llm 原理

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source:https://stanford-cs324.github.io/winter2022/lectures/introduction/ - CS324

是这门课程 lecture note 的摘抄和部分“用自己的语言表述”


语言模型 (LM) 的经典定义是标记序列的概率分布。

概率直观地告诉我们一个标记序列有多“好”。例如,如果词汇表是 V={ate,ball,cheese,mouse,the} ,语言模型可能会给出下述赋值 :






Autoregressive language models-> 通过链式概率规则

p(x_{1:L}) = p(x_1) p(x_2 \mid x_1) p(x_3 \mid x_1, x_2) \cdots p(x_L \mid x_{1:L-1}) = \prod_{i=1}^L p(x_i \mid x_{1:i-1}).

eg:p(𝗍𝗁𝖾,𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾,𝖺𝗍𝖾,𝗍𝗁𝖾,𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗌𝖾) = p ( 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ) p ( 𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ) p ( 𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 , 𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 ) p ( 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 , 𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 , 𝖺𝗍𝖾 ) p ( 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗌𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 , 𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾 , 𝖺𝗍𝖾 , 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ) .

所以我们可以进一步表达它的“生成”的办法,T 是退火算法的温度,描述它的“偏离当前情况的积极性”

\text{for } i = 1, \dots, L: \\ \hspace{1in} x_i \sim p(x_i \mid x_{1:i-1})^{1/T},


条件生成:更一般地说,我们可以通过指定一些前缀序列x_{1:i}(称为提示)并对其余x_{i+1:L}序列 (称为 prompt)进行采样来执行条件生成。示例如下:



Information theory, entropy of English, n-gram models



H(p) = \sum_x p(x) \log \frac{1}{p(x)}.

熵衡量把一个采样x \sim p压缩为位串所需的预期位数,无论使用什么算法都一样

  • The lower the entropy, the more “structured” the sequence is, and the shorter the code length.
  • Intuitively, \log \frac{1}{p(x)} is the length of the code used to represent an element x that occurs with probability p(x).
    直观地说, \log \frac{1}{p(x)} 是用于表示以概率 p(x) 出现的元素 x 的代码长度。
  • Ifp(x) = \frac{1}{8}, we should allocate\log_2(8) = 3bits (equivalently, log⁡(8)=2.08 nats).
    如果 p(x)=1/8 ,我们应该分配 log2⁡(8)=3 位(相当于 log⁡(8)=2.08 nats)。**


香农特别地对英语的熵特别感兴趣。这意味着我们想象存在一个“真实”的分布 p(其存在是值得怀疑的,但它仍然是一个有用的数学抽象),它可以输出英语文本 x∼p 的样本。

交叉熵:它测量使用模型 q(representing x with a code of length \frac{1}{q(x)}).给出的压缩方案,对样本 x∼p 进行编码所需的预期位数

H(p, q) = \sum_x p(x) \log \frac{1}{q(x)},

这样,我们可以通过语言模型来估计(人类语言模型的)熵,因为交叉熵的上限是 H(p,q)≥H(p),而 p(上述的理念中的真实分布)无法访问,所以我们通过构建更好的模型 q 来获得更好的熵估计

这种估计的最佳例子就是 shannon game,在这里这个更好的模型 q 由人类提供

the mouse ate my ho_


这一 idea 的下游应用就是 N-gram 模型,例子如下:

  • speech recognition in the 1970s (input: acoustic signal, output: text), and
  • machine translation in the 1990s (input: text in a source language, output: text in a target language).

Noisy channel model. The dominant paradigm for solving these tasks then was the noisy channel model. Taking speech recognition as an example:

  • We posit that there is some text sampled from some distribution p.
    我们假设有一些文本是从某个分布中 p** 抽样的。**
  • This text becomes realized to speech (acoustic signals).
  • Then given the speech, we wish to recover the (most likely) text. This can be done via Bayes rule:


N-gram 模型。在 n-gram 模型中,令牌 x_i 的预测仅取决于最后一个 n−1 字符x_{i-(n-1):i-1} ,而不是完整的历史记录:

p(x_i \mid x_{1:i-1}) = p(x_i \mid x_{i-(n-1):i-1}).

右侧的概率这些概率是根据各种 n 元语法的次数计算的,出自某些大型语料库,并且通过平滑算法来防止过拟合

Fitting n-gram models to data is extremely computationally cheap and scalable,As a result, n-gram models were trained on massive amount of text. For example, Brants et al. (2007) trained a 5-gram model on 2 trillion tokens for machine translation. In comparison, GPT-3 was trained on only 300 billion tokens.

但是从根本的原理来讲,n-gram 具有局限性,如果 n 太小,则模型将无法捕获长程依赖关系;但是,如果 n 太大,则在统计学上无法获得对概率的良好估计,甚至词频会为 0


Neural language models


p(\text{cheese} \mid \text{ate}, \text{the}) = \text{some-neural-network}(\text{ate}, \text{the}, \text{cheese}).

请注意,上下文长度仍然受 n 限制,但现在可以统计上可行来估计更大的 n 值的神经语言模型。

现在,主要的挑战是训练神经网络的计算成本要高得多。他们只用 1400 万个单词训练了一个模型,并表明它的表现优于在相同数据量上训练的 n-gram 模型。但是,由于 n-gram 模型更具可扩展性,并且数据不是瓶颈,因此 n-gram 模型至少在十年内继续占据主导地位。

两个 neural language modeling 的重大进展:RNN 和 Transformers

  • 递归神经网络(RNN),包括长短期记忆(LSTM),允许 token x_i 的条件分布依赖于整个上下文 x_{1:i−1} (有效 n=∞ ),但这些很难训练。
  • Transformers 是一种较新的架构(2017 年为机器翻译开发),它再次恢复了具有固定上下文长度 n ,但更容易训练(并利用了 GPU 的并行性)。此外,对于许多应用程序来说, n 可以做得“足够大”(使用 n=2048 GPT-3 )。


  • Language models were first studied in the context of information theory, and can be used to estimate the entropy of English.
  • N-gram models are extremely computationally efficient and statistically inefficient.
    N-gram 模型在计算效率极高,在统计上效率低下。
  • N-gram models are useful for short context lengths in conjunction with another model (acoustic model for speech recognition or translation model for machine translation).
    N-gram 模型与另一个模型(用于语音识别的声学模型或用于机器翻译的翻译模型)结合使用,可用于较短的上下文长度。
  • Neural language models are statistically efficient but computationally inefficient.
  • Over time, training large neural networks has become feasible enough that neural language models have become the dominant paradigm.

今日 LLM

今日的 LLM 大小增大,产生涌现(Emergence) 现象

LLM 的能力很神奇:prompt⇝completion;上下文学习

上下文学习 eg:


Input: Where is Stanford University?输入:斯坦福大学在哪里?Output: 输出: Stanford University is in California.

则我们可以给 gpt 例子,它可以学会类比

Input: Where is MIT? 输入:麻省理工学院在哪里?Output: Cambridge 输出: Cambridge

Input: Where is University of Washington?

Output: Seattle** **输出:西雅图 Input: Where is Stanford University?

Output:** 输出: Stanford** **斯坦福

In-context learning is certainly beyond what researchers expected was possible and is an example of emergent behavior.


Structure of this course


你带我走吧 😭

This course will be structured like an onion:

  1. Behavior of large language models: We will start at the outer layer where we only have blackbox API access to the model (as we’ve had so far). Our goal is to understand the behavior of these objects called large language models, as if we were a biologist studying an organism. Many questions about capabilities and harms can be answered at this level.
    大型语言模型的行为:我们将从外层开始,在那里我们只能访问模型的黑盒 API(到目前为止)。我们的目标是理解这些被称为大型语言模型的物体的行为,就好像我们是研究生物体的生物学家一样。许多关于能力和危害的问题都可以在这个级别上得到回答。
  2. Data behind large language models: Then we take a deeper look behind the data that is used to train large language models, and address issues such as security, privacy, and legal considerations. Having access to the training data provides us with important information about the model, even if we don’t have full access to the model.
  3. Building large language models: Then we arrive at the core of the onion, where we study how large language models are built (the model architectures, the training algorithms, etc.).
  4. Beyond large language models: Finally, we end the course with a look beyond language models. A language model is just a distribution over a sequence of tokens. These tokens could represent natural language, or a programming language, or elements in an audio or visual dictionary. Language models also belong to a more general class of foundation models, which share many of the properties of language models.

  1. https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/informationtheory/moderninfotheory/v/information-entropy​image






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