
The TCP handlers on each side track which TCP segments have been received for each connection
A connection is identified by these 5 values (sometimes called a 5-tuple)
- Source IP
- Destination IP
- Source Port
- Destination Port
- Protocol
丢包问题。当对方收到 ACK,不再重新传输
中止 TCP 链接
- To end a connection, one side sends a packet with the FIN (finish) flag set, which should then be acknowledged
- To abort a connection, one side sends a packet with the RST (reset) flag set
TCP flag
- Indicator that the user is acknowledging the receipt of something (in the ack number) 标志收到
- Pretty much always set except the very first packet
- Indicator of the beginning of the connection 标志开始连接
- One way to end the connection 结束链接的方法之一
- Requires an acknowledgement
- No longer sending packets, but will continue to receive
- One way to end a connection 结束链接的方法之一
- Does not require an acknowledgement
- No longer sending or receiving packets
TCP attack
TCP hijacking:Data injection/ RST injection
RST injection: Spoofing a RST packet to forcibly terminate a connection
- Same requirements as packet injection, so easy for on-path and MITM attackers, but hard for off-path attackers
- Often used in censorship scenarios to block access to sites
TCP spoofing:Spoofing a TCP connection to appear to come from another source IP address
Provides a datagram abstraction
A message, sent in a single layer 3 packet (though layer 3 could fragment the packet)
Max size limited by max size of packet
Applications break their data into datagrams, which are sent and received as a single unit
- Contrast with TCP, where the application can use a bytestream abstraction
No reliability or ordering guarantees, but adds ports
- It still has best effort delivery
Much faster than TCP, since there is no 3-way handshake
- Usually used by low-latency, high-speed applications where errors are okay (e.g. video streaming, games)
UDP attack
OSI model
OSI model: Open Systems Interconnection model, a layered model of Internet communication
设计有 7 层,但是实际上设计了五层 ↩
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