My Biggest Regret As A Programmer
2016-04-09 11:03原作者很叼的样子。
When I started programming for money in 1981, there weren't a whole lot of choices to argue about. I started with Fortran but was also exposed to various assembly languages, Jovial (the precursor to Ada), Pascal and someone once handed me some sample code written in PL/1 which gave me a headache. I had used Basic and a little APL but that was pretty much it. I knew of Cobol, at least enough to run away. Most people just knew one and maybe a little assembly.
When I started coding in C in 1985 I didn't change languages (other than a dab of 68000 assembly) for 10 years. Eventually C++ become an on-again-off-again lover. Objective-C came and went and came again bigtime. Java dominated for a while while Javascript waxed and wained and waxed so many times like some kind of Karate Kid metaphor. In the past decade I've dabbled in Ruby briefly, dissed PHP in this blog and then learned to appreciate it (this blog is still written in it) and then had people scream at me to run away.
Of course I've longed to go deep functional with Haskell or Erlang or Scala or even Clojure but the brain isn't functional enough to add another language at this time. Someone pointed out Rust as a great language but I really wanted to learn Metal. Somehow I spent a swift time learning Swift but it kept mutating while I coded. Any more language puns and I will be Brainfucked.
Fortran->PL/1->Basic/ APL->C->C++ ->java->javasrcipt->php-> Haskell or Erlang or Scala or even Clojure -> Metal ->Swift
You could give up programming languages entirely except for APL. I guarantee once you master APL your brain will explode and the problem will be solved without exception.
My Biggest Regret As A Programmer
2016-04-09 02:03@Vanessa 一个愤世嫉俗的老程序员瞎掰掰。关于做程序员还是做管理纠结来纠结去。做了很久程序员就羡慕管理的,做了管理的觉得管理的人很傻就觉得还是程序员好。纠结来纠结去截止文章发稿,作者觉得还是程序员好一点,还是啥好?不知道现在改了没有。
看看这个纠结劲:But I can still feel the regret of not seeking the challenge of just leadership. In some ways programming was the easy choice. Given how close I got to the whole Dotcom timeframe, or even the return of Steve to Apple, and still had recent leadership experience, I could have been almost anything.
So yes I regret not taking that choice and seeing where it would have led me, yet I would have missed all the fun of writing code and the soul-draining jobs that often come with it where you can’t really fix anything.
啊,真替他纠结啊,到老还惦记着 return of Steve to Apple 那件事。直接最适合做一个湿人了。
今日面试竟然还有笔试题 还是特别搞笑的题
2016-04-09 01:07 -
今日面试竟然还有笔试题 还是特别搞笑的题
2016-04-09 00:57第三道题的话,java 源码中好多这种写法,貌似《java 核心技术》上也有这样的写法。 这个用法个人经常用了:
class Test{ int a ; int b; { // 初始化变量 a = 10;//a可以被访问 } static { //静态执行 // b = 10; //b 不可以被访问 } }
ubuntu 常用命令
2016-04-02 00:35@Vanessa 由于 “Type dpkg --help for help about installing ...” 那一行非常的长,导致整个页面的宽是原来的几倍。点击回复的话需要拖动下面的滚动条。所谓“暴”。
2016-04-01 18:28@88250 这个给老大看看不错,老大的那个分类方法最终实现离不开这些东东呢。既然是学 java 的,不知到有没有把 scala 和 spark 一块学了?
《TCP/IP详解 卷一:协议》读书笔记 - 5 ICMP
2016-04-01 18:25啊,开始的时候也是看这本书,表示有些迷迷糊糊。后来网络配置多了,又看了《图解 TCP/IP》,回来看看这本书,恩,确实不错啊!好书~
关于 hacpai 的好的几点想法
2016-03-30 22:30@88250 另外又想到一个问题。发现手动添加 tag 后就不会自动添加了,自动添加后就没办法手动添加了(除非更新文章)。能不能提供一个自动添加完 tag 后,不用更新文章,随时都可以手动添加或者删除 tag 的按钮?
关于 hacpai 的好的几点想法
2016-03-30 22:26@88250 啊,老大,你也不用着急,等学会了那些算法以后来帮你啊,虽然现在才学到基本的数据结构😳 。让我想想那个怎么实现先,想好了就回来写在这里。
关于 hacpai 的好的几点想法
2016-03-30 22:06 -
关于 hacpai 的好的几点想法
2016-03-30 20:10多人协作确实需要版本差异对比的引进,同时如果鼓励文章的更新,最好也提供版本差异。因为,1.避免耍流氓。2.你不再需要去关心谁在发垃圾的帖子或者捣乱的帖子了,把上面的大拇指做的大一点,让读者去评论这个帖子是垃圾的还是有质量的。
至于类别的组织,可以参见 v2ex,是父类和子类的关系。但是困难就是,那个“Object”是谁?不过基础类别分好了,以后就好办多了。
2016-03-30 19:27要是有删除帖子的功能的话,以后就少来了 :( 。难道屏蔽了不就行了吗?或者提供给作者一个删除的权限,你可以提醒他,让他自己删除,而且删除之前还得给他留出足够的时间,让他做决定。一旦删除之后,在一个月之内丢进垃圾箱,一个月之后再彻底的删除。
2016-03-30 12:36@88250 啊,原来啊。木事,再写一次就行了啊。不过建议老大给文章添加个状态啥的,如果觉得文章不太好的话,标记个状态,排名下降一点,然后通知用户检查一下,等待时间足够长的话用户没有反应然后移到垃圾箱。等待用户自己处理~