02 年 Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in photonic crystal slabs

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf


Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - we calculate the dispersion diagrams, the modal patterns, and transmission and reflection spectra of these resonances


Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - introduce a general physical model that explains the essential features of complex spectral properties.

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - the quality factors of these resonances are strongly influenced by the symmetry of the modes and the strength of the index modulation.


guided mode

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - These structures support in-plane guided modes that are completely confined by the slab without any coupling to external radiations.

在波长尺度上控制光:Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - These guided modes allow control of light within the layer at the wavelength scale.

guided mode resonance

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - Similar to the guided mode, a guided resonance also has its electromagnetic power strongly confined within the slab. 电磁功率强烈限制在板中。

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - the resonance can couple to external radiation. Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - guided resonances can provide an efficient way to channel light from within the slab to the external environment.

GMR 的应用:激光、单向耦合器、滤波

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - This property has been exploited in designs of novel photonic-crystal-based light-emitting diodes,11,16lasers,17,18 and directional output couplers.19 In addition, the guided resonances can significantly affect the transmission and reflection of externally incident light, resulting in complex resonant line shapes that are useful in filter applications.9,20


计算了 GMR 的能带图、本征场分布

使用 FDTD(时域有限差分仿真)计算透射和反射谱,从而实时地可视化 GMR 与入射光的相互作用。

发现:Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - the presence of two temporal pathways in the transmission and reflection processes.

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - uses only interference and energy conservation arguments, to explain all the complex features in the spectral lineshapes.

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - angular and structural dependences of the guided resonances

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - wide ranges of tunability in quality factors for these resonances.

GMR 的能带结构

由于光子晶体板中 GMR 的光谱特征(透射谱、反射谱)将主要取决于它们的模态特性,因此在开始讨论时简要介绍一下这些共振的带状结构特性是很有帮助的。

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imageFan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p1 - The thickness of the slab is 0.5a, and the radius of the holes is 0.2a, where a is the lattice constant. The dielectric constant of slab is 12, which roughly corresponds to the dielectric constant of Si or GaAs at optical wavelengths.

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image图 2.均匀介质板中偶和奇模式的带状结构。板厚度为 0.5a,介电常数为 12。假定晶格为方形晶格,晶格常数为 a。 这里的线条是导频模式。实线代表双退化态,虚线代表单退化态。. The gray regions are the continuum of radiation modes.


为了了解光子晶体板中不同类型模式的起源,让我们首先简要回顾一下均匀介质板的带图。为此,我们考虑厚度为 0.5a、介电常数为 12 的均匀板。图 2 中绘制了这种结构的带图。在此,我们使用简化区方案展示带图,假设晶格为方形,晶格常数为 a。The lines here correspond to the guided modes that are confined within the slab, while the gray region corresponds to the continuum of radiation modes. Radiation modes lie above the light line, which is defined as the boundary of the gray region.

对 GM 分类为奇和偶模:是根据:见光子晶体书 108 页,偶模就是类 TE 模,奇模就是类 TM 模

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p2 - . We separate the guided modes into even or odd modes, characterized with respect to the mirror plane parallel to the slab.

.由于使用了缩减区方案(即只考虑第一 BZ),一些导模存在于光线之上。然而,由于结构的潜在的连续平移对称性,这些模式不会与辐射模式耦合。 此外,我们还注意到在许多 k 点存在双重退化带,在 Gamma 点出现了四重退化


这个可以类似从 Rashba 效应那篇论文能带折叠来理解,本来光锥外的模式,由于能带折叠,相差一个倒格矢,就折叠到光锥之上了


偶模和奇模的含义:光子晶体书 100 页图 4 就可以理解,还有 102 页!



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与均匀介质板的能带图相比,光子晶体板结构的能带图显示出重要的异同点。对于图 1 所示的模型系统,偶模和奇模的带图分别绘制在图 3a 和图 3b 中。光线以下的模式仍然是真正的导波模式,具有无限的寿命,尽管气孔引入了较大的折射率对比度。


另一方面,光线上方的导波模式现在可以与辐射模式耦合,并拥有有限的寿命。 因此,这些模式成为导模共振。它们之所以被称为 "导模",是因为它们与均匀板中的导模能带密切相关,因此应在介质板中保留了重要的电磁功率部分。


晶体中气孔的存在也降低了晶体结构的平移对称性,使其从连续对称性变为离散对称性,从而降低了晶带的简并。除了特殊的 G、X 和 M 点之外,在大多数 k 个点上,带现在都是单简并的。 在 Gamma 点,点群支持二维不可约表示,允许存在双简并态。因此,均匀板在 Gamma 点的四重简并在气孔存在的情况下会分裂,如图 4 所示,我们在图 4 中绘制了 Gamma 点共振频率与气孔半径的函数关系。随着空穴半径的增大,模式会分离成一对双简并态和两个单简并态。

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Gamma 处第一个导模共振带的功率密度分布:图 5b 也显示了该模式的共振特性,即功率密度被强烈限制在板内。

对于 r=0.20a 的晶体结构,我们在图 5 中显示了 Gamma 处第一个导模共振带的功率密度分布。该模式为单简并模式,频率为 \omega=$0.353x2 \pi$c/a。由于任何单简并模式都应属于一维不可约表示,因此该模式的功率密度分布应具有晶格的完全对称性。从图 5a 可以看出这一点,图 5a 显示了功率密度在平行于板的切片上的空间分布。此外,图 5b 也显示了该模式的共振特性,即功率密度被强烈限制在板内。

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因此,通过带状结构计算,我们可以研究导模共振的色散、场分布和对称特性。为了全面了解这些共振,我们还必须研究它们的寿命及其与外部辐射的相互作用。 这些问题将在下一环节中通过有限差分时域模拟来解决。

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - III. TIME-DOMAIN ANALYSIS OF THE GUIDED RESONANCES


透射和反射谱的 FDTD 计算方法:

imageFan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - The computational domain encloses a single unit cell of the crystal

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - A plane of dipole sources generates the incident plane waves. Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - transmitted and reflected amplitudes are determined by recording the fields at the monitor points positioned at both sides of the structure.

布洛赫周期边界条件(floquet 周期边界条件)

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源平面产生了一个具有平行波矢量分量 k 的入射平面波

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - For two dipoles in the plane that are separated by a distance vector r, we set the relative phase between them to be e i(k"r) . 因此,结合公式 ~1 中规定的边界条件,源平面产生了一个具有平行波矢量分量 k 的入射平面波(从平面波公式的表达式知确实)。此外,偶极矩的振幅被设置为Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - oscillate at a constant frequency with a Gaussian profile to create a temporal pulse。具有恒定频率。

注意这个论文中说的 Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - a parallel wave vector component k. \mathbf{k}指的是平行波矢!


Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p3 - This computational setup thus allows us to calculate the response functions of the structure at a given k for a wide range of frequencies in a single simulation run. ~Notice that this is not a constant incidence angle calculation. At a fixed parallel wave vector k, the incidence angle changes with frequency.!



首先对各自监测点记录的场幅时间序列进行傅里叶变换,即可获得透射和反射光谱。(我们注意到,仅在两个监测点监测场幅,对于没有衍射发生的频率范围image 是有效的。【衍射就是绕射】 )然后根据入射脉冲对光谱进行归一化处理,入射脉冲是在真空中进行的相同模拟计算,没有光子晶体板状结构。对于反射,归一化步骤之前要减去入射脉冲。

对时间域的波列进行傅里叶变换,得到的就是频率,而不是波矢。见物理光学书 67 页。

B. Transmission and reflection spectra


image​,s 极化指的是电场垂直于纸面向外Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - ~An s-polarized wave has its electric field perpendicular to the plane of incidence. In this case, the electric field is polarized along the y direction.!

image对应图 4


Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - , we fit the background to the spectra of auniform slab, which are shown as dashed lines in Fig. 7.


\varepsilon_1Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - ́1 is a slowly varying function of the frequency.

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - At low frequencies, the wavelength of incident light is large, and ́1 for this polarization approaches the average dielectric constant ́\varepsilon_{avg}

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - At higher frequencies, \varepsilon_1Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - ́1 starts to deviate from ́avg . Within the frequency range in Fig. 7, Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - we have found that a frequency-dependent dielectric constantimage


Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - C. Line shape analysis

尖锐的共振特征来源于光子晶体板的 GMR
Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - In most cases, the line shapes for these resonances are asymmetric and rather complicated. 太复杂了!

为什么说这些尖锐的共振特征是反对称的?可能是因为图 7 中,有的透射率是 1,有的是 0

时间序列包括两个不同的阶段:初始脉冲和长衰减尾迹。 直接透射. 间接透射,入射能量的剩余部分激发了导模共振。然后,共振中的功率从结构中缓慢衰减出来,产生长衰减尾

通过傅立叶变换,透射和反射光谱与时变场相关联。因此,研究电场的时间相关性是非常有用的。例如,我们在图 8~a 中显示了透射监测点的电场振幅与时间步长的函数关系,该计算得出了图 7 所示的光谱。时间序列包括两个不同的阶段:初始脉冲和长衰减尾迹。

这两个阶段的存在表明在透射过程中存在两种途径。第一种途径是直接透射过程,入射能量的一部分直接穿过板并产生初始脉冲。初始脉冲的傅里叶变换应能解释透射光谱中的背景第二种途径是间接透射过程入射能量的剩余部分激发了导模共振。然后,共振中的功率从结构中缓慢衰减出来,产生长衰减尾通过对衰减尾迹进行傅立叶变换,我们可以得到典型的对称洛伦兹线形状,如图 8b 所示。

透射监测点的电场振幅与时间步长的函数关系(注意从图 6 知,透射监视点在光子晶体板下方一段距离)

image​请注意存在两个独立的阶段:初始脉冲和长的衰减尾流。b)时间步长为 20 000-100 000 的振幅的傅里叶变换。光谱强度呈现洛伦兹线型。

图 b 对应的就是在 Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - parallel wave vector along the x direction k x=0.232p/a 和 s 极化的光的入射情况下,导模共振的频率。

MATLAB 数据处理(二)非线性拟合——洛伦兹拟合(Lorentz fit)-CSDN 博客

通过对 Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - resonant line shape 的分析,我们可以确定谐振的品质因数 Q。

品质因数 Q 的定义是image ,其中 \omega 是中心频率,d\omega 是谐振线宽。

因此,整个透射谱图 7,就是取决于直接和间接路径的干涉。【其实就是说有两种路径】

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p5 - The transmission property, therefore, is determined by the interference between the direct and the indirect pathways. The same observation can be made for the reflected amplitude as well. In solid-state and atomic physics, similar interference phenomena are commonly referred to as the Fano resonances.32

后面这部分作者介绍了一个有点唯象的数学模型 【毕竟这种现象太复杂了】


D. Wave vector dependence of the resonances

注意之前探索的情况是:Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - The incident wave is s polarized and has a Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p4 - parallel wave vector along the x direction k x=0.232p/a

s 极化和 p 极化

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p6 - The s polarization has the electric field perpendicular to the plane of incidence, while the p polarization has the magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of incidence.

入射面指的是:波矢 与 光子晶体板法线 构成的平面

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p6 - Incident waves with different polarizations excite different resonances, since the two polarizations possess different symmetries with respect to the yz-mirror plane

导模共振的频率与 kx 之间的关系:图 10

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p6 - We determine the position and width of the resonances by Fourier transforming the decaying tail, as discussed earlier in Sec. III C. The results are summarized in Fig. 10, where we show the frequencies of the resonances as a function of k x

首次提出 Gamma 点存在无耦合态(BIC):Gamma 点的某些共振与入射波的任一偏振都不耦合,所有这些未耦合的共振都是单简并的

我们注意到,在图 10 中,有些波段并没有延续到 Gamma 点。换句话说,Gamma 点的某些共振与入射波的任一偏振都不耦合。仔细观察图 10 可以发现,所有这些未耦合的共振都是单简并的。此前,Pacradoni 等人 14 在实验中观察到了这种效应,Paddon 和 Young13 以及 Ochiai 和 Sakoda25 也对其进行了理论探讨。

当 kx=0,也就是说,对时域仿真得到的长衰减尾迹进行傅里叶变换,得到的频谱图,什么也没有。

这就是 BIC!


注意image,在 Gamma 点有模式,说明这条实线是双简并的,也说明这条虚线也是双简并的。

Q 因子与 kx 之间的关系:接近 Gamma 点时,单简并模式的 Q 因子发散 (说明 BIC)

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p6 - The Q factors Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p7 - approach a constant as k x vanishes for the modes that connect to the doubly degenerate states at G.

Fan-2002-Analysis of guided resonances in phot.pdf - p7 - For the modes that connect to the singly degenerate states, on the other hand, the Q factors of the modes diverge.



E. Radius dependence of the resonance

孔半径越小,Q 因子越高

除了与对称性相关的影响之外,共振的寿命还受到孔半径的强烈影响。在孔半径趋近于零的极限,所有共振的 Q 因子都会发散,因为共振渐近地成为真正的导模


为了证明这种效应,我们在图 12 中绘制了半径从 0.05a 到 0.20a 的四种不同结构在正常入射时的透射光谱。随着半径变小,共振的光谱特征确实变得更加尖锐。 对于最低阶的共振,Q 值从半径为 0.05a 时的约 5000 到半径为 0.20a 时的 213 不等。在更大的半径下,Q 因子应该更低。


品质因数随孔半径的可调性对于发光二极管和激光应用非常重要。对于光子晶体谐振腔 LED 结构而言,当共振的线宽与发射器的线宽相当时,就能达到最佳效率 35。因此,正如我们在本文中所展示的,光子晶体板结构用途非常广泛,可针对不同的发光应用进行专门定制。


总之,我们对光子晶体板结构中的共振进行了三维频域和时域分析。这些共振与介质板紧密结合,同时又与辐射模式耦合。对于入射到这些板上的外部光,透射和反射光谱会因这些共振的存在而发生强烈变化。线形 line shapes 表现出复杂的不对称特征。我们的研究表明,线形的所有复杂性都可以用一个简单的分析模型来解释,该模型描述了直接透射(或反射)与共振的指数衰减振幅之间的干涉。我们还证明,这些共振的品质因数深受模式对称性和孔半径的影响。



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