v3.1.17 锁定云端同步目录失败,糟心的多端同步总出问题

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S3 存储是自己利用家里 nas 搭建的 minio。


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supersure 在 2024-12-31 00:14:32 更新了该帖



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  • supersure

    E 2024/12/30 22:44:16 sync.go:1560: download cloud latest failed: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FB96DC4E43CE, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 22:44:16 repository.go:1328: download cloud latest failed: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FB96DC4E43CE, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 repo.go:661: walk data [files=416] cost [37.087ms]
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=416, size=74 kB], cost [504.5µs]
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 repository.go:1314: boot index repo elapsed [9.52s]
    E 2024/12/30 22:44:16 repository.go:1359: sync data repo failed: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FB96DC4E43CE, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 22:44:16 sync.go:605: sync failed caused by network: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FB96DC4E43CE, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 conf.go:852: database size [1.24 MB], tree/block count [15/255]
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 working.go:193: kernel booted
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 box.go:77: auto stat [trees=15, blocks=255, dataSize=48.15 MB, assetsSize=4.27 MB]
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 disk.go:33: disk usage [total=294.98 GB, used=172.2 GB, free=122.78 GB]
    I 2024/12/30 22:44:16 font.go:58: loaded system fonts [213] in [319ms]
    I 2024/12/30 22:49:21 sync.go:146: sync before boot
    E 2024/12/30 22:49:24 sync.go:1560: download cloud latest failed: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FBDE69133432, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 22:49:24 repository.go:1328: download cloud latest failed: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FBDE69133432, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate

  • S3 存储是自己利用家里 nas 搭建的 minio。



    1 回复
  • supersure

    I 2024/12/30 22:49:24 repo.go:661: walk data [files=416] cost [9.5749ms]
    I 2024/12/30 22:49:24 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=416, size=74 kB], cost [593.8µs]
    I 2024/12/30 22:49:24 repository.go:1314: boot index repo elapsed [2.17s]
    E 2024/12/30 22:49:24 repository.go:1359: sync data repo failed: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FBDE69133432, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 22:49:24 sync.go:605: sync failed caused by network: operation error S3: GetObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FBDE69133432, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownRead: Resource requested is unreadable, please reduce your request rate
    I 2024/12/30 22:57:53 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 22:57:53 repo.go:661: walk data [files=416] cost [9.7501ms]
    I 2024/12/30 22:57:53 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=416, size=74 kB], cost [589.3µs]
    E 2024/12/30 22:58:54 sync_lock.go:161: upload lock sync failed: operation error S3: PutObject, https response error StatusCode: 0, RequestID: , HostID: , canceled, context deadline exceeded
    E 2024/12/30 22:58:54 repository.go:1458: sync data repo failed: lock cloud repo failed
    I 2024/12/30 22:59:08 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 22:59:08 repo.go:661: walk data [files=416] cost [10.2783ms]
    I 2024/12/30 22:59:08 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=416, size=74 kB], cost [541.5µs]
    E 2024/12/30 22:59:13 sync_lock.go:106: unmarshal lock sync failed: unexpected end of JSON input
    E 2024/12/30 22:59:17 sync_lock.go:109: remove unmarshalled lock sync failed: operation error S3: DeleteObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FC68AD3178F1, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownWrite: Resource requested is unwritable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 22:59:17 repository.go:1458: sync data repo failed: cloud service unavailable
    I 2024/12/30 23:00:57 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 23:00:57 repo.go:661: walk data [files=416] cost [10.8928ms]
    I 2024/12/30 23:00:57 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=416, size=74 kB], cost [533.1µs]
    E 2024/12/30 23:01:10 sync_lock.go:106: unmarshal lock sync failed: unexpected end of JSON input
    E 2024/12/30 23:01:14 sync_lock.go:109: remove unmarshalled lock sync failed: operation error S3: DeleteObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FC83F553D1D3, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownWrite: Resource requested is unwritable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 23:01:14 repository.go:1458: sync data repo failed: cloud service unavailable
    I 2024/12/30 23:01:18 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 23:01:18 repo.go:661: walk data [files=416] cost [10.2331ms]
    I 2024/12/30 23:01:18 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=416, size=74 kB], cost [595.2µs]
    E 2024/12/30 23:01:21 sync_lock.go:106: unmarshal lock sync failed: unexpected end of JSON input
    E 2024/12/30 23:01:25 sync_lock.go:109: remove unmarshalled lock sync failed: operation error S3: DeleteObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503,

  • supersure

    我怀疑就是多端同步有 bug,之前我电脑自己每天写了,然后每天同步都没问题。每次白天用一用手机就坏事。今天下午是打开了手机思源但是网特别差,感觉像没同步完。晚上回家开电脑就完蛋了

    1 回复
  • supersure

    I 2024/12/30 23:13:56 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 23:13:56 repo.go:661: walk data [files=417] cost [9.5624ms]
    I 2024/12/30 23:13:56 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=416, size=74 kB], cost [573.6µs]
    I 2024/12/30 23:13:57 ref.go:93: updated local latest to [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19/windows, id=05ec6bbc9a50e3a3e03bb0df8a74b11de7efcc0a, files=417, size=47.96 MB, created=2024-12-30 23:13:56], full latest [size=75 kB], cost [155.4975ms]
    E 2024/12/30 23:14:12 sync_lock.go:106: unmarshal lock sync failed: unexpected end of JSON input
    E 2024/12/30 23:14:15 sync_lock.go:109: remove unmarshalled lock sync failed: operation error S3: DeleteObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FD39CACDC6C7, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownWrite: Resource requested is unwritable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 23:14:15 repository.go:1458: sync data repo failed: cloud service unavailable
    I 2024/12/30 23:19:13 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 23:19:13 repo.go:661: walk data [files=418] cost [9.3366ms]
    I 2024/12/30 23:19:13 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=417, size=75 kB], cost [519.8µs]
    I 2024/12/30 23:19:13 ref.go:93: updated local latest to [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19/windows, id=5735a64b4a76276beedaef16614dad42cf6b4f3b, files=418, size=47.96 MB, created=2024-12-30 23:19:13], full latest [size=75 kB], cost [4.1552ms]
    E 2024/12/30 23:19:16 sync_lock.go:106: unmarshal lock sync failed: unexpected end of JSON input
    E 2024/12/30 23:19:18 sync_lock.go:109: remove unmarshalled lock sync failed: operation error S3: DeleteObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FD8030C2C890, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownWrite: Resource requested is unwritable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 23:19:18 repository.go:1458: sync data repo failed: cloud service unavailable
    I 2024/12/30 23:20:09 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 23:20:09 repo.go:661: walk data [files=418] cost [10.4258ms]
    I 2024/12/30 23:20:09 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=418, size=75 kB], cost [601.3µs]
    E 2024/12/30 23:20:42 sync_lock.go:161: upload lock sync failed: operation error S3: PutObject, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: 1815FD8C2F294F2C, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error IncompleteBody: You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header.
    E 2024/12/30 23:20:42 repository.go:1458: sync data repo failed: lock cloud repo failed

  • supersure

    I 2024/12/30 23:25:17 repository.go:1430: syncing data repo [device=d866095e-ff97-4614-a728-43e5e8271c19, kernel=o771g64, provider=2, mode=a/true]
    I 2024/12/30 23:25:17 repo.go:661: walk data [files=418] cost [16.4198ms]
    I 2024/12/30 23:25:17 ref.go:130: got local full latest [files=418, size=75 kB], cost [533.9µs]
    E 2024/12/30 23:25:19 sync_lock.go:106: unmarshal lock sync failed: unexpected end of JSON input
    E 2024/12/30 23:25:21 sync_lock.go:109: remove unmarshalled lock sync failed: operation error S3: DeleteObject, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 503, RequestID: 1815FDD4B6C6F6A6, HostID: 75b49c41614a89e75771a18f985c1c846c74839c56bcc199c47749ded91ebd09, api error SlowDownWrite: Resource requested is unwritable, please reduce your request rate
    E 2024/12/30 23:25:21 repository.go:1458: sync data repo failed: cloud service unavailable
    I 2024/12/30 23:50:42 index.go:220: rebuilt database for notebook [20210808180117-czj9bvb] in [0.05s], tree [count=70, size=1.46 MB]
    I 2024/12/30 23:50:42 index.go:290: resolved refs [37] in [66ms]

  • 同步功能已经没有什么明显的 BUG 了,自建的 S3 出问题要么是配置哪里不对,要么是网络哪里不对,这种东西就是莫名其妙的。

  • 88250
    api error SlowDownWrite: Resource requested is unwritable, please reduce your request rate

    这个不是思源的问题,是 MinIO 吞吐不够抛出的异常,看一下是不是还有其他存取任务在执行?


  • ljm via Android


    1 回复
  • 阿里云可能是配置问题,参考 更新到 v3.1.17 后 S3 同步错误

  • 好像也有可能是 minio 存满了

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