摘要: Java 9 支持了不可变的 List,Set 和 Map 集合,这里就介绍一下这几个不可变集合的使用方法,和如何来简单的得到他们的交集和并集。
Exciting news. We now have "immutable collections" in Java 9. Just like Scala (not really).
这真是一个令人兴奋的消息,Java 9 像 Scala 一样支持了不可变集合.
For example, if we want to create lists, we can do this:
举个例子,如果我们想创建一个不可变 list,我们可以像如下这么做:
List<Integer> list0 = List.of(); _// List0_
List<Integer> list1 = List.of(42); _// List1_
List<Integer> list2 = List.of(42, 57); _// List2_
List<Integer> list3 = List.of(42, 57, 1); _// ListN_
List<Integer> list4 = List.of(42, 57, 1, 2); _// ListN_
Someone pointed out that the lists returned by
were also immutable. They are not. Whilst you cannot add and remove elements, you can still set individual elements of the list.
有人说数组用 Arrays.asList()转换成 list 时不也是不可变集合吗?答案是否定的,list 依然可以添加和删除元素。
We can create sets in a similar way, like so:
我们可以用类似的方法创建 Set 集合:
Set<Integer> set0 = Set.of(); _// List0_
Set<Integer> set1 = Set.of(42); _// List1_
Set<Integer> set2 = Set.of(42, 57); _// List2_
Set<Integer> set3 = Set.of(42, 57, 1); _// ListN_
Set<Integer> set4 = Set.of(42, 57, 1, 2); _// ListN_
This begs the question: How can we do set operations? Let's take these sets:
这就引出了一个问题:我们怎么操作这些集合?先让我们创建两个 Set 不可变集合:
Set<Integer> one = Set.of(1, 2, 3);
Set<Integer> two = Set.of(3, 4, 5);
To create a union of these is a bit awkward, since there is no easy way to create an immutable Set from an ordinary Set. We could create a temporary Set and then the union from that, like so:
Set<Integer> temp = new HashSet<>(one);
Set<Integer> union = Set.of(temp.toArray(new Integer[0]));
System.out.println("union = " + union);
I do not like temporary variables, so we could wrap this in a facade somewhere. To do the intersection is similar:
Set<Integer> temp = new HashSet<>(one);
Set<Integer> intersection = Set.of(temp.toArray(new Integer[0]));
System.out.println("intersection = " + intersection);
We can also create Maps with Map.of():
我们创建 Map 不可变集合也是类似的方法:
Map<String, Integer> map0 = Map.of();
Map<String, Integer> map1 = Map.of("one", 1);
Map<String, Integer> map2 = Map.of("one", 1, "two", 2);
Map.of() works with key and value pairs up to 10 entries. Beyond that, we need to pass in a var-args of Entry instances and use Map.ofEntries(Entry...)
Map.of()最多只能放进 10 个键值对,如果想放入更多的键值对,我们需要用到传入实体参数的方式来创建不可变集合:
Map<String, Integer> mapN = Map.ofEntries(Map.entry("one", 1),
Map.entry("two", 2),
Map.entry("three", 3),
Map.entry("four", 4),
Map.entry("five", 5));
It is, of course, not nearly as convenient as Kotlin/Swift/Scala/Groovy/etc. It's a very small addition to Java which you get when you go over to Java 9.
当然了,java 的不可变集合使用上还是不如 Kotlin/Switf/Scala/Groovy/等等那么简单,他只是一个 Java9 所有新功能中的一小部分。
Kind regards from Crete
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