
本贴最后更新于 298 天前,其中的信息可能已经时过境迁

AI 时代,当然用 AI 的方法

  1. 首先我们在网上找到雅思词汇、考研词汇、高考词汇的裂变
  2. 从中随机的抽取 10 个单词
  3. 让 GPT 用这些单词创造一个故事
  4. 翻译成中文
  5. 加入 ANKI 等记忆类软件


你需要用上面这些单词写一则 100 词的英文故事,你需要对新单词进行加粗书写,然后加上汉语注释,类似这样:

This sentence (句子) is an example.


Tell me an interesting fact about basketball games in 200 words with the following words:


  1. inflate
  2. resultant
  3. enable
  4. specialise
  5. propel
  6. furthermore
  7. chamber
  8. situate
  9. predominance
  10. assembly


In a small town, there was a bicycle repair shop owned by Mr. Johnson, who specialized==(专攻)== in fixing vintage==(老式的)== bikes. His workshop was situated==(位于)==in a charming old building with a secret chamber==(房间)== hidden beneath it. The chamber was filled with assembly ==(组件)==parts, allowing Mr. Johnson to restore bikes to their former glory.
One day, a young inventor named Emma visited Mr. Johnson's shop. She had designed a unique bike with a mechanism to enable==(启用)==it to inflate ==(充气)== its tires automatically while riding. Emma was seeking Mr. Johnson's expertise==(专业知识)== to make her invention a reality.
Impressed by her creativity and vision, Mr. Johnson agreed to help Emma. Their collaboration led to the creation of a fantastic bike with a predominant ==(优势)==feature – the ability to propel==(推动)==itself effortlessly. Furthermore ==(此外)==, the bike could also transform into a **compact form**​==(紧凑结构)== for easy storage.
The town soon witnessed the assembly of enthusiastic cyclists, all eager to experience the innovation born in Mr. Johnson's workshop. Emma's invention, with Mr. Johnson's expertise, had brought a revolution in cycling.

Translation :





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    “梦想从学习开始,事业从实践起步” —— 习近平

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