30 岁前的人生建议

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The days are long but the decades are short(一天很长但是十年很短)

I turned 30 last week and a friend asked me if I'd figured out any life advice in the past decade worth passing on. I'm somewhat hesitant to publish this because I think these lists usually seem hollow, but here is a cleaned up version of my answer:

译文 上周我刚刚度过三十岁的生日,我的一个朋友问我,对于过去的十年的生活中是否想到一些有用的建议分享一下。我有些犹豫,因为我认为这些清单总是很空洞。下面是我自己的一个简洁版的答案:
  1. Never put your family, friends, or significant other low on your priority list. Prefer a handful of truly close friends to a hundred acquaintances. Don’t lose touch with old friends. Occasionally stay up until the sun rises talking to people. Have parties.
译文 永远不要把家庭,朋友和其他重要的事情放在优先级低的地方。不求朋友多,只求几个知己。经常和老朋友联系,偶尔熬夜至太阳升起,参加聚会。
  1. Life is not a dress rehearsal—this is probably it. Make it count. Time is extremely limited and goes by fast. Do what makes you happy and fulfilled—few people get remembered hundreds of years after they die anyway. Don’t do stuff that doesn’t make you happy (this happens most often when other people want you to do something). Don’t spend time trying to maintain relationships with people you don’t like, and cut negative people out of your life. Negativity is really bad. Don’t let yourself make excuses for not doing the things you want to do.
译文 生活不是场时装秀——可能就是这样。时间有限且流逝飞快。做些能让你快乐并保持满足感的事情吧——很少有人在死后几百年仍然永垂不朽。不要做不能让你开心起来的事情(这种情况经常发生在被别人要求做什么事儿)。不要浪费时间在不喜欢的朋友身上并且离那些充满负能量的人远一些,负能量真是非常的糟糕。不要给你想做但未做的事情找借口。
  1. How to succeed: pick the right thing to do (this is critical and usually ignored), focus, believe in yourself (especially when others tell you it’s not going to work), develop personal connections with people that will help you, learn to identify talented people, and work hard. It’s hard to identify what to work on because original thought is hard.
译文 关于如何成功:把握正确的方向(如此重要的事情经常被遗忘),专注,并且自信(尤其在别人告诉你这是无用功),发展好人脉会对你有很大帮助,向绝顶聪明的人学习,并且努力工作。由于原创很难,所以要分辨出努力的方向也很难。
  1. On work: it’s difficult to do a great job on work you don’t care about. And it’s hard to be totally happy/fulfilled in life if you don’t like what you do for your work. Work very hard—a surprising number of people will be offended that you choose to work hard—but not so hard that the rest of your life passes you by. Aim to be the best in the world at whatever you do professionally. Even if you miss, you’ll probably end up in a pretty good place. Figure out your own productivity system—don’t waste time being unorganized, working at suboptimal times, etc. Don’t be afraid to take some career risks, especially early on. Most people pick their career fairly randomly—really think hard about what you like, what fields are going to be successful, and try to talk to people in those fields.
译文 工作方面:做一个毫不上心的工作是很难做好的。如果你不喜欢你的工作,那么你也很难在生活中感受到绝对的愉快与满足。在保有剩余生活的前提下努力的工作(努力工作会让一部分人感到不舒服)。不论你的领域是什么,你的目标应该是做到全世界最顶尖。即使你没有达到这个目标,你也会达到一个不错的高度。找到你自己最有效率的生产体系,不要浪费时间在无组织的工作中。不要畏惧在你的职业生涯中做一些冒险,尤其是当你还年轻时。大多数人在选择他们职业生涯方向上非常的随意,你要认真努力地想一下你喜欢什么,哪些领域未来会成功,并且多多和身处这些领域的人进行交谈。
  1. On money: Whether or not money can buy happiness, it can buy freedom, and that’s a big deal. Also, lack of money is very stressful. In almost all ways, having enough money so that you don’t stress about paying rent does more to change your wellbeing than having enough money to buy your own jet. Making money is often more fun than spending it, though I personally have never regretted money I’ve spent on friends, new experiences, saving time, travel, and causes I believe in.
译文 关于金钱:不管钱能不能买到幸福,钱是可以买到自由的,这是非常有意义,缺钱会让你感到非常有压力。几乎在所有方面,拥有足够的钱以使你不必担心付房租,比拥有足够的钱购买自己的飞机所带来的改变更能改善你的生活。挣钱往往比花钱更有趣,虽然我个人从未懊悔把钱花在交友,体验新的经历,节省时间,旅行,和其他我信仰等方面。
  1. Talk to people more. Read more long content and less tweets. Watch less TV. Spend less time on the Internet.
译文 多跟别人交谈。多读一些长文章,少看点抖音等。少看点电视,少上点网。
  1. Don’t waste time. Most people waste most of their time, especially in business.
译文 不要浪费时间,大多数的人浪费了他们大多数的时间,尤其是在工作中。
  1. Don’t let yourself get pushed around. As Paul Graham once said to me, “People can become formidable, but it’s hard to predict who”. (There is a big difference between confident and arrogant. Aim for the former, obviously.)
译文 不要任人摆布。像PaulGraham有一次对我说:人能变得令人生畏,但很难预测谁。(自信和傲慢有巨大差别,去做前者。)
  1. Have clear goals for yourself every day, every year, and every decade.
译文 在每天,每年,每十年,都要有一个清晰的目标。
  1. However, as valuable as planning is, if a great opportunity comes along you should take it. Don’t be afraid to do something slightly reckless. One of the benefits of working hard is that good opportunities will come along, but it’s still up to you to jump on them when they do.
译文 然而,和计划有同等价值的是,如果有一个好的机会到来,你应该抓住它。不要害怕做有些鲁莽的事情。努力工作的一个好处是机会的出现,但是也取决于你要好好抓住。
  1. Go out of your way to be around smart, interesting, ambitious people. Work for them and hire them (in fact, one of the most satisfying parts of work is forging deep relationships with really good people). Try to spend time with people who are either among the best in the world at what they do or extremely promising but totally unknown. It really is true that you become an average of the people you spend the most time with.
  1. Minimize your own cognitive load from distracting things that don’t really matter. It’s hard to overstate how important this is, and how bad most people are at it. Get rid of distractions in your life. Develop very strong ways to avoid letting crap you don’t like doing pile up and take your mental cycles, especially in your work life.
译文 最小化那些分散你的注意力的,却无关紧要事情。关于这个的重要性和大多数人做的多糟糕上,多夸张都不过分。从那些会分心的事儿中摆脱出来。培养强有力的方法来避免不喜欢做的事儿堆积起来以至于浪费大脑精力,尤其在工作和生活中。
  1. Keep your personal burn rate low. This alone will give you a lot of opportunities in life.
译文 降低个人消耗速度,单这点就会给你的生命带来很多机遇。
  1. Summers are the best.
15. Don’t worry so much. Things in life are rarely as risky as they seem. Most people are too risk-averse, and so most advice is biased too much towards conservative paths.
译文 不要担心的太多。生活中的事情很少像看起来那样危险。大多数的人太安逸了,因此,大多数的有偏见的建议导致了保守的旧路。
  1. Ask for what you want.
  1. If you think you’re going to regret not doing something, you should probably do it. Regret is the worst, and most people regret far more things they didn’t do than things they did do. When in doubt, kiss the boy/girl.
译文 如果你认为没有做什么事情会让你后悔的话,那你很有可能应该做。后悔是极糟的,大多数人相比做了遗憾来说,没做的事情更遗憾。当你怀疑时,吻你的boy/girl
  1. Exercise. Eat well. Sleep. Get out into nature with some regularity.
  1. Go out of your way to help people. Few things in life are as satisfying. Be nice to strangers. Be nice even when it doesn’t matter.
译文 尽力去帮助别人。生活中不如意事十有八九。对陌生人好一些,即使他并不在意。
  1. Youth is a really great thing. Don’t waste it. In fact, in your 20s, I think it’s ok to take a “Give me financial discipline, but not just yet” attitude. All the money in the world will never get back time that passed you by.
译文 年轻真是一件美妙的事。不要浪费他。事实上,在你20岁时,“给我理财规则,但不是现在”这种观点还可以接受。世界上所有的金钱都换不回流逝的时间。
  1. Tell your parents you love them more often. Go home and visit as often as you can.
译文 常常告诉你的父母,你爱他们。尽可能的常回家看看。
  1. This too shall pass.
译文 一切都会过去。
  1. Learn voraciously.
译文 求知若渴。
  1. Do new things often. This seems to be really important. Not only does doing new things seem to slow down the perception of time, increase happiness, and keep life interesting, but it seems to prevent people from calcifying in the ways that they think. Aim to do something big, new, and risky every year in your personal and professional life.
译文 经常做一些新的事情。这似乎是很重要的。做新的事情不仅会让你感觉时间流逝变慢,增加幸福感,让你的生活有趣些,并且可以防止你的想法固化。以每年在你的个人生活和职业中做一些重要的,新的,并且有风险的事情为目标。
  1. Remember how intensely you loved your boyfriend/girlfriend when you were a teenager? Love him/her that intensely now. Remember how excited and happy you got about stuff as a kid? Get that excited and happy now.
译文 你还记得在你的青少年时对你的girl/boy爱的有多热烈吗?现在也这么爱她吧。你还记得童年时当你得到东西时有多么的激动和高兴吗?现在也这么激动和高兴吧。
  1. Don’t screw people and don’t burn bridges. Pick your battles carefully.
译文 不要和人鬼混也不要毁人道路。谨慎的与他人结怨。
  1. Forgive people.
译文 原谅别人。
  1. Don’t chase status. Status without substance doesn’t work for long and is unfulfilling.
译文 不要追逐地位,没有真才实学的地位不可能持久与充实。
  1. Most things are ok in moderation. Almost nothing is ok in extreme amounts.
译文 大多数的事情适度就好,物极必反。
  1. Existential angst is part of life. It is particularly noticeable around major life events or just after major career milestones. It seems to particularly affect smart, ambitious people. I think one of the reasons some people work so hard is so they don’t have to spend too much time thinking about this. Nothing is wrong with you for feeling this way; you are not alone.
译文 生存焦虑是生活的一部分。在重大的生活事件或者职业生涯的里程碑事件上尤为明显。这个看起来显著的影响了那些聪明、富有抱负的人。我认为有些人工作如此努力的原因之一是他们不必花太多时间思考这个问题(借口)。焦虑是没有问题的,在这件事上你并不孤单。
  1. Be grateful and keep problems in perspective. Don’t complain too much. Don’t hate other people’s success (but remember that some people will hate your success, and you have to learn to ignore it).
译文 常怀感激,接受问题。不要抱怨太多。不要妒忌别人的成功。(但是记住有人会嫉妒你的成功的,并且你要学会去忽略他)
32. Be a doer, not a talker.
  1. Given enough time, it is possible to adjust to almost anything, good or bad. Humans are remarkable at this.
  1. Think for a few seconds before you act. Think for a few minutes if you’re angry.
  1. Don’t judge other people too quickly. You never know their whole story and why they did or didn’t do something. Be empathetic.
  1. The days are long but the decades are short.
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