VMware 关于 VMware 组件的问题 ISO 下载名字辨识; 安装 VMware vSphere 提示 failed to resolve circula ...

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关于 VMware 组件的问题,下载时 ISO 名字的辨识

**网络上下载了 vsphere5.5 的安装文件,要是稀里糊涂的安装的话应该也没有问题,可是心里面总觉得不舒服,在这里望各位大虾不吝赐教,本人在这里拜谢了。

**名字是这种的 VMware-VMvisor-Installer-xxxxxx,ESXi 的安装 ISO

**名字是 VMware-VIMSetup-all-xxxxxx,vcenter server 安装 iso

**名字是 VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-xxxxxx.xxxxx_OVFxx.ovf 的是 vCenter Server Appliance 的导入文件

**名字是 VMware-viclient-all-xxxxxxxx,客户端文件


tools 就是 tools 文件,MIB 是 MIB 文件,用来去读取 snmp 的,MHM 是 muti-hypervisor manager 程序,等等等,你一开始都不会用到,甚至有些人很久都用不到

slic 我也不清楚指什么,难道是针对 oem 的?我自从官网下载 iso,官网没看见你这个版本似乎。
depot 可能是升级包吧,我都是用 vcenter 直接管理打补丁

我理解有错的请其他兄弟们指正,vmware 的组件确实是一片混乱。。。

安装 VMware vSphere 提示 failed to resolve circula ...

机器是 Lenovo X3650 M5 安装 ESXi-5.5.0u3 ,用光盘安装,换了几个版本的 ISO,都提示 failed to resolve circular relocation 同样的错误,有人遇到过吗?



系统设置/设备和 I / O 端口/ PCI 64 位资源分配到禁用。
系统设置/设备和 I / O 端口/ MM 配置基本内存窗口为 3 GB。
VMware 不支持高于 4 GB 的 RAM 的内存映射 I / O(MMIO)区域,并且在 UEFI 内更改这些设置允许安装完成。


During installation of VMware 5.5 (any Update) onto a system, is is possible that the system will hang or restart shortly after seeing 'Failed to resolve circular relocation' or fail to install due to the system restarting with an error message of 'System Halted: Fatal Error Handling'.

This occurs before the first 'Press F11 to Install' screen appears for the user to begin configuration of the installation.

Affected configurations

The system is configured with at least one of the following:

VMware ESXi 5.5, any model, any Update

VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.5 with IBM Customization Installable, any model, any Update

This tip is not system specific.

This tip is not option specific.

Note: This does not imply that the network operating system will work under all combinations of hardware and software.

Please see the compatibility page for more information: http://www.ibm.com/systems/info/ ... erproven/compat/us/


Within Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), set the following two settings to allow the installation to complete successfully:

System Settings/Devices and I/O ports/PCI 64-Bit Resource Allocation to Disabled.
System Settings/Devices and I/O ports/MM Config Base memory window to 3 GB.
Additional information

VMware does not support Memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) regions above 4 Gigabyte (GB) of RAM, and changing these settings within UEFI allows the installation to complete.




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