紧急求助, 思源笔记 win11 升级 rc2 后出现闪退
2021/07/13 23:20:37 working.go:346: port [6806] is opened, try to check version of running kernel I 2021/07/13 23:20:37 working.go:356: version of the running kernel is the same as this boot [1.2.0-rc1], exit this boot I 2021/07/13 23:21:19 working.go:346: port [6806] is opened, try to check version of running kernel I 2021/07/13 23:21:19 working.go:356: version of the running kernel is the same as this boot [1.2.0-rc1], exit this boot I 2021/07/13 23:21:20 conf.go:264: exited kernel I 2021/07/13 23:21:59 working.go:96: ____ _ __ __ / ___| (_) \ \ / / _ _ __ _ _ __ \___ \ | | \ V / | | | | / _` | | '_ \ ___) | | | | | | |_| | | (_| | | | | | |____/ |_| |_| \__,_| \__,_| |_| |_| I 2021/07/13 23:21:59 working.go:97: kernel is booting: * ver [1.2.0-rc1] * runtime mode [prod] * workspace directory [B:\2021资料\SiYuan-New] * working directory [F:\siyuan\resources] * temp directory [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan] * system temp directory [C:\Windows\Temp\siyuan] * rsync directory [C:\Windows\Temp\siyuan\rsync] * read only [false] * container [std] * resident [true] * arch [amd64] I 2021/07/13 23:21:59 conf.go:226: local serve path [] I 2021/07/13 23:21:59 database.go:97: reinitialized database [C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\siyuan\siyuan.db] I 2021/07/13 23:21:59 serve.go:51: kernel HTTP server is booting [] I 2021/07/13 23:21:59 box.go:519: rebuilding database of box [Rust] I 2021/07/13 23:22:00 box.go:523: rebuilt database of box [Rust] I 2021/07/13 23:22:00 conf.go:264: exited kernel
我检查了,任务管理器没有 siyuan 这个后台进程。
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