
本贴最后更新于 1985 天前,其中的信息可能已经时移世易



extensions is an Array and each item has such format:

{firstName: 'xxx', lastName: 'xxx', ext: 'xxx', extType: 'xxx'}

lastName, ext can be empty, extType can only has "DigitalUser", "VirtualUser","FaxUser","Dept","AO".




Question 1: sort extensions by "firstName" + "lastName" + "ext" ASC


function sortExtensionsByName(extensions) {

    // reserved the type of sort

    let type = String(arguments[1]).toLowerCase() ===  'desc'  ?  'desc'  :  'asc';


    if (Array.isArray(extensions)) {

        extensions.sort(function(a, b) {

            let firstLength = Math.max(a.firstName.length, b.firstName.length),

                 lastLength = Math.max((a.lastName ||  '').length, (b.lastName ||  '').length),

                 extLength = Math.max((a.ext ||  '').length, (b.ext ||  '').length),




          aStr = a.firstName.padEnd(firstLength, ' ') + (a.lastName ||  '').padEnd(lastLength, ' ') + (a.ext ||  '').padEnd(extLength, ' '),

bStr = b.firstName.padEnd(firstLength, ' ') + (b.lastName ||  '').padEnd(lastLength, ' ') + (b.ext ||  '').padEnd(extLength, ' ');

return type ===  'asc'  ? aStr.localeCompare(bStr) : bStr.localeCompare(aStr);


    } else {

        console.log("error: The first parameter should be an Array, e.g., [{firstName: 'xxx', lastName: 'xxx', ext: 'xxx', extType: 'xxx'}]");





Question 2: sort extensions by extType follow these orders ASC

DigitalUser < VirtualUser < FaxUser < AO < Dept.


function sortExtensionsByExtType(extensions) {

    // reserved the type of sort

    let type = String(arguments[1]).toLowerCase() ===  'desc'  ?  'desc'  :  'asc',

         sortObj = {

             'Dept': 0,

             'AO': 1,

             'FaxUser': 2,

             'VirtualUser': 3,

             'DigitalUser': 4


    if (Array.isArray(extensions)) {

        extensions.sort(function(a, b) {

            let aNum = sortObj[a.extType],

                 bNum = sortObj[b.extType];

            return type ===  'asc'  ? aNum - bNum : bNum - aNum;


    } else {

        console.log("error: The first parameter should be an Array, e.g., [{firstName: 'xxx', lastName: 'xxx', ext: 'xxx', extType: 'xxx'}]");





saleItems is an Array has each item has such format:


  month: n, //[1-12],

  date: n, //[1-31],

  transationId: "xxx",

  salePrice: number





Question 3: write a function to calculate and return a list of total sales (sum) for each quarter, expected result like:


  {quarter: 1, totalPrices: xxx, transactionNums: n},





function sumByQuarter(saleItems) {

    let list = [

        {quarter: 1, totalPrices: 0, transactionNums: 0},

        {quarter: 2, totalPrices: 0, transactionNums: 0},

        {quarter: 3, totalPrices: 0, transactionNums: 0},

        {quarter: 4, totalPrices: 0, transactionNums: 0}


    if (Array.isArray(saleItems)) {

        saleItems.forEach(function(item) {

            let totalItem = {},

                 num = item.salePrice,

                 totalNum =  0,

                 baseNum1 =  0,

                 baseNum2 =  0,

                 baseNum =  0;


            if(item.month <  4) {

                totalItem = list[0];

            } else  if (item.month <  7) {

                totalItem = list[1];

            } else  if (item.month <  10) {

                totalItem = list[2];

            } else {

                totalItem = list[3];




            totalNum = totalItem.totalPrices;

            // precision handling

            try {

                 baseNum1 = num.toString().split(".")[1].length;

            } catch (e) {

                 baseNum1 =  0;


            try {

                baseNum2 = totalNum.toString().split(".")[1].length;

           } catch (e) {

                baseNum2 =  0;


            baseNum = Math.pow(10, Math.max(baseNum1, baseNum2));


            totalItem.totalPrices = (num * baseNum + totalNum * baseNum) / baseNum;


    } else {


            error: The first parameter should be an Array, e.g.,



                   month: n, //[1-12],

                   date: n, //[1-31],

                   transationId: "xxx",

                   salePrice: number





    return list;




Question 4: write a function to calculate and return a list of average sales for each quarter, expected result like:


{quarter: 1, averagePrices: xxx, transactionNums: n},





function averageByQuarter(saleItems) {

    // reused the 'sumByQuarter'

    let list = sumByQuarter(saleItems);


    list.forEach(function(item) {

        let num = item.totalPrices,

             totalNum = item.transactionNums,

             baseNum =  0;

        if(totalNum ===  0) {

            item.averagePrices =  0;

        } else {

            // precision handling

            try {

                baseNum = num.toString().split(".")[1].length;

            } catch (e) {

                baseNum =  0;


            item.averagePrices = (Number(num.toString().replace(".", "")) / totalNum) / Math.pow(10, baseNum);


        delete item.totalPrices;


    return list;




Question 5: please create a tool to generate Sequence

Expected to be used like:

var sequence1 = new Sequence();

sequence1.next() --> return 1;

sequence1.next() --> return 2;

in another module:

var sequence2 = new Sequence();

sequence2.next() --> 3;

sequence2.next() --> 4;



// ES5

var Sequence;


    var unique;

    Sequence =  function(){


            return unique


        unique =  this;

        this.index =  1;

        this.next =  function() {

           return  this.index++;





// ES6

class Sequence {

    next() {

        return Sequence.index++;



Sequence.index =  1;



Question 6:

AllKeys: 0-9;

usedKeys: an array to store all used keys like [2,3,4];

We want to get an array which contains all the unused keys,in this example it would be: [0,1,5,6,7,8,9]



function getUnUsedKeys(allKeys, usedKeys) {


    if (Array.isArray(allKeys) && Array.isArray(usedKeys)) {

        let newArr = allKeys.concat(usedKeys),

             unusedKeys = [];


        // sort the values, and then remove duplicate values in loop


       for(let i =  0; i < newArr.length; i++){

           if(newArr[i] !== newArr[i+1]) {


           } else {




        return unusedKeys;

    } else {

        console.log('error: The first parameter and the second parameter should be an Array');


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我们正在构建一个小众社区,大家在这里相互信任,以平等 • 自由 • 奔放的价值观进行分享交流。最终,希望大家能够找到与自己志同道合的伙伴,共同成长。

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  • huazhi

    sumByQuarter,这个我也觉得精度处理的不好,不是的数据精度是怎么样的,在业务实践中,都是和后端沟通一下,直接放大/缩小 1000 就好了

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  • visus


  • visus

    可以,这操作,拼多多,估计就是这 bug

  • visus

    👍 此处不留爷,自有留爷处,相信自己,除非别人给出信服理由,否者就这样干下去

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