因为《那些年》,“You are the apple of my eye.” 彻底地火了。挚爱,就是眼中最清澈的目光,温柔地将所见收归心里最柔软的地方。心里留着一个位置,就已足够;不用花言巧语,无需殷勤不断,一个柔软的对视,就能看到对方眼中最出色的自己。
Apple of eye 原意为眼睛里的瞳孔,在圣经中被引喻为“事物的反射”——眼中的小人——和“女儿”,现在多用于比喻珍贵的事物,中文常翻译为挚爱。挚爱,正如眼中的瞳孔,因为瞳孔,眼睛得以视物。“keep me as the apple of eye.”, 就像保护瞳孔那样保护挚爱。或许这句话有点矫情,也让人觉得比较花言巧语。毕竟太文学太抽象。你说像保护瞳孔那样保护挚爱,可是很多人都保护不了自己的视力,又怎能胜任护花使者?难道是胡话使者?这其中意境很美,不是一早一夕可以体会的。有时候,静静看着挚爱在午后浇灌花园,看着挚爱像小孩子一样蹦蹦跳跳,内心瞬时变得宁静,所有生活压迫都暂时忘记了。这个时候,挚爱就是全世界最可爱的人,不忍让她受到伤害。
18 号和小蔗蔗一起转了大半个基地,逛公园、望大海。或许之前心中还残留着学业的压力,但是看到在公园蹦达得像没见过公园没拍过照的小孩,配合午后昏昏欲睡的阳光,我心中顿时变得空明起来。那时的我觉得,要是生活天天如此,那也不会有太多的奢求了。并不是没有野心,并不是不想成为富翁,只是我觉得只要生活得舒适,再多的钱权就是浪费,何况还要用家庭换事业。一路上小甘蔗讲了很多星座和性格,什么超大号好奇宝宝呀,很努力但是又做不好事情但常常会被上司体恤升职呀,我就这样静静地听着,有时也模仿一下某个星座注意力不集中,这一刻真的觉得这个世界有我们两个就够了。当然,其他都是超亮镁光灯泡。
书到用时方恨少,难道是我平时阅读太少,为什么每次在小蔗蔗面前都不知道该怎么说话怎么表达了。看到“You are the apple of my eye.”我突然觉得很有那么点感觉。回望一路下来的笨手笨脚,其实不是不在意,而是太在意了,不知道应该怎么做才不会伤害到你。我就像只刺猬,无论是转身还是打滚,都会让最亲我的人受伤。我也在努力地改变,即使仍是刺猬,磨光刺头也好,至少拥抱的时候不会伤得太深。
Apple Of The Eye
by Wayne Blank
Apple Of The Eye
The Hebrew word (pronounced) ee-shone, means little man of the eye, meaning the reflection of someone seen in a pupil. The word is used twice, once for The Lord's careful observance of His people, and the other for what makes His people, His people - that they keep obedience to Him as the apple of their eye:
"For The Lord's portion is His people, Jacob [for why The Lord changed Jacob's name to Israel, see Physical and Spiritual Israel] His allotted heritage. He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; He encircled him, He cared for him, He kept him as the apple [ ee-shone] of His eye" (Deuteronomy 32:9-10 RSV)"My son, keep My Words and treasure up My Commandments with you; keep My Commandments and live, keep My teachings as the apple [ee-shone] of your eye; bind them on your fingers, write them on the tablet of your heart." (Proverbs 7:1-3 RSV)
The Hebrew word (pronounced) bawth, meaning a daughter (e.g. the mother of King Solomon was named Bathsheba, which means daughter of Sheba) is translated as "apple of the eye." It also was a conditional term, as contrasted in the example below from Psalms, and then from Lamentations:
"My steps have held fast to Thy paths, my feet have not slipped. I call upon Thee, for Thou wilt answer me, O God; incline Thy ear to me, hear my words. Wondrously show Thy steadfast love, O Savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at thy right hand. Keep me as the apple of the eye [ bawth]" (Psalm 17:5-8 RSV)"Their heart cried unto the Lord, O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eye [bawth] cease." (Lamentations 2:18 KJV)
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