"A pile of garbage" in the "Environmental Blockade" burned 1.4 million funds. The future development cost of 3A masterpieces is at least 1.3 billion.

本贴最后更新于 2210 天前,其中的信息可能已经沧海桑田

3A masterpiece, for this word, I believe that players who are sitting will not feel strange, in the minds of players, 3A masterpiece represents the high quality of the game, but also represents high development budget, high publicity investment. So how high is this high budget and high investment? Recently, at the Blender Conference 2018, Andrew Price, the founder of BlenderGuru, used a picture of "The Whole Blockade" to reveal to us where the cost of 3A games is high.

This image used by Andrew Price is a representative picture in "The Whole Blockade". Similar scene players can be seen everywhere in the game. And Andrew Price pointed out that this part of the picture is burned out of Ubisoft's approximately $200,000. Andrew Price also marks the cost of the different parts. For example, the four-story building on the left side of the screen, from modeling to texture to final rendering, costs nearly $4,000. Some of the garbage on the street is more complicated because of the rendering process, and even adds up to burn tens of thousands of dollars.

At the same time, in the following speech, Andrew Price also said that through the display of statistical data from 1995 to 2018, the development cost of the game will increase by about ten times every 10 years, according to the current growth rate, in the near future. The development cost of the future 3A masterpiece will reach an average of 200 million US dollars (about 1.3 billion yuan).

Therefore, Andrew Price emphasizes that in the face of such high development costs in the future, current game development companies must find a way to reduce the development cost of the game by adopting a smarter production method, and the automatic generation and AI processing of the program is that he thinks The most likely option. Although the "Unmanned Deep Space" that used this technology has been criticized by players, when the technology matures, this method will greatly improve the workflow and reduce the development cost, making the game development more rapid.

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