Android 自定义圆弧进度条

本贴最后更新于 2537 天前,其中的信息可能已经时过境迁

挺久没写文章了,近段时间被拉过去写 JS 项目了,在做一个项目的时候,遇到一个新的需求就是空气质量,实现空气污染指数的时候,需要到一个圆弧的进度,在网上没找到合适,干脆就自己写了一个,顺便复习一下自定义 View,下面是具体的实现。


这里的话我只做一个进度条,使用也很简单。圆弧外的文本是一个 textview,不是这个控件里面的,说明一下。


import android.animation.ValueAnimator;

import android.content.Context;

import android.content.res.TypedArray;







import android.util.AttributeSet;

import android.view.View;

public class ArcProgressBar extends View {

private static final String TAG = "ArcProgressBar";


 * 圆弧的宽度


private int mStrokeWidth = dp2px(8);


 * 圆弧开始的角度


private float mStartAngle = 135;


 * 起点角度和终点角度对应的夹角大小


private float mAngleSize = 270;


 * 圆弧背景颜色


private int mArcBgColor = Color.YELLOW;


 * 最大的进度,用于计算进度与夹角的比例


private float mMaxProgress = 500;


 * 当前进度对应的起点角度到当前进度角度夹角的大小


private float mCurrentAngleSize = 0;


 * 当前进度


private float mCurrentProgress = 0;


 * 动画的执行时长


private long mDuration = 3000;


 * 进度圆弧的颜色


private int mProgressColor = Color.RED;


 * 第一行文本


private String mFirstText = "42";


 * 第一行文本的颜色


private int mFirstTextColor = Color.RED;


 * 第一行文本的字体大小


private float mFirstTextSize = 56f;


 * 第二行文本


private String mSecondText = "优";


 * 第二行文本的颜色


private int mSecondTextColor = Color.RED;


 * 第二行文本的字体大小


private float mSecondTextSize = 56f;

public ArcProgressBar(Context context) {

    super(context, null);


public ArcProgressBar(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {

    super(context, attrs, 0);


public ArcProgressBar(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {

    super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

    initAttr(context, attrs);



 * 设置初始化的参数


 * @param context

 * @param attrs


private void initAttr(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

    TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ArcProgressBar);

    mMaxProgress = array.getFloat(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_max_progress, 500f);

    mArcBgColor = array.getColor(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_bg_color, Color.YELLOW);

    mStrokeWidth = dp2px(array.getDimension(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_stroke_width, 12f));

    mCurrentProgress = array.getFloat(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_progress, 300f);

    mProgressColor = array.getColor(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_progress_color, Color.RED);

    mFirstText = array.getString(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_first_text);

    mFirstTextSize = dp2px(array.getDimension(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_first_text_size, 20f));

    mFirstTextColor = array.getColor(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_first_text_color, Color.RED);

    mSecondText = array.getString(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_second_text);

    mSecondTextSize = dp2px(array.getDimension(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_second_text_size, 20f));

    mSecondTextColor = array.getColor(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_second_text_color, Color.RED);

    mAngleSize = array.getFloat(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_angle_size, 270f);

    mStartAngle = array.getFloat(R.styleable.ArcProgressBar_arc_start_angle, 135f);




protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {


    int centerX = getWidth() / 2;

    RectF rectF = new RectF();

    rectF.left = mStrokeWidth; = mStrokeWidth;

    rectF.right = centerX * 2 - mStrokeWidth;

    rectF.bottom = centerX * 2 - mStrokeWidth;


    drawArcBg(canvas, rectF);


    drawArcProgress(canvas, rectF);


    drawFirstText(canvas, centerX);


    drawSecondText(canvas, centerX);



 * 画最开始的圆弧


 * @param canvas

 * @param rectF


private void drawArcBg(Canvas canvas, RectF rectF) {

    Paint mPaint = new Paint();

    //画笔的填充样式,Paint.Style.FILL 填充内部;Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE 填充内部和描边;Paint.Style.STROKE 描边








    //画笔的样式 Paint.Cap.Round 圆形,Cap.SQUARE 方形



    canvas.drawArc(rectF, mStartAngle, mAngleSize, false, mPaint);



 * 画进度的圆弧


 * @param canvas

 * @param rectF


private void drawArcProgress(Canvas canvas, RectF rectF) {

    Paint paint = new Paint();






    canvas.drawArc(rectF, mStartAngle, mCurrentAngleSize, false, paint);



 * 绘制第一级文字


 * @param canvas  画笔

 * @param centerX 位置


private void drawFirstText(Canvas canvas, float centerX) {

    Paint paint = new Paint();





    Rect firstTextBounds = new Rect();

    paint.getTextBounds(mFirstText, 0, mFirstText.length(), firstTextBounds);

    canvas.drawText(mFirstText, centerX, firstTextBounds.height() / 2 + getHeight() * 2 / 5, paint);



 * 绘制第二级文本


 * @param canvas  画笔

 * @param centerX 文本


private void drawSecondText(Canvas canvas, float centerX) {

    Paint paint = new Paint();





    Rect bounds = new Rect();

    paint.getTextBounds(mSecondText, 0, mSecondText.length(), bounds);

    canvas.drawText(mSecondText, centerX, getHeight() / 2 + bounds.height() / 2 +

            getFontHeight(mSecondText, mSecondTextSize), paint);



 * 设置最大的进度


 * @param progress


public void setMaxProgress(int progress) {

    if (progress < 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Progress value can not be less than 0 ");


    mMaxProgress = progress;



 * 设置当前进度


 * @param progress


public void setProgress(float progress) {

    if (progress < 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Progress value can not be less than 0");


    if (progress > mMaxProgress) {

        progress = mMaxProgress;


    mCurrentProgress = progress;

    float size = mCurrentProgress / mMaxProgress;

    mCurrentAngleSize = (int) (mAngleSize * size);

    setAnimator(0, mCurrentAngleSize);



 * 设置进度圆弧的颜色


 * @param color


public void setProgressColor(int color) {

    if (color == 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color can no be 0");


    mProgressColor = color;



 * 设置圆弧的颜色


 * @param color


public void setArcBgColor(int color) {

    if (color == 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color can no be 0");


    mArcBgColor = color;



 * 设置圆弧的宽度


 * @param strokeWidth


public void setStrokeWidth(int strokeWidth) {

    if (strokeWidth < 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("strokeWidth value can not be less than 0");


    mStrokeWidth = dp2px(strokeWidth);



 * 设置动画的执行时长


 * @param duration


public void setAnimatorDuration(long duration) {

    if (duration < 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duration value can not be less than 0");


    mDuration = duration;



 * 设置第一行文本


 * @param text


public void setFirstText(String text) {

    mFirstText = text;



 * 设置第一行文本的颜色


 * @param color


public void setFirstTextColor(int color) {

    if (color <= 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color value can not be less than 0");


    mFirstTextColor = color;



 * 设置第一行文本的大小


 * @param textSize


public void setFirstTextSize(float textSize) {

    if (textSize <= 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("textSize can not be less than 0");


    mFirstTextSize = textSize;



 * 设置第二行文本


 * @param text


public void setSecondText(String text) {

    mSecondText = text;



 * 设置第二行文本的颜色


 * @param color


public void setSecondTextColor(int color) {

    if (color == 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color value can not be less than 0");


    mSecondTextColor = color;



 * 设置第二行文本的大小


 * @param textSize


public void setSecondTextSize(float textSize) {

    if (textSize <= 0) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("textSize can not be less than 0");


    mSecondTextSize = textSize;



 * 设置圆弧开始的角度


 * @param startAngle


public void setStartAngle(int startAngle) {

    mStartAngle = startAngle;



 * 设置圆弧的起始角度到终点角度的大小


 * @param angleSize


public void setAngleSize(int angleSize) {

    mAngleSize = angleSize;



 * dp转成px


 * @param dp

 * @return


private int dp2px(float dp) {

    float density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

    return (int) (dp * density + 0.5f * (dp >= 0 ? 1 : -1));



 * 设置动画


 * @param start  开始位置

 * @param target 结束位置


private void setAnimator(float start, float target) {

    ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(start, target);



    valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {


        public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {

            mCurrentAngleSize = (float) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue();







 * 测量字体的高度


 * @param textStr

 * @param fontSize

 * @return


private float getFontHeight(String textStr, float fontSize) {

    Paint paint = new Paint();


    Rect bounds = new Rect();

    paint.getTextBounds(textStr, 0, textStr.length(), bounds);

    return bounds.height();









里面还定义了很多直接在 xml 文件里面就可以直接设置的属性

这个自定义 View 非常简单,代码里面注释也写的很清楚了,就不做过多的介绍了,有兴趣的可以去做更多的扩展,比如,直接做成圆形或者扇形,还有这里必须要两行文本,如果项目需要,也可以直接去删除掉文本,不过需要计算一下文本的绘制位置。

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