The official nostalgia service of "World of Warcraft" is coming soon, where will the private service go?

本贴最后更新于 1973 天前,其中的信息可能已经渤澥桑田

"World of Warcraft" in the 1960s has always been recognized as the most classic game in Blizzard history. However, for more than ten years of operation, in the face of the strong demands of the "open 60s nostalgia" of the majority of players, Blizzard seems to have never been I listened to it and sneered at such a request. Therefore, the current Blizzard CEO J. Allen Brack also said that "we will not introduce nostalgic clothes."

But what is shocking is that at the Blizzcon Carnival in 2017, Blizzard officially announced that it will launch a "nostalgic suit" in the summer of 2019. As soon as the news came out, many World of Warcraft players cried, returning to the original Azeroth continent in the 1960s, and regaining the innocence of the first contact with World of Warcraft in 2006, so that the seemingly impossible dream finally came. Come, those old players who have been AFK for a long time, old comrades also hope to return to "World of Warcraft", play a copy together!

Although Blizzard officially promised to launch a nostalgic suit, there is still an unavoidable display problem to solve, that is, the existence of private service. Just because Blizzard had been reluctant to launch a nostalgic service, private service began to rise slowly, and many players also experienced nostalgic clothes through private service. But just after Blizzard announced that it would launch an official nostalgic suit last year, Blizzard began a series of legal actions, suing and shutting down a large number of private services, the most famous of which is Nostalrius.

Although his legal rights have been guaranteed, Blizzard’s move has also aroused the players’ resentment. The two main private services that remain, Kronos and Elysium, are not only still active on the Internet, but are also likely to continue to operate after the official nostalgic service is launched. So it can be said that it is the tranquility before the storm, no one knows what will happen next.

A director of Elysium said: "There are still many players who are active in private service. They are not willing to go, but I believe that after the official nostalgic service is launched, things will become clear."

Why are these private services so popular, even if Blizzard officially announced the launch of nostalgic clothes, private service players still do not appreciate? The answer to any question asked by any private player is the same. That is, several pieces of information released by Blizzard are becoming less and less attractive, and Azeroth is no longer as risky as before. . For example, in World of Warcraft in 2018, players don’t have to go to the collection stone at the entrance of the copy to queue up for a copy in the system. This is fundamentally seen by many players who play nostalgic clothes. Changed the DNA of World of Warcraft, so they chose to start over.

As a community manager at Elysium said: "The current World of Warcraft has become boring, and the characters, games, and achievements that people create are no longer as unique as they used to be. Players gradually become similar in World of Warcraft, and their personality is gone, and as the individual's uniqueness disappears, the game will also go down."

According to the community manager, some people think that the official uniform has lost its charm compared to the private service, and the official uniform is responsible for the decline of World of Warcraft. But as long as you are familiar with how stubborn the private service community is, you know that this is not the case. As time goes by, the feelings between the private service players are getting deeper and deeper. They are becoming more and more stubborn as they are twisted into a rope, but they also worry that Blizzard will treat like Nostalrius. they.

These concerns are not worrying. Although Blizzard has not yet decided whether it is necessary to use the server fragmentation technology currently being used in World of Warcraft in nostalgic clothes - players will enter and exit a certain area with luck and destiny, but once they decide to do so, then The instability of the server that World of Warcraft has been vomiting and complaining about has been happening again. However, for the private service Elysium, the players there are still good-tempered, even if the server is unstable, but they usually choose to silence, because in their view, Blizzard has no open nostalgic clothes now. Elysium has done it, and it has made a lot of sense in itself.

In this regard, Elysium's community manager believes that "the reason why players on Elysium are so good-tempered is also related to the community in which they are in the game, because once players have been in a service for a long time, they will naturally know where they are. The server has the best players, which unions are the most powerful, and even the 'character' of each server is well known. But after Blizzard adopted the database paging technology, although it has achieved great integration, but different servers The boundaries of different communities have also been blurred and broken. So when Blizzard officially launched a nostalgic service, it is very likely that a vicious circle will be staged, that is, the only goal of the community or the union is to compete for the first title of the server. In order to win this title and join a certain union, once the player becomes the first server, the player will no longer have the motivation to log in."

In addition, Elysium's community manager believes that the current bad atmosphere in World of Warcraft and the skepticism of players will soon be transmitted after the official nostalgic service, but Elysium will not be like that because Elysium server The number of players on the game is relatively small, and the player community has been relatively stable for more than two years.

Although the views of the Elysium community manager are still open to question, the core ideas are still very meaningful and worthy of our consideration. The core point is that due to the relatively closed state, the Elysium server has formed a fixed game culture, and the formation of this atmosphere is inseparable from the benign interaction between players.

For the official nostalgic service launched next year, we can't help thinking about it. If the players of this "World of Warcraft" are now going to nostalgic clothes, they can adapt to the 60s after leaving the convenient system matching mechanism at this stage. Trouble" game mechanics? Today, 14 years later, it is really difficult for us to give a definite answer.

Elysium's director said: "Elysium is much smaller than Blizzard, but in Elysium, players feel that all Elysium employees are 'at your fingertips'. I am the person in charge, as well as 50,000 players on Elysium. A large part of the communication has been made, and if World of Warcraft on the Elysium server is to be updated and changed, these players not only have the right to express their opinions, but also have an important influence on our decision. They are Azera. The true master of the mainland."

Although Elysium has a good social foundation, Elysium's community managers and responsible people know that they are standing at a crossroads, because after the official nostalgic service is launched next year, Elysium's "private service" - for the time being - - Will face direct pressure from the official, and Elysium is likely to encounter the same fate as Nostalrius. However, the head of Elysium firmly believes that Elysium will have its own place in the future development, and the development of official nostalgia will not be smooth.

The director of Elysium said: "After the official nostalgic service is launched, there will be some people who will experience it. I personally hope that everyone can go and play it for themselves, but I don’t think players who play official nostalgia will give up what they used to Elysium knows friends and achievements."

So in general, after the launch of the official nostalgia service of World of Warcraft, there are no more than two endings. First, it has suddenly become a hot spot in the industry, just like the uproar caused by Jagex’s re-launch of its own game, Old School Runescape. It forced the company to invest more resources in this nostalgic work to meet the needs of the old players.

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