
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Consumer AgentService-7c0dd6d0-e6ce-4654-950d-28e138718a79: secret_fact_agent has been registered.
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Consumer HumanService-58e1cd89-252a-43b5-8ac4-84084c076103: default_human_service has been registered.
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Consumer 55ebeb23-61e4-411e-b5e8-35fe37b20b58: human has been registered.
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Consumer ControlPlaneServer-729832d3-ae55-4cc1-8a49-96df9799f1b8: control_plane has been registered.
INFO:llama_agents.services.agent - secret_fact_agent launch_local
INFO:llama_agents.services.human - default_human_service launch_local
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Publishing message to 'control_plane' with action 'ActionTypes.NEW_TASK'
DEBUG:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Message: {'id_': '37f53f85-4dae-4b0d-af07-b82d0d11aa17', 'publisher_id': 'LocalLauncher-6b160236-ba03-494b-8803-45b95f220cd8', 'data': {'input': 'What is 5 + 5?', 'task_id': 'e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d', 'state': {}, 'agent_id': None}, 'action': <ActionTypes.NEW_TASK: 'new_task'>, 'stats': {'publish_time': None, 'process_start_time': None, 'process_end_time': None}, 'type': 'control_plane'}
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Launching message queue locally
DEBUG:llama_agents.orchestrators.agent - Agent input: What is 5 + 5?
DEBUG:llama_agents.orchestrators.agent - Agent response sources: [ToolOutput(content='5 + 5', tool_name='default_human_service', raw_input={'input': '5 + 5'}, raw_output='5 + 5', is_error=False)]
DEBUG:llama_agents.control_plane.server - Sending task e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d to services: [QueueMessage(id_='f7810df7-438f-45bc-8ffc-beadbc168a88', publisher_id='default', data={'input': '5 + 5', 'task_id': 'e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d', 'state': {}, 'agent_id': None}, action=<ActionTypes.NEW_TASK: 'new_task'>, stats=QueueMessageStats(publish_time=None, process_start_time=None, process_end_time=None), type='default_human_service')]
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Publishing message to 'default_human_service' with action 'ActionTypes.NEW_TASK'
DEBUG:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Message: {'id_': 'f7810df7-438f-45bc-8ffc-beadbc168a88', 'publisher_id': 'ControlPlaneServer-729832d3-ae55-4cc1-8a49-96df9799f1b8', 'data': {'input': '5 + 5', 'task_id': 'e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d', 'state': {}, 'agent_id': None}, 'action': <ActionTypes.NEW_TASK: 'new_task'>, 'stats': {'publish_time': None, 'process_start_time': None, 'process_end_time': None}, 'type': 'default_human_service'}
DEBUG:llama_agents.control_plane.server - Task e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d created
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Successfully published message 'control_plane' to consumer.
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Successfully published message 'default_human_service' to consumer.
INFO:llama_agents.services.human - Processing request for human help for task: e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d
Your assistance is needed. Please respond to the request provided below:

5 + 5

INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Publishing message to 'control_plane' with action 'ActionTypes.COMPLETED_TASK'
DEBUG:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Message: {'id_': '794d7cc0-7cc7-408c-962f-a13b2acc56bf', 'publisher_id': 'HumanService-58e1cd89-252a-43b5-8ac4-84084c076103', 'data': {'task_id': 'e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d', 'history': [{'role': <MessageRole.ASSISTANT: 'assistant'>, 'content': 'Your assistance is needed. Please respond to the request provided below:\n===\n\n5 + 5\n\n===\n', 'additional_kwargs': {}}, {'role': <MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, 'content': '10', 'additional_kwargs': {}}], 'result': '10', 'data': {}}, 'action': <ActionTypes.COMPLETED_TASK: 'completed_task'>, 'stats': {'publish_time': None, 'process_start_time': None, 'process_end_time': None}, 'type': 'control_plane'}
DEBUG:llama_agents.orchestrators.agent - Agent input: [ChatMessage(role=<MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, content='What is 5 + 5?', additional_kwargs={}), ChatMessage(role=<MessageRole.ASSISTANT: 'assistant'>, content='The answer is 10.', additional_kwargs={}), ChatMessage(role=<MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, content="Pick the next action to take. Invoke the 'finalize' tool with your full final answer if the answer to the original input is in the chat history. As a reminder, the original input was: What is 5 + 5?", additional_kwargs={})]
DEBUG:llama_agents.orchestrators.agent - Agent response sources: [ToolOutput(content='The answer is 10.', tool_name='finalize', raw_input={'input': 'The answer is 10.'}, raw_output='The answer is 10.', is_error=False)]
DEBUG:llama_agents.control_plane.server - Sending task e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d to services: [QueueMessage(id_='57497d26-27e2-4b1e-99f4-7b52dba7772e', publisher_id='default', data={'task_id': 'e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d', 'history': [{'role': <MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, 'content': 'What is 5 + 5?', 'additional_kwargs': {}}, {'role': <MessageRole.ASSISTANT: 'assistant'>, 'content': 'The answer is 10.', 'additional_kwargs': {}}, {'role': <MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, 'content': "Pick the next action to take. Invoke the 'finalize' tool with your full final answer if the answer to the original input is in the chat history. As a reminder, the original input was: What is 5 + 5?", 'additional_kwargs': {}}], 'result': 'The answer is 10.', 'data': {}}, action=<ActionTypes.COMPLETED_TASK: 'completed_task'>, stats=QueueMessageStats(publish_time=None, process_start_time=None, process_end_time=None), type='human')]
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Publishing message to 'human' with action 'ActionTypes.COMPLETED_TASK'
DEBUG:llama_agents.message_queues.base - Message: {'id_': '57497d26-27e2-4b1e-99f4-7b52dba7772e', 'publisher_id': 'ControlPlaneServer-729832d3-ae55-4cc1-8a49-96df9799f1b8', 'data': {'task_id': 'e8285c58-5c21-4954-b5e9-f72e4f93180d', 'history': [{'role': <MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, 'content': 'What is 5 + 5?', 'additional_kwargs': {}}, {'role': <MessageRole.ASSISTANT: 'assistant'>, 'content': 'The answer is 10.', 'additional_kwargs': {}}, {'role': <MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, 'content': "Pick the next action to take. Invoke the 'finalize' tool with your full final answer if the answer to the original input is in the chat history. As a reminder, the original input was: What is 5 + 5?", 'additional_kwargs': {}}], 'result': 'The answer is 10.', 'data': {}}, 'action': <ActionTypes.COMPLETED_TASK: 'completed_task'>, 'stats': {'publish_time': None, 'process_start_time': None, 'process_end_time': None}, 'type': 'human'}
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Successfully published message 'control_plane' to consumer.
INFO:llama_agents.message_queues.simple - Successfully published message 'human' to consumer.





  • 人工智能

    人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门技术科学。

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